Human perception creates reality.


Registered User #666
I always daydreamed that the nature the human mind influenced reality itself. We perceive the world around us, I think we can all agree that we don't perceive reality 100% perfectly. So if we were to take away the flaws of human perception what might the universe be like? Would it be any different? Would it exist?
I think there is "a" reality, we just cannot see it perfectly. A lot of people's perceptions are interconnected, either positively or negatively. Like at a point of reference, your angle can be any degree off, but there is only one point at which you can be at 0 degrees.
I think there is "a" reality, we just cannot see it perfectly. A lot of people's perceptions are interconnected, either positively or negatively. Like at a point of reference, your angle can be any degree off, but there is only one point at which you can be at 0 degrees.

So you believe in an absolute truth?
I don't think our minds are taylored to "see" everything. If we could perceive on a quantum level, it would be unlike anything our minds had ever attemped to grasp. Our senses are still very primative, not really that different from most of the lesser creatures of our planet. They are easily influenced and confused.

Here is a good example. I never drank coffee until I was 36 years old--ever. When I started, I went in full force. I started drinking dark, black, strong coffee from Starbucks. The first 5 or 6 times I did this it had a very interesting effect on me. As I drank it I gave me "colors" in my mind. I could see them if my eyes where open or closed. This was my mind (my senses) trying to absorb something outside it's experience. This eventually went away.

I had the same type of experience as a teen the first time I got really, really high. I had a kind of hallucination, but only one time. Never again. I guess this also says that we adapt too, so anything may be possible.
I believe reality, if it were to exist, would be independent of any human psychological/neurological flaws. It would just be.

If there is a white-shelled egg sitting on a table, and you are looking at it through pink sunglasses, the egg is still white.

I also think it is impossible to deduce to the point of "reality" as our brain has done a mighty fine job conjuring up things to skew and overshadow reality.
I do not know what these flaws are.

If it takes the sum of imperfect experiences for to reach perfection then even during the imperfect times we live in perfection.

The past, present and future are not parts of lineage on a family tree. They exist with each other as brother and sister and make up the family of existence.
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This is why perception is reality.

Your perception is my reality. Your perception traps me in an intersubjectively constructed reality. i'm a prison of your thoughts, a slave to your thinking. I cannot resist. i must follow your script which is why i escape to alternate realities to validate my right to agency/control subjectivity. So, yeah, human perception is reality.
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I have often imagined these exact things as well. We see the world as we do, but how do we know that this is exactly how it is. When I was a child and first learned about optical illusions, I got rather frustrated. I wanted to "transcend them" and be able to see beyond them. Since then, I have gotten really good at looking past them. I will see the illusion itself, however I am able to cognitively tell myself what I should be seeing, and as such I can "look past" the illusion in a way. It is kind of hard to wrap your brain around how the world would look if we humans didn't perceive illusions, but to actually see the world totally as it is. I love contemplating stuff like this!
To paraphrase...

"Your perception determines your reality."


"You can twist perception, but reality won't budge."

We can only understand reality through our own perceptions, and our reasoning will influence our perceptions greatly. However, the nature of reality is constant. It is what it is, whatever it is, whether or not we perceive it accurately. Of course, it doesn't matter, because reality to the individual is always filtered through our perceptions. Each person's take on reality is therefore unique.

Whether or not an individual's take on reality manifests into reality is another subject entirely. It is certainly proven that if we have the will to make our will manifest, we certainly can through physical effort. The extent to which one can affect reality through faith, belief, or simple assumption of reality would be difficult to measure.
Reality existed long before Man came along and had the hubris, despite imperfect senses, to think his reality is Reality.
I don't think our minds are taylored to "see" everything. If we could perceive on a quantum level, it would be unlike anything our minds had ever attemped to grasp. Our senses are still very primative, not really that different from most of the lesser creatures of our planet. They are easily influenced and confused.

I agree. Some animals are even able to sense things humans can't, using Magnetoception, Electroception, Echolocation, etc.

The human view of the world is cool, but so basic. There's so much that we can't understand or even fathom.

That's why I think "the afterlife" is pretty much incomprehensible from a human perspective.