How do you see the world?


I've asked this question in the interview threads, so i thought i pose to everyone.
depends on my mood of the day. I could see it as hell, heaven, just life, or pretty much in between.

my favourite way to see the world though is through my camera :m027:
As a prison and a home.


Edit: I don't know what to make of the world. I don't know how to love it without fearing it, how to see it without losing faith. I don't know how to trust that there is more 'good' than cruelty and pain or how to live with the knowing that there isn't.
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Hmmmm, good question. It may be somewhat difficult to properly delineate what is required but I will try my best.

I suppose I see the world with a great deal of tentativeness. I see that there are rarely- if any- " black and white scenarios" and there are lots of " shades of gray". I do not believe that I can know anything with absolute certainty. I believe there to be a lot of variety and diversity in the world - in terms of lives,people,situations, et cetera. As May, pointed out, there is so much to try and understand, to be too certain may diminish one's understanding of the big picture.

I believe there to be much " darkness" in the world, lots of suffering, pain, anguish,injustice,mercilessness,ignorance, apathy, hatred, et cetera. But I also believe that there is much " light", lots of joy, love, wisdom, understanding, kindness, mercy, et cetera. I view both as " necessary" as I believe that in a world with only " light", light does not truly exist or rather may hold less or no meaning. We perhaps just need to " find" the "light" amidst the darkness; some of this " light" i believe extends from all the good that we do.

There is perhaps more to say, but that is it from me for now
I see the world as a place of endless possibilities. A chance for contentment and a chance for deep despair. A place where I may find the answers I seek or a place to be disappointed. I see it as a conundrum and an enigma with no true solution.
I see it as a fixer-up project. Time to get my hands dirty.
as a never-ending staircase.
I see the world as a complex structure. A place that most take for granted.
To me the world is magnificent work of art, a master peice that one cannot contain or own nor master or better.
The world offers something new and different to me everyday to look at. A different sky, a different river, different trees and different people.
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The world is just opportunities for emotional stimulation.
just ask yourself, what would an INFJ do?

Edit: I don't know what to make of the world. I don't know how to love it without fearing it, how to see it without losing faith. I don't know how to trust that there is more 'good' than cruelty and pain or how to live with the knowing that there isn't.

Omg! That is me each and every day. I am constantly questioning and I have no idea how to stop. It's like everything is wrong, and everything is my own fault. I don't know how to cope with anything. Even getting up each day is just so difficult because it means getting through another day. Another day of guilt and heartache and lack of control and constantly telling myself I'm not doing a good enough job of my life. Life is a mess, this world is a mess, and I don't know how to deal with it.
I see the world as a temporary place where we encounter trials in order to grow into the best person we can become, and in the end, we encounter either Heaven or Hell, depending on who/what we serve.

But of course, I'm also viewing this through the lens of a Christian.
How do I see the world? As a lot of questions with few answers and many uncertainties. Its a place that contains tremendous challenges, pain, and tragedy and yet also amazing unbridled joy. And day to day, sometimes its just little unremarkable moments one leading to the next until something changes, and knocks us out of our monotony so that we see things with fresh new eyes.
I see the world as a giant system that can be manipulated. Everything is interconnected and the answers ARE present, somewhere, but I doubt that even with the upmost time, I nor anyone will find them.