How do you imagine People on this Forum?


Community Member
HOW do you think people on here sound-look-etc....?

Like me, how do people on here think i sound and look like?

Like you-SLANT- i picture you as a little kid whose straight forward and always keeps and plain face and almost NEVER laughs!

just giggles....hehehe...that made ME giggle...

newaz just describe how you see others on here....

p.s....This Thread may never make it due to the fact that we have member photos but...i havent posted any so i wanna know how people see me and others
*raises brow* So I guess we're going with how we picture the person posting above us?

I picture Whitefire as a college kid prone to random fits of giggling, wearing a Hello Kitty t-shirt, chewing bright pink bubble gum and sharing a dormroom with a gloriously messy roommate and pet seamonkeys.
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hmm, I guess I'll give this a try...

It's kinda a shot in the dark but I see TDHT as a woman pretty fresh out of college, well educated, with a good head on her shoulders. Probably sharply dressed for her profession, but laid-back and relaxed when she's just hanging around.
Juggles. Only drinks his coke in glass with ice and through a straw. Likes shopping at Costco.
*raises brow* So I guess we're going with how we picture the person posting above us?

I picture Whitefire as a college kid prone to random fits of giggling, wearing a Hello Kitty t-shirt, chewing bright pink bubble gum and sharing a dormroom with a gloriously messy roommate and pet seamonkeys.


......hahahaha Hello kitty t shirt?....REALLY?!?!?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH oooo man thats funny. Thast DAMN funny man..whew...:mpff:

Yes! i am in college(dont know HOW you guessed that much)....i f-ing HATE BUBBLE GUM!...and IM the messey roomate...

damn TDHT....what on earth gave you this picture of me????...
hmm, I guess I'll give this a try...

It's kinda a shot in the dark but I see TDHT as a woman pretty fresh out of college, well educated, with a good head on her shoulders. Probably sharply dressed for her profession, but laid-back and relaxed when she's just hanging around.

I'm actually quite flattered, thank you, minorityfunk! I am still in school, though, and I have quite a loooong way to go before I can afford to be sharply dressed for my profession.


......hahahaha Hello kitty t shirt?....REALLY?!?!?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH oooo man thats funny. Thast DAMN funny man..whew...:mpff:

Yes! i am in college(dont know HOW you guessed that much)....i f-ing HATE BUBBLE GUM!...and IM the messey roomate...

damn TDHT....what on earth gave you this picture of me????...

The monkey emoticons and giggling made me think of Hello Kitty (well, to be fair, it was actually an image of Goodbye Kitty in a blender that I saw on someone like who I pictured you to be, once). The bubble gum because you seem pretty excitable, and for whatever reason, I associate bubble gum with giggly, cheerful people. The messy roommate detail was just something I conjured up... *shrug*

Hope you're not offended.
Juggles. Only drinks his coke in glass with ice and through a straw. Likes shopping at Costco.
If you count tossing two things as juggling, well then I can juggle. I actually don't drink pop of any sorts and I've never seen a Costco in my life.

A+ for effort?
Oh...I thought this is the place where we express our every whims on the random traits we think the person SHOULD have--not our impression on how they are actually like...
this is how i see slant
That is how I see slant as well, but it is NOT a bad thing :D

Shai Gar. I blame the avatar.
Yes, I suppose that is also how I see Slant... new avatar? Maybe minus the cat..

Also, for me it's not a bad thing.
...should it be a bad thing or something? I keep hearing 'it's not a bad thing' but what does that really mean? :spider:
the picture is from American McGees Alice in Wonderland, she's a homocidal little girl that escaped from a mental asylum after her parents were burnt alive from creatures that escaped wonderland after her on the queens orders.

She just stood and watched, gripping her knife.
...should it be a bad thing or something? I keep hearing 'it's not a bad thing' but what does that really mean? :spider:

You know, thinking about it now, I'm not sure why I said that. I should have known you wouldn't consider it bad, but I suppose I was thinking about how most peoples reactions would be if they were described as such, which would probably be along the lines of

"What are trying to say?"
Ah, that is your mistake there. I am not most people. :juggle:

If you ever heard the story of "Why I am alive", you would know this.
This thread is fascinating.
Okay CoffeeShopDiva... when I think of you, I think of Meg Ryan, ( who I find so utterly adorable ) and mainly think of the role she played in You've Got Mail, in her cute little shop around the corner.

Perhaps it's the Shop in your name that does it for me. I also imagine you sipping a hot beverage at a local coffee shop, perusing the internet, or concocting a lovely story on your laptop... :D