how do you feel at concerts?


Community Member
mabe i should of said "how do you behave?"
im going to a rock show later on in the month with a fellow INFJ of mine which made me wonder how we usually behave in these surcumstances.
i know we feel like outcasts so mostly stand at the edje of the mosh pit, but the band targets people like us, so we will all be outcasts.
i feel most comfortavole dancing when everyone else is, so i don't feel like their looking at me,
any way how is it for you, and do you have any tips for me to get over my nervousness and enjoy the night.
all comments would be much appriciated.
Man...I tell you what. I think I'm getting old.

I actually love concerts, as long as I have my own seat. I really don't pay attention to anyone around me. But I have some major concert-goer friends (IS/ES types) and they don't care if they can't see, and they don't care (much) about the bodies. The last two concerts I went with them, though, I was about to have a grand mal temper tantrum because we went to concerts that had no seats (floor only). I paid $35/$45 for a concert I could hear, but couldn't see. I HATED that. If I'm going to pay for a concert at all, I want to be able to see and experience it visually and aurally. I do not want to be fighting for space or visual abilties. I literally shoved a 6'3" dude out of my way because he was trying to muscle in front of me and he kept touching and shoving me. He was a fluffy type so I don't think it mattered (and I think he was drunk/high) but I had to fight to see anything. I don't want to go through that again.

My biggest frustrations at concerts are ticket prices and the inability to see it. Hell, I can watch a damn concert on Youtube for free...why should I pay to be shoved and stomped on?

My ideal concert is this: Quiet venue, indie band, my own seat (or at least the ability to see), and between $10-20. Best concert ever in a while was at the Calexico concert here in Dallas. No shoving, no pushing...full, yes. But everyone was well-behaved and the floor was tiered so you could see the stage fairly easily. It was perfect.

Maybe it helped that most of the folks were over age 25, too.

I don't care about other people at concerts, as long as they're doing their own thing, by themselves. Crowds don't bug me; individuals who act crazy bug me.
My ideal concert is this: Quiet venue, indie band, my own seat (or at least the ability to see), and between $10-20. Best concert ever in a while was at the Calexico concert here in Dallas. No shoving, no pushing...full, yes. But everyone was well-behaved and the floor was tiered so you could see the stage fairly easily. It was perfect.

You should go to a Rage Against the Machine concert. Sounds ideal for you.:rockon:
I have a love/hate thing about concerts. I love being there, soaking up the ambience, but I really don't like all the people - the pushing and shoving, the jumping (on my toes), the beer throwing, the giantish people blocking my view etc. I love the music and excitement, the feeling of being part of something big, and letting go of a few shouts etc. Overall it's worth it. I'd recommend finding a place where you feel safe and comfortable, well back from the mosh, but near enough to see the band. If there are idiots nearby, move away from them before the trouble starts, rather than during it - that way you'll stay calm. A beer or two usually helps as well. Have fun! Who are you seeing?
im going to see the horrors
they just released their second album primary colours, i just had to see them beacuse their second album was so beautiful it made me cry.
im just nervous because its my INFJ frineds first concert, and though i want to mosh i don't want her to be uncomfortable.
I can't stand Concerts where people are loud and unruly and screaming or talking or cheering or singing along. I go to listen to the band. That's why I download music instead of going to shows. I want to hear the music, not the jubilation of the peons around me.

My ideal concert is an opera or orchestra where I have box seats and the music is what is the focus. Or a jazz bar where people are moderately quiet.

I also enjoyed the Queensland Irish Association band on Wednesday nights where people just brought an instrument and sat around a table playing, there were no sheet musics, just a rhythm and it was fantastic.
You should go to a Rage Against the Machine concert. Sounds ideal for you.:rockon:

Hmm! I'll have to look for them. I used to be interested in their music - if they come 'round this area, I may hunker down and see them. Amazingly there's a strong indie concert vibe around where I live, but I don't want to go to a concert by myself. The one thing I don't like is being by myself in a concert. I can go to movies by myself but not music concerts.
Maybe it's just because I'm a musician and I love playing loud shows in tiny dirty basements with a group of kids that are there just to let it all loose, but I love all the people, the pushing, the yelling and singing. I love the whole aspect of it and observing how much influence music can have on an individual's attitude and action.

My advice is let your friend know before hand that you want to "mosh", ask them if they'd feel comfortable alone for a few minutes. Maybe just do it for a song or two. Show them that it can be fun (unless it's full of dicks just out to hurt people), maybe they will surprise you and join you!

Out of personal experience, if I'm at a show with bands I'm not that into I usually stand in the back and just soak up the experience. If it's a band I like I let loose and join the mayhem around me. Is your friend as into this band as you are? If not they might not be as comfortable letting loose as you will be.

I say warn your friend before hand that you want mosh and just feel it out at the show and go with the flow.
alive!i love festivals and concerts,have worked at a few....would happily have lived at glastonbury :)

And Taz saw rage against the machine live last summer....amazing!
Rage is awesome live! I LOVE live music and try to see a band at least once a month. I like it anyway I can get it... Loud and rowdy small and intimate. I don't act the same at all concerts. It really depends on the band. Some bands need to feel the love and energy of a crowd, some artists find it challenging.

I love festivals. I try to go to Coachella every year or South by Southwest every year that I can... And I went to all of the Lilith Faire thingies when they had them.
I've never been to a concert.... :/

I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I'm pretty mellow. I try to absorb the whole experience as much as possible. I love concerts as long as retards leave me alone.
I enjoy them every now and again.. The first concert I went to was sort of like a religious experience. (I won't tell you which band. You'll only make fun!) But just being there live with the music that loud and---live!
Was somethin' else. I didn't even much mind when the disastrously drunk lady standing and dancing on her chair behind me fell and bit me on the head..

I don't much mind all the people, there's a sort of anonyminity in a crowd that large. I used to know a girl who had severe social anxiety. She didn't work go to school or even to the grocery.. and yet she was a music fanatic and would get in her car and drive all by her lonesome to see her favorite bands in cities across the U.S. possibly coolest chick I've ever met. She spoke often of this anonyminity within the concert crowd.

I have never been to the opera. But I think that might be even better than a concert.
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I have only been to one real concert. It was Richard Cheese at the House of Blues in Chicago. I didnt like that I had to stand.

I just kind of stood there and did the head bob thing.
I enjoy them every now and again.. The first concert I went to was sort of like a religious experience. (I won't tell you which band. You'll only make fun!) .

Was it Hanson? It must be Hanson. I'm gunna imagine it was Hanson.

"Mmm bop a dop a dop mm bop a dubby da hey hey yeah!"
Meh, they're okay, provided I'm not stuck at one against my own will.
Love it, love it, love it, LOVE IT!

Divvy bars, stadium gigs, camping festivals, lounge bars, anything, anywhere, anytime*

*except crap-pop cause that makes my ears bleed :(