

On Holiday
Is honesty an INFJ trait. I am honest to my own detriment. I wonder about this. I can't fake things and I can't lie. Any thoughts?
Is honesty an INFJ trait. I am honest to my own detriment. I wonder about this. I can't fake things and I can't lie. Any thoughts?

I don't think it depend on personality types. It depends on person how he wants to be with people. I am also an honest person and also can't lie to people. It is not my subject and lie kills many hearts.
Lying is near impossible for me. My eyes are so expressive that if the other person is paying enough attention, they'll see the guilt.
But, I still feel incredibly guilty afterward, so I usually don't lie unless I feel it's necessary.
Lying is near impossible for me. My eyes are so expressive that if the other person is paying enough attention, they'll see the guilt.
But, I still feel incredibly guilty afterward, so I usually don't lie unless I feel it's necessary.

This means you are totally honest person with yourself.
I agree with this. I have lied in the past though, if I felt that the truth would hurt the person in question too much. :(

Yes, I'm like that, I can lie if it means sparing another person's feelings.
As long as I'm able to rationalize within myself that lying is the best way to handle the situation, I can do it, because then I don't feel guilty.
I think that honesty can be a little bit subjective. Some people will say: "I didn't lie I said that " But the lie or truth is that they are splitting hairs to conceal something. I find that very aggravating. It makes me nervous when people do that because I don't know what to believe.
Is honesty an INFJ trait. I am honest to my own detriment. I wonder about this. I can't fake things and I can't lie. Any thoughts?

I was very honest, before I started being in relationships with women...

I dont know if its an INFJ thing...but I SUCK at lying...anyone can see right through me...
I am a good lier, a very good lier. I never use it for malitious intentions though, nor do I ever break a promise that someone makes me, nor do I divulge someething that someone has swore me to secretrecy on.
Yes, I believe it is and I am very greatful for it because others can trust me. It's a good quality to have.
I've always been a very honest person, to my own detriment...or so I thought. I have come to the very recent conclusion that I believe in brutal honesty even if it hurts. Anything less is fake and self-serving. I don't want to be around anyone that isn't brutally honest. Maybe that sounds kinda harsh, but I have had enough of people waiting until they get really mad and then telling you what they really think of you. I think that lying to be nice is a character flaw. Maybe I will be proved wrong. I guess this is kind of an experiment, lets see how it goes.
Not lying may have something to do with the intense conscience and feelings of guilt that INFJs are prone to (as far as I've heard at least).

I find that I can't lie without feeling physically ill or pained, unless I really don't care about that person at all (and I care about most people XD). A good example was when I first lied to my mum (I was about 7, so I'm not sure what I lied about) but I had to get up after not being able to sleep and tell her the truth XD She said it wasn't a big deal at all.
Maybe INFJs over-inflate the importance of honesty to others that are not INFJs (or INTJs XD).