High School Horror Stories


On Holiday
O,K people, I have a request.

This is for the people who are no longer in High School to post their Horror stories. We all have them.

We ALL have these stories. These stories may help our High School members realize how high school is awful for everyone.

I will post mine. I have quite a few to choose from that it will take a few minutes.
Getting suspended and getting detention were some terrible times spent in high school.

The only real 'horror' story I have was when I (thought) I was seeing a girl. We'd gone on a couple dates (or so I thought). She was beautiful, smart, the whole shebang. One night when I tried to make a move she said "I'm really sorry, but I thought we were just hanging out. I always thought you were gay". It sure destroyed my 'sex-appeal' when my advances were taken as gay, being a non-gay male and all.
I actaully don't have any horror stories from highschool. It was more or less placid for me when I was actually in school. I was lucky.

My middle school and elementry school days however, were hell. I have many horror stories from then.
Middle School Horror story- I had to include this because it is a doozy. Yes a grew up in the days when 'wrap around' skirts where in fashion. Wrap-around skirt is exactly like it sounds. You wrap it around and tie it. Well I was walking down the hall with my class. Yes the whole class. Slowly the skirt starts to unwind until it slips to the floor.

Yes- I had to gather it up and run to the nearest girls room.
I actaully don't have any horror stories from highschool. It was more or less placid for me when I was actually in school. I was lucky.

My middle school and elementry school days however, were hell. I have many horror stories from then.
Care to share?
high school would be secondary school in british systems I presume?

I have none. infact, those were the best days of my life :mjediyr:
Most of my time in highschool was spent sleeping, fucking with the network (I hated our district tech people, lazy fucks), and installing Doom on any computer I came in contact with.

Boring, but not really that bad.
High School Horror story

Anyone who carries a pocket book can relate the the fact that everything ends up in it. Papers, money, scraps.

When I was in the ninth grade I went to a Catholic School. I wore a blazer. I did not have a pocket book at the time so I used the blazer pockets for everything.

Papers, money, scraps, chapstick, tissues

I took Latin. I was seated surrounded by boys. They were very immature.The idiot, oh I mean boy, that sat behind me decided to very steathily take everything out of my pockets and scatter it around the floor. Everyone was laughing and snickering.

The teacher did not do a thing
Middle school horror story.

Certain kids would form a circle of about 15 or so and usher their victim into the middle. They would push the kid to the ground and proceed to kick snow onto him until he was completely covered, and knock him down if he tried to get up. This was bad in itself, but I once saw this group of kids do it to another who had down's syndrome. It was, and perhaps still is the most cruel thing I've ever seen.
How about when you are walking all cool and then half your body hits the wall?

Yes, this happened to me in high school
Care to share?

Maybe in a few days or so. The stories are very long. Also, most of it was just a constant stream of bad. In 6th and 7th grade I was on an antidepressent that I did not need. It made my behavior very very akward and strange.
Wildly uncouth, I've walked outta the bathroom with tp on my shoes or coming out of my pants in H.S. It humbled all hopes of ever being the sexy femme fatale for me.
Gaining the highest ever mark in my school's GCE "O" level English Language exam,
I was summoned to the headmaster's office and rigorously interrogated about how I had cheated.
I still haven't got over that one.
Thinking about it now, I've escaped relatively unscarred. My biggest horror story was a failed romance. I don't even like romances. It was like I was a soap-star. Ugh.
Gaining the highest ever mark in my school's GCE "O" level English Language exam,
I was summoned to the headmaster's office and rigorously interrogated about how I had cheated.
I still haven't got over that one.

now thats a good one!
Gaining the highest ever mark in my school's GCE "O" level English Language exam,
I was summoned to the headmaster's office and rigorously interrogated about how I had cheated.
I still haven't got over that one.

Crow you never cease to amaze me...:)
Ceramics! How could I forget the "horror" stories from that class.

Oh! I do have one! Actually many. I took pottery for four years all through highschool, and I was a character in there. Somehow, I was very talented at pottery, but I still was a clutz and dropped, spilled, and broke things all the time. No one understood it. This is one of the most infamous stories.

This was my senior year of highschool. I was working on the basin for a waterfountain I was making. The basin was over 2 feet wide. Which is huge. I had to center around 50 pounds of clay. Because it was going to be so wide, I had to center this clay on an oversized batt (the thing you put on the wheel to through with). It was larger then the splash pan, so I had to remove it. The sheer volume of water needed for this, and my reputation for making a mess, I went to the middle of the room, and had to throw in my bathing suit. I brought it in this day to do it. That was embaressing to say the least. My teacher (an ISFJ), thought this was the funniest thing in the world. She was laughing the whole time. The class only had 9 people in there and we all knew each other very well. The class was highly interactive by nature.

Anyway. I start centering the clay. A daunting task. I was standing/kneeling to do it, which is why I had to use a bathing suit. I am centering away and things were fine. I would get the occasional "ooh la la!" out of 9, 7 were girls, and they all knew I was gay so they all poked fun. People also chucked bits of clay at me, I just retaliated. Of course getting yelled at for this (throwing clay, i.e. tossing it, was forbiddin). The clay I was using is stoneware, which has the perpencity to become gummy before going dry from not enough water. After 10 minutes of straining, I nearly had it on center. I was very close, to being done with this, and just held on. I didnt want to let go and add more water, I thought I could get it. Well it got too dry, and my hand caught (this is an electric wheel, and I locked the pedal), and it picked me up.

I got flung on my chest on top of the clay. I let out a yelp, and just yelled "ahhhhh!" I span around several times. All the while everyone in the room screamed. I got flung off eventually and rolled on the floor into a few chairs. My teacher ran over and screamed if I was ok. I sort of smiled/laughed and said ouch. I scrached my shoulder and pulled a muscle, but was ok. I was rather lucky. As soon as everyone saw me laughing, the entire room erupted in laughter. My teacher then went from concern to "Pieter! You could have ripped your arms off! How DARE you make a mess like this and take a spin on the wheel!" She was half joking with me. My teacher and I had an interesting relationship, we play-yelled at each other all the time. The antics never ended. Several girls in the class were laughing so hard they had to leave the room. Apparently I looked like something out of a movie when I did that. I NEVER lived that one down, and word got around slowly. In hindsight it was pretty damn hilarious. Although I am very lucky.
My only horror in HS was lunch time. It was boring to say the least, struggling to find a peaceful place away from people.
Haha wow Indigo I can relate, I am also a klutz when it comes to manual things and I am constantly dropping things, but that does sound indeed very interesting lol I can imagine the moment and the expression of your teacher.

Last dawn yes I can relate, during lunch I tend to always be looking for the calmest spot around..since I'm always trying to get away from others do to well not only bullying from their part but because I can't relate to what many HIgh School kids talk about.
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