Hey anybody out there?


Time Lord
I have a question, are there any other devoted Christians in this forum. I almost feel alone out here?

And if so what kind are you and what are your beliefs?

also do you believe that Jesus is the Christ the risen lord and your Savior?(sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to baptize you[I'm not])
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I still think I'm somehow connected to Christianity, even though I have become pretty agnostic and doubtful, I still believe Christianity is good and caring, and it teaches certain good morals, I truly believe that Jesus was an admirable person and leader, however, I don't agree with a lot of the things stated in the bible, and I'm afraid to have to have come to the conclusion that the bible has been severely revised and changed, that's why I think the bible should never be follow literally, and I think that for now it's best to just be caring, treat everyone with respect, and have some kind of hope for a God. I have an extreme hard time with radical Christians who claim certain things according to the bible, which has made me incredibly mad and separated from the church and the fact that so erroneous views are still being put in play in many christian churches, it's time to realize that times has change, everybody has more rights, and that is perfectly normal to do and be certain things that supposedly the bible condemns, when I hear high christian authorities express themselves in such a way that even contradicts the bible teaching of treat everyone with compassion and respect gets on my nerves.
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the user "just me" is from what I have gathered. Other then that we don't have any other devoutees to my knowlage. We do have a handful of praticing christens here though.
I was a born-again Christian in 2004. Over the past two years though, I've been asking questions that warrant no answers: because it's based on faith. I just can't do the faith thing.

My skepticism has grown to agnosticism. Though, there are still those days I find myself apologizing to God for not believing. (Very strange.)

I have a soft spot for Jesus still.

the user "just me" is from what I have gathered. Other then that we don't have any other devoutees to my knowlage. We do have a handful of praticing christens here though.
Uberrogo is a Christian as well. In fact, I met him at a bible study years ago. He's some sort of Orthodox Christian. Not sure what denomination exactly.
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I still think I'm somehow connected to Christianity, even though I have become pretty agnostic and doubtful, I still believe Christianity is good and caring, and it teaches certain good morals, I truly believe that Jesus was an admirable person and leader, however, I don't agree with a lot of the things stated in the bible, and I'm afraid to have to have come to the conclusion that the bible has been severely revised and changed, that's why I think the bible should never be follow literally, and I think that for now it's best to just be caring, treat everyone with respect, and have some kind of hope for a God. I have an extreme hard time with radical Christians who claim certain things according to the bible, which has made me incredibly mad and separated from the church and the fact that so erroneous views are still being put in play in many christian churches, it's time to realize that times has change, everybody has more rights, and that is perfectly normal to do and be certain things that supposedly the bible condemns, when I hear high christian authorities express themselves in such a way that even contradicts the bible teaching of treat everyone with compassion and respect gets on my nerves.

Do you believe that Jesus was the son of God, his equal and your savior and lord?
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Yes, but very confused and trying to sort it all out at this point. I believe in God, but I don't believe in the church. I was raised in the typical southern baptist church stereotype, which now my family doesn't even support. I'm still visiting different churches of various denominations occasionally to see if maybe I just have a distaste for the Southern Baptist Convention. I consider myself non-denominational at this point. I really would just say that I'm confused. I believe in love. And I believe the life of Jesus embodies love. And I try to mold my life around that. I don't get it right, mostly. But like I said, I'm still very confused.
yes, I truly do believe Jesus was a wonderful person and for that matter the son of God , things like the bishop thread make me doubt the purity of the bible though.

I can honestly you that he in no way reflects Word of God.

He even contradicts biblical teachings.
I can honestly you that he in no way reflects Word of God.

He even contradicts biblical teachings.

Can you show an example of this?
Yes, but very confused and trying to sort it all out at this point. I believe in God, but I don't believe in the church. I was raised in the typical southern baptist church stereotype, which now my family doesn't even support. I'm still visiting different churches of various denominations occasionally to see if maybe I just have a distaste for the Southern Baptist Convention. I consider myself non-denominational at this point. I really would just say that I'm confused. I believe in love. And I believe the life of Jesus embodies love. And I try to mold my life around that. I don't get it right, mostly. But like I said, I'm still very confused.

I can understand your confusion. I also am a non-denominational Christian. It almost makes me feel like I have to believe what they say to be a part of their local church. I would give you this, look for a first christian church. from my experience they are most willing to look into and question the Bible. Trust me I have heard weird things come from the lips of preachers that would easily put a bad taste in someones mouth.

I currently working towards a bible major, for my bachelor of arts. If you have some questions feel free to ask me. If I don't have the answer I find some one with a string of letters in front there name. They should be able to answer about anything. (about)
You're not alone, but you're among a lot of searchers and seekers, too - and it's not wrong to seek.

I consider myself to be pretty devout, but I'm really sensitive to the environment around me and I tend to keep it to myself unless it feels like I should speak. I'm a bit on the extreme fringe, though; I like to call myself a "Feminist Emergent Charismatic Calvinist" for lack of a better term. :D

But titles really are meaningless. Christianity comes down to two essential things: Loving the Lord God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and loving your neighbor as much as you love yourself. Still...I don't think people ponder over those verses as much as they could. There's a lot of depth in them thar verses.
You're not alone, but you're among a lot of searchers and seekers, too - and it's not wrong to seek.

I consider myself to be pretty devout, but I'm really sensitive to the environment around me and I tend to keep it to myself unless it feels like I should speak. I'm a bit on the extreme fringe, though; I like to call myself a "Feminist Emergent Charismatic Calvinist" for lack of a better term. :D

But titles really are meaningless. Christianity comes down to two essential things: Loving the Lord God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and loving your neighbor as much as you love yourself. Still...I don't think people ponder over those verses as much as they could. There's a lot of depth in them thar verses.

there is a lot of truth in the words you speak.

So calvanist how did that come about.
Can you show an example of this?

in what way, I'm not going to tell you that homosexual acts are not sinful, nor am I going to condemn anybody. Who am I to say that your sin is greater then mine. This goes back to the whole speck and log speech.

I can tell you that all sin is equal and equally able to be forgiven. exept for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

John 8:34a-"I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sinJames 2:10 : "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."
It's not that terrorist are better or worse, in the eyes of God none are righteous, not one.

Except the until the resurrection. Theres a whole deal on righteousness in there and it has little to do with how righteous you act.
in what way, I'm not going to tell you that homosexual acts are not sinful, nor am I going to condemn anybody. Who am I to say that your sin is greater then mine. This goes back to the whole speck and log speech.

I can tell you that all sin is equal and equally able to be forgiven. exept for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

John 8:34a-"I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sinJames 2:10 : "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."

hmm, yes but there's a common view, you know that a certain sin is bad, for example you are aware that lying is bad, you are aware that hurting someone physically or verbally is bad, but what if the homosexual does not belief that the fact that they have feelings for the same sex, and find it perfectly normal to be attracted to the same sex, is that sin? would that make him a sinner in the eyes of God? so if we don't repent from our sins..what supposedly happens to us on judgement day? do we get send to hell? But wait....a homosexual never believed that the actions he or she was doing was sin, on the contrary, it's base don attraction, impulses, you can't help if your attracted to the same sex, however the person who committed the lie confesses with more ease since the person is aware that lying is bad and should be avoided, so if we don't repent what does that mean? what if a homosexual wants to continue leaving happy based on his/her attractions but lives a very good life, helps others in need etc, does that make him equal to a psychopath murder who feels no regret for what he or she has done? so a homosexual who also feels no regret for what he or she is attracted to is judged the same way? I find that very hard to believe, I think that homosexuality should not be considered a sin, as it's simply love for someone of the same sex as you, nothing wrong with that...why would loving someone else be a sin?, personally I would be terribly offended if I were asked to repent for something that I find perfectly normal and acceptable.
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there is a lot of truth in the words you speak.

So calvanist how did that come about.

It took a while. :) I guess you could say I came full circle, and I'm truly beginning to understand what certain things mean; I'm no longer assuming I know. That whole "faith like a child" thing? Yep. I'm there. I don't mean that arrogantly. I mean to say that some of the things I'm learning are so profound, that I feel like a child when I hear it and experience it. I get to learn from scratch, and that's okay. :D
in what way, I'm not going to tell you that homosexual acts are not sinful, nor am I going to condemn anybody. Who am I to say that your sin is greater then mine. This goes back to the whole speck and log speech.

I can tell you that all sin is equal and equally able to be forgiven. exept for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

John 8:34a-"I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sinJames 2:10 : "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."

I am curious.

If you were gay, how would you manage the conflicting feelings you would have between your 'sinful' sexual orrientation, and your Christian beliefs?
I have a question, are there any other devoted Christians in this forum. I almost feel alone out here?

And if so what kind are you and what are your beliefs?

also do you believe that Jesus is the Christ the risen lord and your Savior?(sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to baptize you[I'm not])

I am a very devoted Christian. I love God more than life.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or in other words, Mormon. Lots of people think that we aren't Christian, but I can tell you right now that my life is centered on Christ.

I most definitely believe that He is the risen Lord and my Savior. I don't know where I'd be without Him.
hmm, yes but there's a common view, you know that a certain sin is bad, for example you are aware that lying is bad, you are aware that hurting someone physically or verbally is bad, but what if the homosexual does not belief that the fact that they have feelings for the same sex, and find it perfectly normal to be attracted to the same sex, is that sin? would that make him a sinner in the eyes of God? so if we don't repent from our sins..what supposedly happens to us on judgement day? do we get send to hell? But wait....a homosexual never believed that the actions he or she was doing was sin, on the contrary, it's base don attraction, impulses, you can't help if your attracted to the same sex, however the person who committed the lie confesses with more ease since the person is aware that lying is bad and should be avoided, so if we don't repent what does that mean? what if a homosexual wants to continue leaving happy based on his/her attractions but lives a very good life, helps others in need etc, does that make him equal to a psychopath murder who feels no regret for what he or she has done? so a homosexual who also feels no regret for what he or she is attracted to is judged the same way? I find that very hard to believe, I think that homosexuality should not be considered a sin, as it's simply love for someone of the same sex as you, nothing wrong with that...why would loving someone else be a sin?, personally I would be terribly offended if I were asked to repent for something that I find perfectly normal and acceptable.

It needs to be pointed out that sin is sin. A homosexual whom commits himself to lustful thoughts of a man is just as much as a sinner as If I looked upon or thought of a women lustfully. so in that since he is not exempt just as I'm not exempt.

This is a issue near and dear to my heart my brother is Gay and I love him dearly. And it hurts to think he may not share God's glory in heaven with me because of a single sin.

Because you do not recognize your sin does not make it any less of a sin. If a gay man/women wants to be a christian he/she has become committed to fighting their sin. Just as I can not seek sexual relations till marriage neither can the homosexual, and seeing as it's not likely that they would not marry someone they don't or can't love. They can't seek sexual relations. I can come close to understanding the kind of love that a man must have to forsake the the world for his God. The man would most likely stumble and knowing that world forsaking love he would beg God for his forgiveness. God would not accept his begging but instead pull him to his feet and tell him that he loved him.

See the Gay mans sin is equal to the murders as the murders sin is equal to my sin. We are all equally able to share in the mercy and grace of God.

remember the sin is the lust and the act. As for love "love one another"
you know passion I have never met a Mormon. Not many around Florida. so nice to meet you.

so tell me how does the church of latter day saints differ from the non-denominational variety.