

Time Lord
Do yall have any family herilooms tha have been passed down for generations. I don't, at least not yet.

I have one maybe two things I know I'll pass down to my kids someday. The first is Bible, the second is a Brown fedora my Dad gave me.
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Yes. Silver objects, war medals, bayonets and other old weaponry, an ancient Bible, and an ancient silver icon of Virgin Mary, supposedly with healing power. And all this is currently in my sole possession, because there's nobody else left.. And I actually almost don't care about these material objects, sometimes want to throw them all away, like I tend to do with certificates..
That's something I haven't really thought of often. I know that my grandmother has some stuff that's heirloom-worthy, and perhaps my parents have a few things. I personally have nothing that's really worth giving to kids either. Dunno, maybe "Dad's favorite vodka swillin' glass" is about as good as it gets. Heheh, man, I'm nowhere near starting a family but that already makes me sorry for my kids!

Barnabas, do you mean that there's nothing being passed down in your family, or that you personally have not obtained anything worth passing down from yourself?
Yes. Silver objects, war medals, bayonets and other old weaponry, an ancient Bible, and an ancient silver icon of Virgin Mary, supposedly with healing power. And all this is currently in my sole possession, because there's nobody else left.. And I actually almost don't care about these material objects, sometimes want to throw them all away, like I tend to do with certificates..

If you're gonna throw them away at least sell them! Bound to have something of value there, especially some old war stuff.
That's something I haven't really thought of often. I know that my grandmother has some stuff that's heirloom-worthy, and perhaps my parents have a few things. I personally have nothing that's really worth giving to kids either. Dunno, maybe "Dad's favorite vodka swillin' glass" is about as good as it gets. Heheh, man, I'm nowhere near starting a family but that already makes me sorry for my kids!

Barnabas, do you mean that there's nothing being passed down in your family, or that you personally have not obtained anything worth passing down from yourself?

a little bit of both, I'm the youngest of four kids, so in family a lot of stuff is already going to or gone to my older siblings, also I was thinkning about what I have that I would give to my children one day in the future.

My Bible, and Dad's Fedora are the only things of mine that seems significant enough to actually pass down.
If you're gonna throw them away at least sell them! Bound to have something of value there, especially some old war stuff.

Agreed, do you know where the medals and the slver came from?
I have a giant piece of furniture that moves with me everywhere (glass doored secretary). I both love it and hate it. I love it because of the family history, but hate it because it's heavy, fragile, doesn't match anything I own, and dwarfs rooms. But... it was my great-grandmother's. I couldn't possibly get rid of it. It's moved with me all over Michigan, then two places in New Mexico, and now up to Minnesota. Well-traveled old thing. :)
I have a giant piece of furniture that moves with me everywhere (glass doored secretary). I both love it and hate it. I love it because of the family history, but hate it because it's heavy, fragile, doesn't match anything I own, and dwarfs rooms. But... it was my great-grandmother's. I couldn't possibly get rid of it. It's moved with me all over Michigan, then two places in New Mexico, and now up to Minnesota. Well-traveled old thing. :)

that reminds me of one thing, a piece of furniture. We have a coffee table that thoe lifts up so you can eat from it. I have to talk my mother into giving that to me once I move out of the dorm.
I'll get the family silverware/china someday if I have kids. I'm the only one left in the family to carry on the family name (that is if a future wife takes the last name, yada yada yada)

When I had my confirmation (ha! that lasted long) I got a rosary that's been in the family since before we immigrated from Ireland. I'll probably pass it along even though I probably won't raise my (possibly) future kids to be religious.

There's also a Japanese 'Rising Sun' flag that my grandfather 'collected' when he was fighting in the Pacific. He only talked about it once before he died; he hated talking about the war, and the only thing he said about it was how much he regretted taking it. When my grandmother passes away it will probably be mine. I'm not sure what I'll do with it. It's such an eerie sight. It's bloodstained and tattered. I'll probably keep it because it's a great reminder of how much I dislike war, and all the pain/suffering it brings.

*EDIT* Oh yeah, my family were woodworkers when they got to America and they built a chair for Taft that sat in the Oval Office. I'll probably get that when my parents pass away.
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I'll get the family silverware/china someday if I have kids. I'm the only one left in the family to carry on the family name (that is if a future wife takes the last name, yada yada yada)

When I had my confirmation (ha! that lasted long) I got a rosary that's been in the family since before we immigrated from Ireland. I'll probably pass it along even though I probably won't raise my (possibly) future kids to be religious.

There's also a Japanese 'Rising Sun' flag that my grandfather 'collected' when he was fighting in the Pacific. He only talked about it once before he died; he hated talking about the war, and the only thing he said about it was how much he regretted taking it. When my grandmother passes away it will probably be mine. I'm not sure what I'll do with it. It's such an eerie sight. It's bloodstained and tattered. I'll probably keep it because it's a great reminder of how much I dislike war, and all the pain/suffering it brings.

*EDIT* Oh yeah, my family were woodworkers when they got to America and they built a chair for Taft that sat in the Oval Office. I'll probably get that when my parents pass away.

lol at the Taft chair, is it in good condition, can you fit three or four people in it?

But definitley the flag and the rosery, that's some epic stuff and definitley great as a reminder of what war costs. People don't think about it much but we lost more men taking Iwo Jema then we've lost in this entire war in the east. It's a sad and bloody thing.
Ooooh, yes, I love heirlooms, anything old like that.

I have a mandolin my grandma played as a young woman. That's my favorite one.
thats epic, Were not much of musical family so we don't have any instuments to pas down. Though my dad is a pretty good singer(a talen that was not passed down from father to son).
Heirlooms also go great with sandwiches.

You know, now I feel really sorry for any potential kids of mine because I totally want to practical joke them with a bag of tomatoes after I'm gone. Heheh, I can see myself in the video will: "These heirlooms have been with me for many years *snort* *snicker* and I now bequeath them to you. Do not *snort* squander them, and perhaps one day *snort* you may pass them down *snort* to your children as well."
If you get the tomatos now they'll be rotten by time you give them to your kids, just an idea......

Knowing my overly emotional self I'd probably sindrie the tomato and stick it some where for safe keeping. Or use the seed to grow another tomato so as to have a more lasting memory.