Health Care Reform Defeated

wow congratulations!

but you know, it's not the same for everyone.

there's something called statistics, maybe you wanna take a look on that.

Which statistic in particular would you like to address?
I'm saying that you would have your treatment guaranteed but if you opt to go private you'd be entitled to.

You already pay enough taxes to make that possible, you just have to decide if the military/weapon programs are more of a priority to your budget or people's health.

But I'll have you know that in most countries those who pay for private health insurance indeed get a tax reduction.

So let me see if I have this right, in this system I can opt out of paying for government health insurance, meaning I will not be paying any money into it at all if I get my own private plan? If this is possible I might retract how I feel about the program. But only if I can opt out of having to pay for it.

And I think military/weapon programs are very important and a definite priority IMO over providing health care on a social level. With countries like China on the rise, it would be foolish to give up our strength. I do envy nations in Europe though who can give up their military and then thumb the United States as they live under the umbrella of its protection.
Which statistic in particular would you like to address?

Let's see how many out of how many poor african americans or latinos americans (is that how you call them?) get rich.

Let's see some right numbers.
ok ill give you a few off the top of my head.

1. my cousin Josh Owns well over 5 million dollars in personal property investments.
2. My mothers stepfather - Owns Triple Springs Water Co.
3. my brother Rick Owner of Weblux LLC
4. my good friend Dana - owns Business Integrated Soultions Technology / BITS
5. My friend Wayne - owns a small lumber operation and a tree clearing service
6. My friend Rusty- owns SPFX masks and effects.
7. My friend Mike Cassello - owns Cassello Real Estate
8. My neighbor Wayne Barneschi - owns the trail of terror haunted amusement

Should I keep going?

You did squat. You just named off people who undoubtedly never began in poverty but now have businesses. Heck, I bet some of them even inherited their businesses. My challenge if you had read it was to post people who began in poverty and are currently a part of the wealthy top 5% of the country. Naming people you personally know but whom there is no way of verifying they worked their way up from poverty is useless and simply demonstrates that you can't do it.
So let me see if I have this right, in this system I can opt out of paying for government health insurance, meaning I will not be paying any money into it at all if I get my own private plan? If this is possible I might retract how I feel about the program. But only if I can opt out of having to pay for it.

And I think military/weapon programs are very important and a definite priority IMO over providing health care on a social level. With countries like China on the rise, it would be foolish to give up our strength. I do envy nations in Europe though who can give up their military and then thumb the United States as they live under the umbrella of its protection.


But yes, we don't pay taxes separately for this or for that. We pay based on our income.

However, when we add receipts of our expenses with education and private health care, those are deducted from the final bill and returned to the tax payer's account.
well you don't have that problem.

it would be cute if it wasn't also nauseating the way that you avoid certain things.

so public education is a socialist thing?

do you know why you have public education but not public health care? because as long as you study you can work and bring profit while you're healthy, when you're unhealthy you no longer bring profit and that's how your system works.

so it's not "socialist" to offer people free education, the police, social security, unemployment checks, food stamps or whatever you call it... it's not a "socialist" thing to pay for the fire department to save them for a burning building, but it's suddenyl too "socialist" to save their lives when they can't afford to pay for it?

Police, Fire, Roads, etc are infrastructure. Health care and education are social programs. The difference though is that education is a local social program managed by local representatives elected on a local scale. Its much less socialist than say a Health Czar which is what Obambi wants.
Incorrect, I am not an S, in fact when I did take the MBTI tests my I and N were always the strongest while my F and J were much weaker. Try sharpening up that N a little more.

You are an INTJ.

INTJs are notorious Libertarians, minarchists, and anarchists.
Police, Fire, Roads, etc are infrastructure. Health care and education are social programs. The difference though is that education is a local social program managed by local representatives elected on a local scale. Its much less socialist than say a Health Czar which is what Obambi wants.

Frankly I don't believe in paying for police, fire, roads, etc. Why are you making pay for those things Billy? I should be able to opt out of those things. Are you some sort of socialist making me pay for things I don't want?
Frankly I don't believe in paying for police, fire, roads, etc. Why are you making pay for those things Billy? I should be able to opt out of those things. Are you some sort of socialist making me pay for things I don't want?

That's a very good point. I don't approve of paying for police, or roads. Roads ought to be scrapped so that I can ride my damned horse.
That's a very good point. I don't approve of paying for police, or roads. Roads ought to be scrapped so that I can ride my damned horse.

Yeah! And communities should just set up their own miltias instead of having social programs for police! And volunteer firehouses work much better than those regulated ones with all the fancy, smancy equipment! Give me a bucket of water and a garden hose and I'll save your house. Why should I have to pay for such useless things so that others can have safe neighborhoods? Heck, put a toll booth on every street corner and we could privatize the roads!
Let's see how many out of how many poor african americans or latinos americans (is that how you call them?) get rich.

Let's see some right numbers.

LOL you want to know why they don't get rich? Its a simple thing I can let you in on the secret right now if you want.

Its because social progressives who have outstayed their usefulness kept pushing and pushing and pushing. White liberals found numerous ways to isolate black fathers from their families and marginalized their roles as providers. So they left home, they weren't needed. Your argument is to easy to beat and explain that I feel I have an unfair advantage over you... its absurd really.

I lived that life I am the product of those socialized neighborhoods. I grew up in a predominantly black housing projects as a boy. My family was destitute, drug addicted, and fatherless.

When you live in that type of place the reason you dont get rich isnt because you are poor, its because you are helplessly hooked into a social system. You rely on the government for everything. Food, Money, Work, Health... its horrible because government run programs are usually the WORST of the WORST programs. Youre talking about the same organization that loses profit in the Post Office and who cannot run a DMV without massive hours and hours long lines.

They take away ambition. When you spoil a child you rob the child of important things, like ambition, self reliance and determination. Its the same thing that happens under socialized communities.

These poor blacks and latinos as you mention are basically being put into sub standard living conditions, then sapped of thier will to succeed by having everything given to them. So what do they do? Well since whats given to them is shit and substandard many of them turn to drugs or drinking.

And here is a little more to blast what you think is the norm out of the water, people in those conditions DO rise above it all. Myself included. Why dont you ask Jay Z how he did it. You have any idea how many capitalist young men turn to selling drugs in those conditions then use the money earned to buy into real investments like property?
You did squat. You just named off people who undoubtedly never began in poverty but now have businesses. Heck, I bet some of them even inherited their businesses. My challenge if you had read it was to post people who began in poverty and are currently a part of the wealthy top 5% of the country. Naming people you personally know but whom there is no way of verifying they worked their way up from poverty is useless and simply demonstrates that you can't do it.

You asked for examples, I gave em. If you are claiming that they were all rich then by all means prove it.

Those people started at the bottom or near bottom and worked thier ways up. If you don't believe me you are welcome to disprove me or shut up with your hateful class envy.
You are an INTJ.

INTJs are notorious Libertarians, minarchists, and anarchists.

Sigh... wrong.... wrong.... wrong again... Although as I have indicated my F is weak it is still stronger than my T but not by leaps and bounds. Feel free to tell me more about myself though even though you don't know me...
I lived that life I am the product of those socialized neighborhoods. I grew up in a predominantly black housing projects as a boy. My family was destitute, drug addicted, and fatherless.

When you live in that type of place the reason you dont get rich isnt because you are poor, its because you are helplessly hooked into a social system. You rely on the government for everything. Food, Money, Work, Health... its horrible because government run programs are usually the WORST of the WORST programs. Youre talking about the same organization that loses profit in the Post Office and who cannot run a DMV without massive hours and hours long lines.

They take away ambition. When you spoil a child you rob the child of important things, like ambition, self reliance and determination. Its the same thing that happens under socialized communities.

These poor blacks and latinos as you mention are basically being put into sub standard living conditions, then sapped of thier will to succeed by having everything given to them. So what do they do? Well since whats given to them is shit and substandard many of them turn to drugs or drinking.

And here is a little more to blast what you think is the norm out of the water, people in those conditions DO rise above it all. Myself included. Why dont you ask Jay Z how he did it. You have any idea how many capitalist young men turn to selling drugs in those conditions then use the money earned to buy into real investments like property?

There is truth in that. The only problem is it has absolutely nothing to do with having a public insurance option to compete against private insurance options. It would make sense if the government were setting up a welfare program or socializing health care, but it makes absolutely no sense when it comes to a public option.
Frankly I don't believe in paying for police, fire, roads, etc. Why are you making pay for those things Billy? I should be able to opt out of those things. Are you some sort of socialist making me pay for things I don't want?

I am fairly certain you don't pay for my towns police nor my states state police. You are confusing local issues with federal issues. And not even doing a good job at that. You cannot compare police, roads, fire prevention to Health Care. Society cannot exist without those things, it can exist without socialized health care.
Yeah! And communities should just set up their own miltias instead of having social programs for police!
Screw militias, it'd probably happen, but I'd police my own shit.

And volunteer firehouses work much better than those regulated ones with all the fancy, smancy equipment! Give me a bucket of water and a garden hose and I'll save your house.
No, they don't. But fuck that. People ought to build fireproof houses. We don't live in the middle ages, there's plenty of clay around, and it's easy to do.

However, People are lazy. No fire department would ensure more intelligent building.

Why should I have to pay for such useless things so that others can have safe neighborhoods? Heck, put a toll booth on every street corner and we could privatize the roads!
They can put a tollbooth anywhere they want. I know how to make thermite and I'll burn through those bars. I don't want roads, I want the freedom to ride my horse anywhere. If I could do that, I'd have her shipped up from QLD.
Sigh... wrong.... wrong.... wrong again... Although as I have indicated my F is weak it is still stronger than my T but not by leaps and bounds. Feel free to tell me more about myself though even though you don't know me...

Your F is weak? Which F? You Fi or Fe? Which of your Ts is stronger? Your Ti or Te?
sharpening up my N?

Yes, I have noticed in my life that picking out fellow NFers is very easy because the NFness makes them think and act in a certain way although not always the same way. If you see me as an S over an N which is a huge IMO then you clearly made a mistake or need to sharpen your N.