Health Care Reform Defeated


I agree with this guy. It's been awfully frustrating to watch this bill get slowly lobotomized, and at this point... forget it. There has been so much compromise that neither side really wants it, and it can't do much good anyway.
Since corporate personhood gives the executives of corporations, double the Constitutional protection and legitmacy that we as individuals in this country enjoy, it should be no surprise that they have the power to gut bills in this fashion.
I've often been the one poking at the problems with this legislation as it evolved, but by now it's so far gone, nobody is even bothering to defend it. :(
Well, how much of this do you think is Obama's fault? I think this kind of thing would not have happened nearly so easily under Bush or Clinton, but obviously the Democratic senators have been doing most of the waffling responsible for this disaster. (The Republicans, as Cenk aptly pointed out, are just waiting to blast this bill after it passes so they can win seats back. I'd blame them, but then again that's just what politicians do.)
Mark my words. If this bill passes, the GOP will retake the House, Senate, and Presidency in 2012. The only question is whether the Dems and Obama will sign their own death warrant by passing this insurance industry wet dream that they crafted out of compromise.

I can't help but feel this has all been orchestrated.
Mark my words. If this bill passes, the GOP will retake the House, Senate, and Presidency in 2012. The only question is whether the Dems and Obama will sign their own death warrant by passing this insurance industry wet dream that they crafted out of compromise.

I can't help but feel this has all been orchestrated.

By whom?
Conspiracy, huh?

Don't go see that new frog and princess movie, everyone. You'll just feed the beast.

I saw it today.

People should just take the movie for being a new movie. It's actually much better than I expected.
Don't listen to the INTP, everyone!!!! :m141:

That was the infj speaking,
and she says meh on you. It really was cute and people should disregard the critics. I mean yeah it has a black princess and it's been arranged to meet an unwritten requirement, but the movie is good. But I don't want to derail TLM's thread, so go see for yourself.
Conspiracy, huh?

Don't go see that new frog and princess movie, everyone. You'll just feed the beast.

Frankly, I have long held that same opinion.

However, I took a psychology class called "Propaganda and Persuasion" and my opinions have changed considerably. The degree that the media shapes our attitudes everyday by what they allow us to see and how they allow us to see it. Not to mention that the media is arranged to keep the public divided down partisan lines.

I have no proof to indicate that the Big Six orchestrate public opinion, but I would be a dumb shit if I didn't seriously consider it.
Frankly, I have long held that same opinion.

However, I took a psychology class called "Propaganda and Persuasion" and my opinions have changed considerably. The degree that the media shapes our attitudes everyday by what they allow us to see and how they allow us to see it. Not to mention that the media is arranged to keep the public divided down partisan lines.

I have no proof to indicate that the Big Six orchestrate public opinion, but I would be a dumb shit if I didn't seriously consider it.

So I take it you are not a proponent of net neutrality...
That was the infj speaking,
and she says meh on you. It really was cute and people should disregard the critics. I mean yeah it has a black princess and it's been arranged to meet an unwritten requirement, but the movie is good. But I don't want to derail TLM's thread, so go see for yourself.

Satya and I are still on topic. We weren't commenting on the quality of enjoyability of the film or it's content. We're talking about how Disney, one of the big 6 might be involved in this conspiracy and anyone that goes to see a Disney movie is aiding and abetting the downfall of the nation.
So I take it you are not a proponent of net neutrality...

You think the internet is any better? There are over 100 million blogs, but how many simply follow the trends of the mainstream media? Take all the truth in the world and submerge it in a pool of crap and good luck trying to filter the crap from the truth when you go looking through it. That is the internet.
Net neutrality


Well... net neutrality would be worse than just the internet.
I could care less. A pawn can only see two squares ahead. That is the rule of the game. Assuming there was a conspiracy in which the leading figures of the media shaped public opinion, the internet is clearly no threat to it. In fact, the internet could be considered an extension of it. Largely because people choose the cognition of least effort. They choose the cognition which is familiar and which is presented to them.
I can't help but feel this has all been orchestrated.
With all due respect, it works very well without that assumption.

And what, you think Obama will not be reelected if this bill passes? Sure, it's a big deal right now, but political memories are short, and I think Obama could build up enough Teflon to avoid that much fallout. It'll hurt in 2010, to be sure, but my guess is that Obama will still get a full eight years.