heal the world, start with yourself


defective wisdom
INFJ again
there is a beautiful story of Wilhelm Reich, friend of Carl Jung and sinologist.

For his studies, Wilhelm Reich lived for a while in a village on the Chinese countryside. For a extensive period of time it didn't rain and the villagers where worried. They called a rain maker from a nearby village. He came in an old carriage, stopped at the edge of the village, looked at the villagers with slight. "Give me a hut at the edge of the village and bring me foot twice a day", he said, "it will rain again". So the villagers did what he asked.

The first day nothing happened. The second day it started to rain very hard and on the tirth day it even started to snow. Wilhelm Reich was aghast. He went to the rain maker to ask how he had done that.

The man answered that he hasn't done anything, but that he was in tao (in balance). And the village he came from was in tao, but this village clearly was not in tao. Being not in tao is as contagious as flu. Therefore he decided to stay at the edge of the village.

But his presence brought the village back in tao
only one man is enough to restore the balance.
one man in balance can heal the world
Heal the world, start with yourself

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The events portrayed aren't backed up by meterological science.
I wish parents wouldn't tell such stories to us when we are still little. It would help with overcoming the human-centric model of the universe.

Otherwise it's inspiring, but I'm sure the geocentric idea about our planet as the center of the cosmos was inspiring as well.
I enjoy the notion that we can affect change by simply being present, providing we are in tao. In our world there is no shortage of causes to support. It can be very overwhelming considering how few hours in a day. As one who is most comfortable as a wall flower, I also like the idea that this change occurred without the rain maker assuming center stage. How does one assess if they are in tao?
The events portrayed aren't backed up by meterological science.

it is not about the rain itself. It is a metaphor, a parabel.

I wish parents wouldn't tell such stories to us when we are still little. It would help with overcoming the human-centric model of the universe.

could you elaborate why parents shouldn't tell such stories when we are litle? In my opinion the story is not at all about human-centric view. In the contrairy it is about being one with your surroundings, listening to the world and being in harmony with all there is.

I enjoy the notion that we can affect change by simply being present, providing we are in tao. In our world there is no shortage of causes to support. It can be very overwhelming considering how few hours in a day. As one who is most comfortable as a wall flower, I also like the idea that this change occurred without the rain maker assuming center stage

yes exactly, he is not there like "I'm the man, I'll help you because I'm the saviour. No he is just present and his presence alone brings the change

How does one assess if they are in tao?

what is the meaning of your last sentence?
Originally Posted by Norwich
How does one assess if they are in tao?

what is the meaning of your last sentence?
What do you do to reach a state of tao? How do you know when you have gotten there?
Originally Posted by Norwich
How does one assess if they are in tao?

What do you do to reach a state of tao? How do you know when you have gotten there?

good question. I think you know it when you have reached it. I believe I have seen a glimpse of it and it feels like ... connection, just being in the moment with a deep love for everything that is

how to reach it?
I think meditate is a start

the tao is in you,
you only have to look for the door inside of you and open it,
you only have to be quiet enough to hear it

mantra's are helpful to. Today I listened to this one:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtsmqzcYkMs"]YouTube- MANTRA-OM NAMAHA SHIVAY-VYANAH[/ame]
God, I'd die happy if I could ever be in balance...
Meditation seems to facilitate a lot of growth. Unfortunately, I have never been very good at it. It
for me meditation never has been easy. I was more bussy with my posture, or with how I should be doing the meditation etc.

But I'm starting to learn that meditation is not about the form. It is not that important and you can even meditate while walking, driving, anything. Also just being silent (not talking) and being alone while doing nothing is a form of meditation.

The most important thing is to find a focus. It is something, an image, sound, memory, that helps you to get to a more relaxed introspective state. For me it is one evening in the desert where I felt like I was in tao. Thinking of it brings me almost back in that state. But I'm not an expert on meditation myself! I always try to find pease, love and connection inside of me. And when I'm quiet, look into myself and just wait for it with patience, it will pop up sooner or later.

I don't think meditation is easy for anybody :D
could you elaborate why parents shouldn't tell such stories when we are litle? In my opinion the story is not at all about human-centric view. In the contrairy it is about being one with your surroundings, listening to the world and being in harmony with all there is.
It implies that it all depends on YOU, and is not just happening on its own (which it is).
Morgain, the title of your thread reminds me of the lyrics to a Tom Petty song..."You used to be a sweet young girl,
why you wanna be somebody else?
You say you want to change the world,
why dontcha just change yourself."

A good place to start with learning to meditate is to worry less about form initially. Concentrate on your breathing, breathe rhythmically, all the way in and out. If you do this, the relaxation response is bound to follow, and that's where you find the ah-ha moments!
I think it goes the other way. Harmony in the world leads to harmony in individuals. Individual is important, but the way ancient Confucians and Taoists present it overly emphasizes starting at the small and moving toward the large.

I would not say that it is half and half. If anything it's more like 90%-10% (the 90% being a peaceful world).
I think it goes the other way. Harmony in the world leads to harmony in individuals. Individual is important, but the way ancient Confucians and Taoists present it overly emphasizes starting at the small and moving toward the large.

I would not say that it is half and half. If anything it's more like 90%-10% (the 90% being a peaceful world).

well, then how do you get a peaceful world?