Guess the MBTI

. Guess the MBTI personality types that I am attempting to portray in this video.

Fail. I didn't watch it. I can mostly figure out type based on unconscious behavious and involontary mannerisms. That's uninteresting.
ENTP 0:00-0:10 Forceful personality devoted to fun and games. THIS is what you're GOING to play.
INFP 0:10-0:31 Shy, looking all around, indecisivity? I dislike how I'm typing by all negatives here.
ESTJ 0:31-1:00 Step One, Step Two, da da-da da-da, all laid out. Could be any TJ, really.
ISFJ 1:00-1:12 Everyone's going to have fun and there are no wrong answers.

I originally had thought the fourth personality to be ESFJ, but there's an alternating EIEI pattern. I really want to say the first is ENTP instead of ESTP, because then there's an NNSS pattern as well. In fact, I think I'll do that. It's so hard to type someone accurately within a minute, especially when they're PORTRAYING a type, a facade. Patterns are more trustworthy in this scenario.

God that last bit sounded stereotypical TJ of me, eh?
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I originally had thought the fourth personality to be ESFJ, but there's an alternating EIEI pattern. I really want to say the first is ENTP instead of ESTP, because then there's an NNSS pattern as well. In fact, I think I'll do that. It's so hard to type someone accurately within a minute, especially when they're PORTRAYING a type, a facade. Patterns are more trustworthy in this scenario.

God that last bit sounded stereotypical TJ of me, eh?

Sounded more lead Ni to me - it's about recognizing the patterns. When I'm trying to type by observation, if the archetype doesn't hit me upside the head, it becomes a heuristics game like you mention.
ENTP 0:00-0:10 Forceful personality devoted to fun and games. THIS is what you're GOING to play.
INFP 0:10-0:31 Shy, looking all around, indecisivity? I dislike how I'm typing by all negatives here.
ESTJ 0:31-1:00 Step One, Step Two, da da-da da-da, all laid out. Could be any TJ, really.
ISFJ 1:00-1:12 Everyone's going to have fun and there are no wrong answers.

I originally had thought the fourth personality to be ESFJ, but there's an alternating EIEI pattern. I really want to say the first is ENTP instead of ESTP, because then there's an NNSS pattern as well. In fact, I think I'll do that. It's so hard to type someone accurately within a minute, especially when they're PORTRAYING a type, a facade. Patterns are more trustworthy in this scenario.

God that last bit sounded stereotypical TJ of me, eh?
I think your take on it is pretty accurate! (So I quoted you just to make a couple of minor changes... hope it's okay ^^")
ENTP 0:00-0:10 Forceful personality devoted to fun and games. THIS is what you're GOING to play. - definitely :D although the "little game" comment reminded me of an ENFP I know, not being too dramatic (it also reminded me of SAW O.O).
INFP 0:10-0:31 Shy, looking all around, indecisivity? I dislike how I'm typing by all negatives here. - It's a very close call between INFP and INTP (I hear the INTPs do the long pause between things, but that could be the shyness of the INFP).
ESTJ 0:31-1:00 Step One, Step Two, da da-da da-da, all laid out. Could be any TJ, really. - Yeah, it could be almost any. The intensity seemed pretty Ti though.
ISFJ 1:00-1:12 Everyone's going to have fun and there are no wrong answers. - I thought this too, then kept jumping between ISFJ, INFJ and ENFJ, but I'm just indecisive ^^"
Yeah, i realize that this is going to be a little tough simply because im portraying different types and obviously I can only be one naturally. Just a fun little exercise i thought people would enjoy. Would love to see others try doing some of their own videos as well :)
See Rick, thats what I am saying, people always use MBTI like astrology, I am guessing they arent looking for functions theyre just thinking you LOOK like an INTP... ugh.
Overall persona of creator of this video/test: Most likely INTP.

This experiment is based on collecting the interpretations/impressions of how people understand and analyze the video. The underlying point of this video is not to get the answers right, but rather understand how people observe those traits and what meaning they give to them. Thinking up an idea like this would seem much more interesting to an INTP both through Ti and Ne being curious of the reactions.

Now whoever came up with the idea might need a strategist to help in building the video itself in which case they may elicit the help of an INTJ or ENTJ, the ENTJ may be better because he may also be able to assist in the video by acting the various types. You COULD argue that an INTJ would still be feasible because the acting is relatively short and it would be fairly easy to act in an extroverted person. I have no idea how acting would apply to INTJ vs ENTJ in the stereotypical sense.

Of course, this is all speculation.

Sequence 0-10: ENTJ. He is very extroverted in the way that he presents himself. He mentions that we don't know him, but we will, which hints towards an underlying meaning of knowing. He is simply presenting the instructions in a logical manner, arguably the most efficient. He mentions that "we are going to play a game," which implies that he has an expectation that people will cooperate, or take an action based on his desires, which would lead me to conclude judging.

Sequence 11-22: IXFP: He seems very reluctant and uncomfortable, like his feelings of discomfort are inhibiting him from simply relaying information. I couldn't find any hints towards N or S. Fi seemed to be the dominant function. Although if I HAD to pick, I would lean more towards INFP because I perceive a lack of extroverted sensing.

Sequence 23-31: ESFJ: He had a very clear interest in making something fun, creating a social connection. I attribute Si to the idea of having surprises and that they are fun.

Sequence 32-58: ESTJ: Again he seems to be quite extroverted and sequential, insisting that we do as he says. However, this time around he simply relays the facts without attaching any sort of meaning to any of it. We are simply here to do a job, and we ARE going to do it.

Sequence 59-1:12 - ENFP: I got an extroverted feeling vibe from him again, but the idea that there are no right or wrong answers and also I picked up on a bit of interest in understanding that everyone will come to their own conclusions which would hint at NP or extroverted intuition from a cognitive standpoint.
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First I just want to say hi Trickyrickii. Welcome.. :)

And secondly, I still have such a hard time typing people, and your video was all over the place for me. I agree that it would be interesting to see other videos of people who are trying to portray a certain type. It is definitely something some of us tap into in certain settings.

Fun idea.
Fail. I didn't watch it. I can mostly figure out type based on unconscious behavious and involontary mannerisms. That's uninteresting.

What a contradiction.

I say Win.