Generational differences: Real or imagined?


Generational differences: are they real or imagined?

Our world is separated into different social groups and classes, and age is a factor in making distinctions about rights, choices, consent, etc.

On this board, we have members from 15 to 50 interacting pretty much on an equal plain.

But generational differences are quite often the basis of conflict, disagreement, misunderstanding, and even downright confusion.

So, beyond age as a biological concept, what are the real distinctions between or among the various generations, and what do they really mean for understanding across the generations, and for human communication and interaction in general?

Where do the "real" differences lie? Where do differences exist where we think they don't, and where do they not exist where we think they do? (i know, it's a bit convoluted but i hope it makes sense . . . kind of)
According to behaviorists, the environment would be the main factor in that. The age itself probably has a minor role, but the eras and circumstances in which we grew up probably shaped our way of thinking a great deal.

I think overall, we like to reach our decisions the same way, but we have slightly different tools and methods to bring about the arrival to conclusions. Who knows, maybe not. I'll be back to post on this.

Great thread!
According to behaviorists, the environment would be the main factor in that. The age itself probably has a minor role, but the eras and circumstances in which we grew up probably shaped our way of thinking a great deal.

I think overall, we like to reach our decisions the same way, but we have slightly different tools and methods to bring about the arrival to conclusions. Who knows, maybe not. I'll be back to post on this.

Great thread!

Thanks for responding. Look forward to your posts.
Generational differences form when the older party fails to leave behind "old" ideals of their own generation that do not fit with the current time. I realise that sounds kind of mean and eletist, but that is what causes most rifts between people of different generations. My dad is like this, he fully knows that some of his belefis are "harsh, and have been outgrown by socieity", but he still holds onto some of these ideals and beliefs. It is his failure to at least meld in with the current times to get along with people that causes problems.
Generational differences form when the older party fails to leave behind "old" ideals of their own generation that do not fit with the current time. I realise that sounds kind of mean and eletist, but that is what causes most rifts between people of different generations. My dad is like this, he fully knows that some of his belefis are "harsh, and have been outgrown by socieity", but he still holds onto some of these ideals and beliefs. It is his failure to at least meld in with the current times to get along with people that causes problems.

Good points. i think when a particular way of thinking and relating to the world is so ingrained, since it was a requirement that you think this way in previous generations, it's going to be very difficult to let it go.
I second both comments. Environment (being entrenched in one area without change) can create the same problems or perpetuate old ones. The problem with that is, you will never change. The thoughts of the children and parents remain the same. It's when people refuse to think globally and choose to think locally or even regionally: People retain a certain mindset.

Also, when you're older, you're just used to certain things and you dislike change. You have a family to support, people counting on you, and so forth - so any change (no matter how small or random) becomes a threat to your lifestyle. At least that's what I've seen.
Great posts, but I also think that it is more individual than that.

Meaning: somebody I'd like to hang with at 17 will probably remain (more or less) someone I'd like to hang with at 77. I truly enjoy my parents (mostly) despite a lot of fights with them as a teenager. They're people I respect, even if I don't agree with them 100% of the time. Likewise, my neice, at 12, has more intelligence, focus, ambition and kindness than many adults I know. Again, I respect that!

I also think a lot of "generational conflict" stems from a simple inability of the older ones to remember the difficulties and uncertainties of youth, and the younger ones to understand the responsibilities that (sometimes) come with age.

Also, as a parent now, I realize how much unbelievably frikking hard work it is to be responsible for the well-being and healthy development of children! And to simply keep a household and family together. Frankly, sometimes older people (gosh, I guess that's me! I don't feel old.) get totally burned out and blame their kids. Which, of course, is stupid, it's not the kids' fault.

Burned out and cranky older people + kids who don't get it = CONFLICT.

Children and younger people simply do not have the perspective to understand or appreciate this. Nor should they, parents are supposed to take care of their kids, and perspective is supposed to come with experience, and age.
It is the communicative tools that are available that probably best shape each generation. In essence, you probably could define each generation by the technological innovation of the day. If today is the internet generation, then earlier it was the television generation, before that it was the radio generation, before that the print and photo generation, and etc.
There are huge differences in generations. Even in appearance. Where I live, growing up, it was not very diverse. It was very blue color. The men were very weathered and crass. The old time alcoholics. Alot of drinking and gambling and very grumpy. Not a huge appreciation for women. Now it is different. Now it is more of a white and blue color. The men are not weathered anymore. It seems that there is more equality between men and women. The younger and middle aged population seems much nicer.
Two facts about elders:
- brain cells are not really lost with aging, those that die get replaced by new stem cells (recent discovery)
- the IQ of elders was under-rated at first; it seems the main problem is mechanical input/output inefficiencies, not the thinking itself; i.e. their intelligence is not sufficiently lower, at all. (zimbardo)

Average children are able to study at university levels even pre-school, if they weren't treated as children most of the time, which is a waste of their minds. (that's not the fault of parents, it's a whole world of prejudice, and almost no way to fight it)

Most differences in thinking are just re-inforced by culture of utter stupidity, and because grouping and separation makes good business. (it's similar with races, sexes etc - the differences in social behavior are not fully natural, they are just maintained by the culture, because of the grouping itself, which is superficial)
Generational differences form when the older party fails to leave behind "old" ideals of their own generation that do not fit with the current time. I realise that sounds kind of mean and eletist, but that is what causes most rifts between people of different generations. My dad is like this, he fully knows that some of his belefis are "harsh, and have been outgrown by socieity", but he still holds onto some of these ideals and beliefs. It is his failure to at least meld in with the current times to get along with people that causes problems.
Like the ideals of proper spelling. "elitist", "beliefs".
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Great posts, but I also think that it is more individual than that.

Meaning: somebody I'd like to hang with at 17 will probably remain (more or less) someone I'd like to hang with at 77. I truly enjoy my parents (mostly) despite a lot of fights with them as a teenager. They're people I respect, even if I don't agree with them 100% of the time. Likewise, my neice, at 12, has more intelligence, focus, ambition and kindness than many adults I know. Again, I respect that!

I also think a lot of "generational conflict" stems from a simple inability of the older ones to remember the difficulties and uncertainties of youth, and the younger ones to understand the responsibilities that (sometimes) come with age.

Also, as a parent now, I realize how much unbelievably frikking hard work it is to be responsible for the well-being and healthy development of children! And to simply keep a household and family together. Frankly, sometimes older people (gosh, I guess that's me! I don't feel old.) get totally burned out and blame their kids. Which, of course, is stupid, it's not the kids' fault.

Burned out and cranky older people + kids who don't get it = CONFLICT.

Children and younger people simply do not have the perspective to understand or appreciate this. Nor should they, parents are supposed to take care of their kids, and perspective is supposed to come with experience, and age.
Damnit Janet! I love you...
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Average children are able to study at university levels even pre-school, if they weren't treated as children most of the time, which is a waste of their minds. (that's not the fault of parents, it's a whole world of prejudice, and almost no way to fight it)
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It's real with the majority of the population. There are rare exceptions, like my grandparents whom are both technology savy and not at all like the rest of their generation, but most of the time the younger people are going to fight with the older generation.
Say that there are three generations in a family. Usually what happens is that the third generation starts fighting with the first generation. The second generation, which would be the parents of the third generation, usually don't conflict as much: They're still young enough to keep up with the times.

Most people as they age, and especially with retirement age, lose touch of reality. If you aren't in a work place that has young people in it you can't really observe how they operate, and I think that's the loss of the baby boomers generation.

Not only that but the most of the baby boomers do not know how to use a computer; I didn't know this most of my life because my grandparents are so up to date with the world. There are some people who are just out of it. In fact, most people are. My family is just cool :P
Damnit Janet! I love you...
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You came at this from the same angle I would have. Nicely said Janet! I told you guys older INFJ women are Hot!!! They stimulate the libido!!:mpoke:
You came at this from the same angle I would have. Nicely said Janet! I told you guys older INFJ women are Hot!!! They stimulate the libido!!:mpoke:

Heh, no.

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