Gender Ratio in INFJ's

Are you male or female (INFJ's only please)

  • Male

    Votes: 23 44.2%
  • Female

    Votes: 29 55.8%

  • Total voters


The Romantic Scientist
So are you male or female?

This serves two purposes:

1.) I can use these statistics to see if there are in fact more female INFJ's than male INFJ's.( I know there aren't enough people here to assume this statistics will be accurate, but it serves as a good reference)


2.) I can actually know to whom I speaking with and avoid the embarrasing situation of calling someone a "she" when it was really a dude in the conversation.(It has happen to me sooo many times ^^)

Please only vote on the poll if you have preferences for the INFJ but you can state your gender on the thread itself if you have preferences for another type.

Thank you
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Theoretically the rarest male MBTI type is INFJ, while the rarest female type is INTJ. If the theory stands, you'll have more females in your poll (out of those who vote, anyway).
Theoretically the rarest male MBTI type is INFJ, while the rarest female type is INTJ. If the theory stands, you'll have more females in your poll (out of those who vote, anyway).

I've heard this too.

Female :)
Theoretically the rarest male MBTI type is INFJ, while the rarest female type is INTJ. If the theory stands, you'll have more females in your poll (out of those who vote, anyway).

I wonder how much of that ratio is in fact influenced by gender roles and male/female stereotypes concerning the propensity toward logic and feeling. If women weren't socially constructed as 'feelers,' and men weren't socially constructed as 'thinkers,' I wonder if that would have any sort of impact on this distribution.
I wonder how much of that ratio is in fact influenced by gender roles and male/female stereotypes concerning the propensity toward logic and feeling. If women weren't socially constructed as 'feelers,' and men weren't socially constructed as 'thinkers,' I wonder if that would have any sort of impact on this distribution.

This is true, too. Gender roles placed on us can make us think we should act a certain way, or that we "shouldn't" be masculine or feminine because the world categorizes us.

I think it could be different if you grew up outside those gender boundaries, however, or if the typical roles weren't expressed. My mother had typical "masculine" characteristics and my father had typical "female" characteristics and I grew up with my mother, mostly. When I first tested MBTI I tested INTJ, because I honestly saw feelers as "weak" and I didn't want to be seen as weak.Which was funny, actually, because my own preconceived ideas on what I thought I should be skewed my test results.

When I finally learned to accept my feeling side (and not feel embarrassed when I cried because my Mother never cried), I learned who I really was and I was able to accept myself - soft, feeling side and all.

I think many men who come to the INFJ realization might have struggled similarly. It's difficult to accept because of the stereotypes places on male "masculinity."
I agree arbygil. I was always considered a pussy growing up because I cried and would not fight back when picked on I just took it. And on one of the tests I scored a 50/50 mix of guy and girl thinking. So I think infj's are softies on the inside and have to be careful because of it. I am a strange mix of aggression mixed with a very soft side.
I found this on a site, it talks a little about this issue:


Gender differences can be seen with the INFJ. The female INFJ clearly has the advantage. As a Feeling type, she has the nurturing qualities traditionally associated with femininity. Often, however, because of her Introversion, the INFJ female does not project those qualities, even though they are very much a part of her nature. At home as well as at work, she tends to be aloof, so that the sense of her caring and concern is ultimately lost, particularly to those types more demanding of overt affirmations. A common complaint about the INFJ female is that she is "nice but seems removed". People feel this about her even though they would admit that in fact she's always there when needed, quietly dependable, steady. Female INFJs must work hard to be understood and may find themselves being taken for granted because of their own failure to make their needs known. Consequently, when they do express their needs, it seems out of character and can lead to general disbelief, which, of course, is frustrating to the female INFJ.
Male INFJs

Male INFJs have a more problematic situation because the qualities naturally preferred by INFJs are not those traditionally considered to be "male". To counter the image of being weak, male INFJs can become stubborn, often to a degree disproportionate to the situation at hand. They are capable of taking a seemingly small issue and making it seem as if the entire world -- or at least their masculinity -- were riding on the outcome. This behavior unfortunately belies the fact that both male and female INFJs are reservoirs of quiet, intellectual introspective imagination who can inspire insight and growth in men and woman alike. INFJs are often great thinkers whose pondering of the immense can bring great ideas to the forefront. Typically, they seek to spread their ideas in a quiet, deliberate way -- more typically by the pen than by the sword.
The female one does sound a lot like me. I'm really bad at getting my needs known to others and when I do, it makes me seem weird.
hehe there's been enough confusion on my gender as is.

but I'm sure it's cleared up now.
..Please don't hurt us..:m035:
It's not that because I'm a very strong, powerful and superior male that I would harm you ladies.
I shall protect you all against whatever you fear, for I am fearless!
I think most people on this forum know I'm a female by now :B