Gender and MBTI


Passing through
I've seen this discussed a little bit across the board, but I'd love to see this in one place!

Do you feel gender plays a small part in MBTI type? I'm not saying that gender necessary influences MBTI type - there are INTJ females, ENTJ females, ENFJ males, and so forth - but I've seen that the reactions people have within their types can vary to degrees, depending on gender (and this could be more environmental than anything else).

I'm not trying to be sexist, I'm really not (I'm more of a women's rights activist, too). But in the same way that things come naturally for some women and things come naturally for some men, I think reactions come naturally as well.

Here's my dillema.

I have no problems with most ISTJ females - I get along with them just fine. But many ISTJ males grate on my nerves like no one else, especially when they're heavy on the STJ. It feels like I'm talking to a brick wall, sometmes.

On the flip side, I have no problems talking and relating to ESFJ males. But many ESFJ females drive me bananas! I keep hearing the "poor me" thing in my head, whether it's actually there or not.

Now, I don't want this to turn into an attack of type. I really want to discuss it in a positive way, and believe me I'm not saying one type is better than another! I'm simply talking about my own personal experiences with types. And if I can learn to relate to types that I have difficulties with, I think I'll feel better.
I'll be interested to see the opinions. I am not familiar enough/don't retain descriptions of each of the functions enough to type people, but I keep hoping that ability will come to me... perhaps by osmosis after I've been here awhile.
Well, again I feel like I have to explain this all over the forum, but MBTI is merely the way people process information. Their individual thoughts, feelings and reactions can be wholly different, which makes each person totally unique.

Gender roles play a big part in people's behavior. And the more a person plays into their role the more it will reflect in their behavior. STJ is probably the stereotypical male type while NFP is the stereotypical female type.

Even looking at the types right now, it kind of makes me laugh. We are all expected to be Extroverts in this world

ESTJ - The Guardian
ENFP - The Inspirerer

If that's not the stereotypical movie relationship, nothing is.
Well, again I feel like I have to explain this all over the forum, but MBTI is merely the way people process information. Their individual thoughts, feelings and reactions can be wholly different, which makes each person totally unique.

Gender roles play a big part in people's behavior. And the more a person plays into their role the more it will reflect in their behavior. STJ is probably the stereotypical male type while NFP is the stereotypical female type.

Even looking at the types right now, it kind of makes me laugh. We are all expected to be Extroverts in this world

ESTJ - The Guardian
ENFP - The Inspirerer

If that's not the stereotypical movie relationship, nothing is.

I'm sorry you feel frustrated that you have to explain it - it's not that I don't understand, I really do. I'm just trying to get others' opinions on the idea, and I'm hoping we can put the info in one place.

MBTI is a preference, yes, and everyone is different through their MBTI. But it's interesting to see the variations throughout the MBTI, and how they play out. That's all I'm saying, and I'm wondering if others have seen those variations play out in their own lives.

Sorry for the confusion! :(
I agree. :) How have you seen it play out in your own life?
Supposedly the different levels of estrogen and testosterone in a person's body will dictate how much they will act like their chosen gender. However, there are all kinds of exceptions to this. So it becomes part of a larger puzzle. It's sad when something proven and certain, suddenly becomes cancelled out by life experience.

[Edit] Has this ever even been gauged?
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What interests me is how much the more dominant types (ESTJ, ESFJ etc.) sway gender statistics and stereotypes just by sheer numbers.
Yeah what I meant by that is that there are more of them than other types, poor choice of words. Although the ES_Js are very influential.
Do we know why there are so many more of them, so many less of us?
Do we know why there are so many more of them, so many less of us?
Probably has to do with the reptilian brain and instinct. I doubt highly that an animal taking the time to think about what to do, would survive well in the wild. Humans haven't held this rock in their grasp until the last quarter century. Perhaps N types simply couldn't flourish under those circumstances. You're all a virus!

More importantly most of the S types, act like a herd of sheep, refusing to think critically past their brainwashing. Makes me wonder.
Probably has to do with the reptilian brain and instinct. I doubt highly that an animal taking the time to think about what to do, would survive well in the wild. Humans haven't held this rock in their grasp until the last quarter century. Perhaps N types simply couldn't flourish under those circumstances. You're all a virus!

More importantly most of the S types, act like a herd of sheep, refusing to think critically past their brainwashing. Makes me wonder.

Oy...that's kinda cold...

Or were you serious?

I think we're all gifted - we really do need each other to function in a capable way in this world. We're just different, is all.
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Intuition doesn't necessarily mean introverted intuition. I rarely bother thinking through all of my actions, and I'm an Ne Dominant.

Seems pretty accurate nevertheless.
So N's are a virus? and S's are sheep?

Boo hiss!

SJs are numerous because the provide communities with stability, with their insistence on structure and tradition the provide the foundation and real world constructs of society, they may not envision or create them but they sure do maintain those institutions. SJs are very good at doing and valuing the day to day work that keeps or societies going.

Too many Ns and human societies would be in a constant state of change, without ever achieving the kind of stability to sustain any sort of quality of life. Too many SPs and nothing would ever get done with all the parties going on...
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When I think S, I think action. When I see N, I see a function of the brain that has developed only recently in biological times. The two conflict with each other too much.
Not true. The N has been there for a very long time. Earliest human histories have people of intuition.
Nonsense, seeing the big picture is one of the things that sets us apart from animals and has helped us succeed, we all have N just some people prefer S.

In a tribal environment (in which our modern brains evolved) how do they conflict?