Gay forum members


Time Lord
I have a quick question, would you call your selves stereotypicaly Gay or not.

I mainly have to reacurring Gay figures in my life, first is my Brother whom I would go out on a limb to say that if he didn't mention it then you wouldn't know that he is gay and then I know his Boy friend whom has a very flamboyant personality.

so i guess the real question is, do you think the common portrayl of Gay men as flamboyant and feminine is accurate or personally true?
Nope, I don't believe the stereotypical gay personality fits all of the time.

I have met straight people that act quite metro (commonly mistaken for gay) and I have met gay people that you could never tell. I have met stereotypes too, but to me the question is similar to asking if you have met a stereotypical person of a certain race, we have all met that one guy that certainly fits the stereotype, but I have met a lot more that don't.
I don't fit the gay stereotype very much at all. As far as overall behavior I even out and am androgonus. Some things I do are very sterotypically male, some things I do are very sterotypically female.

Those who have seen me in tinychat might be able to describe this better. As I have found others can be better at describing my external physical behavior (which is the indicator used to sterotype).
No, I do not believe I am stereotypically gay, in fact I cannot stand flamers as I believe they are really trying to change who they are and denying themselves, I could be friends with them but would not consider getting in a relationship one. I do not believe it is accurate to describe all gays to be like this, in fact this has brought many misconceptions against the gay community, in the end we choose who we are. I personally have a lot of feminine personality traits which are decided by SOCIETY, anybody could have them, its just that stereotypes have always prevailed among society, it really is quite sad. Take for example the INFJ personality, many traits are not particularly considered masculine so this often brings a lot of straight INFJ males to be stereotypically called gay and this brings many to believe that a gay guy has to be feminine, this is not the case. Personality is unique to every individual and has nothing to do with your sexual orientation.
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I work around highly perceptive probation officers and police officers all day and they even crack gay jokes and comments around me because they have no idea. Nothing about me is flamboyant or effeminate.

A lot of gay guys act that way because they think it is hot. It makes them feel sexy and attractive.
No, I don't act stereotypically, unless I'm making fun of flamers. I have met several flamers in my time, but I've met more normal (for lack of a better term) gay men than flamers.

One thing I've noticed is that gay men don't mind crossing the gender line from time to time. If we feel like being feminine, we can be without (much) shame, and we can also act masculine if we want to. This much is a choice.
I don't fit the gay stereotype very much at all. As far as overall behavior I even out and am androgonus. Some things I do are very sterotypically male, some things I do are very sterotypically female.

Those who have seen me in tinychat might be able to describe this better. As I have found others can be better at describing my external physical behavior (which is the indicator used to sterotype).

well this dude's almost an INTJ, so u see both the INTJ and INFJ manifestations actually
Nope, I don't believe the stereotypical gay personality fits all of the time.

I have met straight people that act quite metro (commonly mistaken for gay) and I have met gay people that you could never tell. I have met stereotypes too, but to me the question is similar to asking if you have met a stereotypical person of a certain race, we have all met that one guy that certainly fits the stereotype, but I have met a lot more that don't.

Did the OP get reworded or did I just misread? I thought it was a general question about how we perceive homosexuals.
Did the OP get reworded or did I just misread? I thought it was a general question about how we perceive homosexuals.

I don't think so. Barnabas was asking gay members what they were like and what they thought.

well this dude's almost an INTJ, so u see both the INTJ and INFJ manifestations actually

This could be a factor.
No but, Your contibution is higly valued NAI
I don't fit the gay stereotype very much at all. As far as overall behavior I even out and am androgonus. Some things I do are very sterotypically male, some things I do are very sterotypically female.

Those who have seen me in tinychat might be able to describe this better. As I have found others can be better at describing my external physical behavior (which is the indicator used to sterotype).

You have a very gay voice indigosensor; and you dio the hand flapping thing.

"OH, You doll!" -hand flappy gesture-

and your rolling your eyes...well thats just gay-cuteness
You have a very gay voice indigosensor; and you dio the hand flapping thing.

"OH, You doll!" -hand flappy gesture-

and your rolling your eyes...well thats just gay-cuteness

You have a very gay voice indigosensor; and you dio the hand flapping thing.

"OH, You doll!" -hand flappy gesture-

and your rolling your eyes...well thats just gay-cuteness

I've seen videos.
she tells the truth. you do act rather flamboyantly. Then again, I do all that too, so, whatever.

I am glad I do not speak much(if at all xD), and that English is not my first language lol..that saves me from the stereotype..

though I was thinking of posting a MBTI video..ah maybe not.

I am glad I do not speak much(if at all xD), and that English is not my first language lol..that saves me from the stereotype..

though I was thinking of posting a MBTI video..ah maybe not.

coon is my personal faggot. <3

I LOVE GAY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! The reason they call homosexuals gay is because 'gay' used to be a word for happy, and gays always make me happy just by lookin' at um and listening to their crazy gay voices. And something about a gay person is just totally ghey...

I am glad I do not speak much(if at all xD), and that English is not my first language lol..that saves me from the stereotype..

though I was thinking of posting a MBTI video..ah maybe not.
english isn't your 1st language? sorry, for being off topic, but what is? and [back on topic] would you have a "gay lisp" in that language?