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I don't have an issue with You. I want you to be happy. That's the truth. Just not at the expense of others.
When I come across comments like this it saddens me because it solidifies what is becoming a belief of mine. Some people can't be part of the solution. Some people need to have any say in regard to the direction the country takes, taken away. People like you are the ones sticking knives into the back of the people actually trying to make things work for the good of all.
It saddens me because I know you are better than that. But...you drank the coolaid long ago.

I see...so only those approved by those who think like you should be included in the decision making...that’s Fascism dude.
We are supposed to have a representative democracy/republic where people who all don’t think like fucking robots can have a say...even some of the crazy shit you type here.
Knives in the back? Kool-aid? It saddens you? (sure)...you have some serious narcissistic/anger/hatred issues if this is how you describe those who’s political ideology isn’t lock-step with you.
That shit will turn your soul black.
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The Republicans' Long-Awaited Obamacare Replacement
Has a Splashy New Website That Tells Us Nothing

If Republicans screw this up, they are done in 2018 and 2020. So there is at least that silver lining I guess...

I've talked to a lot of people lately who vote Republican and they are hopeful Republicans can make healthcare more affordable and keep the popular parts of the ACA. Every single one I talked to said if they repeal it without a better replacement, they are done with them. There is a lot riding on this for them.
If my sister who has ulcerative colitis ends up with serious complications because she cannot afford her IV medication, just remember this one person if anyone that is going to be fucked over if the Republicans can’t come up with an actual replacement...one they have had 8 years to draft.

It sure would be great if they privatize Medicare too...boy...I bet that would make it waaaay less expensive and the insurance companies (now deregulated) will gladly cut their prices and premiums (probably in half or more I’m sure!) they have been jacking up in almost triple digit percentages year after year.
If you believe that, Trump has a bridge to sell you a share of.
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It sure would be nice to see:

1.) Promised tax returns

2.) A replacement for the repeal

3.) An actual blind-trust

4.) The endless/brainless Twittering ending

5.) Trump divest himself from his businesses

6.) Someone other than a Wall St./Real Estate vulture/Racist old white dude or family member in his cabinet (oooh Ben Carson...who even said he was unfit)

7.) The President-elect to act like his skin isn’t as thin as your favorite old pair of over-washed underwear...act like an adult, stop acting like a bully, learn how to use spell-check, try to maintain some kind of resemblance to a normal human.

8.) Go to, and LISTEN to the daily intelligence briefings.

Is that too much to ask?

I’m sure other people could add things...I know I could keep going on...just the main points.
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To which the psychopathic Paul Ryan disregarded and lead the Republicans to start the repeal process anyhow.
Because...who fucking cares about the most sick, the most in need, the most vulnerable.
There is a special place in hell for this guy and his friends...it will probably be an ER waiting room, where your number never gets called, and you have to pay out of pocket for everything otherwise you sit and die from your illness over and over and over again...yea! (that, and Kenny G/Taylor Swift play incessantly over the muzak speakers).
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Here is why the premiums and your insurance are unaffordable...quit blaming the indigent and poor.
How can you justify paying someone like Mr. Swedish below me $49,853 a day.
That is more than most make in a year.
This is called “gouging”.
There is nothing special about them that equals the amounts they are making...they pay themselves that because they can get away with it.




As you can see this problem was not started by “Obamacare”...it began long ago.

Drink your own Kool Aid.
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I understood that you have formed unfavourable opinions about me by your posting that I am sticking knives into the back of people doing good, that I had disappointed your expectations that I was better than that, and that I have drank the coolaid long ago. You also seemed to be saying that my voice or agency should be void for these reasons, and that I have nothing constructive to contribute to humanity - that I am incapable of being part of a "solution".

But I did not intend to start an argument about it, I was only trying to acknowledge what you had told me. You have said I am wrong to think that you have seen me unfavourably, and that's fine with me. I hope you can see that I have taken the time to attempt to understand what you wrote to me.
Thank you for trying to understand. I only wish there was a dialog some day that allows understanding in General. Because...we honestly need it.

I have no idea what this means, I just notice that it is in all capitals, which suggests to me that it is to do with information that is important, exciting, or urgent. I post this because it is on topic, and I also post it hoping that it will be important and exciting enough to divert attention from me and my flawed mind, my objections regarding torture, my (at least partly) irrational inability to tolerate friendship with people who support torture, and my personal exercise of my own preferences to decide that I will choose not to persist in friendship with people who support torture. Let's all talk about Trump Tweeting, which whether it is truly interesting or not, is undeniably much more interesting than any of that boring stuff about me.
Trump is just pointing out that CNN knowingly lied to try and smear him.
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If Republicans screw this up, they are done in 2018 and 2020. So there is at least that silver lining I guess...

I've talked to a lot of people lately who vote Republican and they are hopeful Republicans can make healthcare more affordable and keep the popular parts of the ACA. Every single one I talked to said if they repeal it without a better replacement, they are done with them. There is a lot riding on this for them.
There are different types of Republicans. I think you found the type with glassy eyes...
I just said I am a life long Republican. So I am...because I would never lie...and can't because I am on video now. So again...i am.
There are different types of Republicans. I think you found the type with glassy eyes...
The type that doesn't want to get screwed over? Or see the healthcare industry dismantled for political reasons? These people also have preexisting conditions and kids in their 20s under their health insurance... Some are on disability or social security and Medicare. Call names and make fun of people who have differing opinions than you all you like if it makes you feel good I guess. "Glassy eyed"... What does that even allude to?
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He said he was a Republican. What point are you trying to make?
That people can also lie about what they are.
That people can also lie about what they are.
He is lying about formerly being a Republican because he has decided that he is no longer Republican? People change their minds all the time. No one is inherently anything. It is kind of shitty that it took him getting cancer and being left to die without the ACA to change his view that all Americans should have access to healthcare... Or maybe you think he is a plant because it's so impossible for you to see that ACA has actually helped many people. That is your own bias, then.
The type that doesn't want to get screwed over? Or see the healthcare industry dismantled for political reasons? These people also have preexisting conditions and kids in their 20s under their health insurance... Some are on disability or social security and Medicare. Call names and make fun of people who have differing opinions than you all you like if it makes you feel good I guess. "Glassy eyed"... What does that even allude to?
Taking a defensive stance for someone who doesn't know what it means aren't you?
Let's be clear though. Obamacare isn't being dismantled for political reasons and it was never going to be. It is being dismantled because it doesn't work.
Again liberals have this idea in their heads that if you throw money at something it will begin to work. Time and time again they do this. In this instance, like most, something they touched is failing so it is now left up to others to come in and fix it for them. Trump may be right if he fixes It, he's doing them a favor and the country for that matter. But... we will have to see.
He is lying about formerly being a Republican because he has decided that he is no longer Republican? People change their minds all the time. No one is inherently anything. It is kind of shitty that it took him getting cancer and being left to die without the ACA to change his view that all Americans should have access to healthcare... Or maybe you think he is a plant because it's so impossible for you to see that ACA has actually helped many people. That is your own bias, then.
Because someone says something doesn't make it true. This person could easily be planted or just lying for the hell of it. He could also be telling the truth.