
Town Drunkard
He better get off twitter when he starts his new job.
Trump won. He won. Even with all the stuff you don't like, dont think is right..he won.
Kind of makes your realize just how much of a loser the loser is.
Trump won. He won. Even with all the stuff you don't like, dont think is right..he won.
Kind of makes your realize just how much of a loser the loser is.
Oh... and by the way... he won.

He isn't the loser, he didn't disappear with his tail between his legs. He's not sitting behind a computer in some quaint little town looking for someone to blame. He didn't cry. Vladimir Putin doesn't trigger his angry, bruised nipples, that got squeezed under the wheels of democracy. No one tried to grab his pussy... he's got balls. He didn't need to eat Italian food off a naked child sushi-board style platter while playing pong pong. His wife doesn't have the bigger penis in bed... and his supporters don't use blue hair dye. He didn't want to dress in a vampire costume, replete with purple lapels, after realizing that even if people tell you otherwise, you can't fly up like Neo from the matrix, and bust the roof off the Jacob Javits center. His hair is still perky and clean, he doesn't look like death warmed up. Beyonce didn't call. Lady Gaga didn't send him silk facial tissues and a makeup pack. Fat forest-stalkers don't want selfies with him.

What a sickening sight he makes, parading around in his victory, saying whatever he wants and talking with Taiwanese people. Maybe if enough people can get annoyed enough, Angela Merkel can send an airlift to carry them to the Canadian border, where Trudeau can try to high-five all the two-year olds, before handing out customs-tax forms in bilingual English/French. Meanwhile, all the people in Syria are signing a petition to let you all get temporary visas, in case you need a place to park your oppressed nine year old daughters. The world is crying with you and feels the injustice you have suffered... they know that the black voters didn't show up because they were afraid to get shot by police officers for walking down the street without anything in their hands. All the right wing news places are saying Trump won, but it's just a fake news conspiracy... hopefully Twitter can help get the truth out. Women can join Charlie Sheen, as he leads them to one of Trump's hotels... there's a grass+roots moment starting there.
Oh... and by the way... he won.

He isn't the loser, he didn't disappear with his tail between his legs. He's not sitting behind a computer in some quaint little town looking for someone to blame. He didn't cry. Vladimir Putin doesn't trigger his angry, bruised nipples, that got squeezed under the wheels of democracy. No one tried to grab his pussy... he's got balls. He didn't need to eat Italian food off a naked child sushi-board style platter while playing pong pong. His wife doesn't have the bigger penis in bed... and his supporters don't use blue hair dye. He didn't want to dress in a vampire costume, replete with purple lapels, after realizing that even if people tell you otherwise, you can't fly up like Neo from the matrix, and bust the roof off the Jacob Javits center. His hair is still perky and clean, he doesn't look like death warmed up. Beyonce didn't call. Lady Gaga didn't send him silk facial tissues and a makeup pack. Fat forest-stalkers don't want selfies with him.

What a sickening sight he makes, parading around in his victory, saying whatever he wants and talking with Taiwanese people. Maybe if enough people can get annoyed enough, Angela Merkel can send an airlift to carry them to the Canadian border, where Trudeau can try to high-five all the two-year olds, before handing out customs-tax forms in bilingual English/French. Meanwhile, all the people in Syria are signing a petition to let you all get temporary visas, in case you need a place to park your oppressed nine year old daughters. The world is crying with you and feels the injustice you have suffered... they know that the black voters didn't show up because they were afraid to get shot by police officers for walking down the street without anything in their hands. All the right wing news places are saying Trump won, but it's just a fake news conspiracy... hopefully Twitter can help get the truth out. Women can join Charlie Sheen, as he leads them to one of Trump's hotels... there's a grass+roots moment starting there.
Trump plans 'many big things' and lots more tweeting: spokesman

When ABC interviewer Jonathan Karl asked whether Trump would continue his highly unusual -- and deeply controversial -- approach of making major policy statements over Twitter, Spicer replied, "Sure, why not."

"With all due respect," he continued, "I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45-plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation."

Spicer added: "Business as usual is over... There's a new sheriff in town."
"There's a new Sheriff in town."

I've been meditating on this witty little publicity quip a bit and I really love the choice of words. It makes America sound like a sort of wild-west cowboy place, isolated and unsuccessfully modern, ruled over by a star-brooched lawgiver on a white pony who is at least cavalier and even perhaps partly vigilante, disrespectful of all that stuffy educated law and order clutter. So charming and adorable, and utterly convincing! <3
I've been meditating on this witty little publicity quip a bit and I really love the choice of words. It makes America sound like a sort of wild-west cowboy place, isolated and unsuccessfully modern, ruled over by a star-brooched lawgiver on a white pony who is at least cavalier and even perhaps partly vigilante, disrespectful of all that stuffy educated law and order clutter. So charming and adorable, and utterly convincing! <3
It's like Andrew Jackson reincarnated in the 21st century... Who will he set upon the Trail of Tears this time?
Oh... and by the way... he won.

He isn't the loser, he didn't disappear with his tail between his legs. He's not sitting behind a computer in some quaint little town looking for someone to blame. He didn't cry. Vladimir Putin doesn't trigger his angry, bruised nipples, that got squeezed under the wheels of democracy. No one tried to grab his pussy... he's got balls. He didn't need to eat Italian food off a naked child sushi-board style platter while playing pong pong. His wife doesn't have the bigger penis in bed... and his supporters don't use blue hair dye. He didn't want to dress in a vampire costume, replete with purple lapels, after realizing that even if people tell you otherwise, you can't fly up like Neo from the matrix, and bust the roof off the Jacob Javits center. His hair is still perky and clean, he doesn't look like death warmed up. Beyonce didn't call. Lady Gaga didn't send him silk facial tissues and a makeup pack. Fat forest-stalkers don't want selfies with him.

What a sickening sight he makes, parading around in his victory, saying whatever he wants and talking with Taiwanese people. Maybe if enough people can get annoyed enough, Angela Merkel can send an airlift to carry them to the Canadian border, where Trudeau can try to high-five all the two-year olds, before handing out customs-tax forms in bilingual English/French. Meanwhile, all the people in Syria are signing a petition to let you all get temporary visas, in case you need a place to park your oppressed nine year old daughters. The world is crying with you and feels the injustice you have suffered... they know that the black voters didn't show up because they were afraid to get shot by police officers for walking down the street without anything in their hands. All the right wing news places are saying Trump won, but it's just a fake news conspiracy... hopefully Twitter can help get the truth out. Women can join Charlie Sheen, as he leads them to one of Trump's hotels... there's a grass+roots moment starting there.
Maybe it wasn't obvious but the loser of which I spoke is Hillary.
I wonder when people are going to realize Trump clearly doesn't play by the supposed rules. I guess we'll see where that gets him in 4 years.
I wonder when people are going to realize Trump clearly doesn't play by the supposed rules. I guess we'll see where that gets him in 4 years.
We sure will! I hope for everyone's sake he faces nothing but Democrat (and some Republicans who are not fond of his plans) obstructionism at every turn. Let this be the most impotent presidency in the history of presidencies. I hope he parks his ass in the oval office and proceeds to just obsess over making inane tweets the next 4 years.
Maybe it wasn't obvious but the loser of which I spoke is Hillary.
I've been pondering that... who's the bigger loser: Hilary, who got millions of votes, or the millions of virtue-signalling dumb shits who voted for her?
We sure will! I hope for everyone's sake he faces nothing but Democrat (and some Republicans who are not fond of his plans) obstructionism at every turn. Let this be the most impotent presidency in the history of presidencies. I hope he parks his ass in the oval office and proceeds to just obsess over making inane tweets the next 4 years.
What of his plans do you specifically not agree with at this point?
I've been pondering that... who's the bigger loser: Hilary, who got millions of votes, or the millions of virtue-signalling dumb shits who voted for her?
I don't think the majority of them are dumb shits
Detached from reality...yes. Uninformed..yes. The problem is I know my fair share of them and many of the are pretty intelligent.
They are the reason I continue to have an open dialog to try and figure out where the error stems from.
I don't think the majority of them are dumb shits
Detached from reality...yes. Uninformed..yes. The problem is I know my fair share of them and many of the are pretty intelligent.
They are the reason I continue to have an open dialog to try and figure out where the error stems from.
Intelligent people can be dumb. I think the Clintons are intelligent, but failing to campaign adequately in some rust belt states was dumb.

I call Clinton voters shit because they stink out everything with their counterproductive attitude, many are busting to get out... to Canada, they smear everyone with their divisive categories/labels, and they want to obstruct everything and constipate the process of reform.
What is the error?
Choosing to vote for Hillary thinking she would have made a better President. Neither choice could be what I consider Presidential but one was a vastly worse choice than the other. Beyond that, being liberal in general. Not in ideals but in a complete lack of understanding what it will take to actually bring those ideals into the real world in a way they would actually work.