
Registered User #666
"This above all: to thine own self be true"

The guy who said this new what the fuck he was talking about. But fuck him for taunting the world with his wisdom. Yes it is all well and good to be yourself, but who cares about what people are really. Who cares about you for you, NOBODY. The great performance of life is all people give a damn about. No one cares about the individual, but more about the great act that individual puts on. God forbid they show a sign a frailty, then they are loved no longer.
It disgusts me to no end.

So fuck you in all your infinite wisdom you created a world were one person doesn't really care about the other. Were a persons value is given by there performance not there humanity.

I feel like watching a violent movie.
Its only when the show changes that people seem to care, when you get yourself into trouble and such. But then they don't care about your emotional well being, only that the show goes on the way it used to be.

I am tired of being a performing monkey. I mean I am a fun funny person, but I have a whole other side like that isn't appreciated as much.

Be true to yourself, go ahead you'll just get a whole lot of shit from people who want you to exist for there pleasure. But they think your something you're not.
Yeah, I know where you're coming from. It's hard to stay optimistic when you see the people you thought you could trust the most turn their backs on you once they've managed to climb a rung higher on the social/career ladder. It's like a person has no merit if they're not at the same level, or something.

Of course, you can cut them out of your life, but, damn, that sense of betrayal really fouls up your outlook for a couple of weeks.

Irony is, I think the phrase "fuck everything" applies a darker shade to that exact wisdom you're cursing; when all its said and done, look out for number one.
Irony is, I think the phrase "fuck everything" applies a darker shade to that exact wisdom you're cursing; when all its said and done, look out for number one.

Thats clever, but wouldn't you have to disclude yourself from "everything".
I know exactly what you're talking about. The same thing happened to me. I used to be popular and had so many firends if you can believe it but then when shit happened to me and I became depressed they all left me stranded. There is no such thing as unconditional love. It all depends on the moment. You could have made some one reall yhappy. bThey could have claimed to love you but, if the next time you seem them thay think you changed then all their "love" seems to fade away. They begin avioding you and shit. It's fucking awful how fickle people can be.
But this is dort of what I was trying to get at with that thread I made that only one person responded to "too happy to care" You can be happy with out people if you just let yourself be free. And you let yourself be free by realiseing how happy you are with out them. Like i don't know it's hard to explain but find your inner joy and just live off it, follow it wherever it takes you because people will not like you for it, but then you shouldn't like them because they don't like you, the real you when your happiest therefore they will never make you your happiest and there for you should aviod their company. Only when your like this will you find people who truly like you for you, and believe me they will be rare but the company of such persons is so great it deems all other irrelevent (pardon by the way any old thymey speech, I was just reading shakespeare and it would seem the flow of the language has had profound effects on me :P) Dinner is ready so now I must bid you farwell but take heed to what I have said and if you should like later on I should be happy to discuss it with you further. xP
"This above all: to thine own self be true"

The guy who said this new what the fuck he was talking about. But fuck him for taunting the world with his wisdom. Yes it is all well and good to be yourself, but who cares about what people are really. Who cares about you for you, NOBODY. The great performance of life is all people give a damn about. No one cares about the individual, but more about the great act that individual puts on. God forbid they show a sign a frailty, then they are loved no longer.
It disgusts me to no end.

So fuck you in all your infinite wisdom you created a world were one person doesn't really care about the other. Were a persons value is given by there performance not there humanity.

I feel like watching a violent movie.

Fuck you too! With much Love of course!
When you walk alone high in the mountains, you don't feel any of this. And when you meet another human, you say "Good day!" and they greet you back. And there's no judgement, no performance.

What you "really" are is much more influenced by people around you, than you could imagine. Most of your desires and goals came from outside. You could discover that you don't really identify with most of your own supposed identity.
When you walk alone high in the mountains, you don't feel any of this. And when you meet another human, you say "Good day!" and they greet you back. And there's no judgement, no performance.

If only saying hello was the be all end all.

What you "really" are is much more influenced by people around you, than you could imagine.

Oh I could imagine alright. But there is a big difference between having your identity being influenced by external forces, and forgoing your identity to become a thin veneer that is peoples expectations of you. Only to have that thin veneer to be met with apathy or punishment.

The former is inevitable the later is painful.

Most of your desires and goals came from outside.

Materialist! Shall we have a debate on free will then?

Come on lets dance I am feeling very aggressive.

You could discover that you don't really identify with most of your own supposed identity.

That part I agree with.

I apologize for being terse. Your efforts at comfort have been registered and appreciated. However I will likely take the parts of advice I get that sounds good and reject the parts I find insufficient or inapplicable.

It is not personal your efforts are appreciated, you all.
Come on lets dance I am feeling very aggressive.
I'm seriously contemplating to put that quote in my signature, at least temporarily. (:

But yeah, if a simple walk in the woods is not applicable, then dance should help too.
But yeah, if a simple walk in the woods is not applicable, then dance should help too.

Oh thats what you meant...I have a better idea lets dance in the woods.

No....let us make a dancing monkey emoticon. Who's with me?!?!?!?
"This above all: to thine own self be true"

The guy who said this new what the fuck he was talking about. But fuck him for taunting the world with his wisdom. Yes it is all well and good to be yourself, but who cares about what people are really. Who cares about you for you, NOBODY. The great performance of life is all people give a damn about. No one cares about the individual, but more about the great act that individual puts on. God forbid they show a sign a frailty, then they are loved no longer.
It disgusts me to no end.

So fuck you in all your infinite wisdom you created a world were one person doesn't really care about the other. Were a persons value is given by there performance not there humanity.

I feel like watching a violent movie.

First of all, NOBODY is an exaggeration. Let's say like 25% care about who people actually are and the other 75% latch on to shallow things like social power or money, or image etc.

The key is to be able to quickly and accurately identify people that won't do this.

Be reasonable and nice and gently let them know what they are doing. If they continue to not listen, or ignore you then you must act swiftly and with no mercy towards them. No fear, you do what you have to do, after all they in essence forced your hand. It isn't like you wanted to behave this way, but sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire.

Tell them exactly how it is and exactly how wrong you feel they are. Remember, while they may have some kind of social power in a sense over you, this really doesn't prevent you from just unloading a reality check on them. The more they are used to getting their ass kissed more this will disturb them and show them you mean business.

If more people were able to identify ethically sound people (in that people who's moral compass doesn't shift poles to put them in the best possible position) then this Machiavellian style of behavior would cease to work.

I think as people mature, as the future rolls forward, people will start paying attention to people's true nature and not shallower things. Until that happens though you gotta be ready to fight back, and don't go overboard yourself. It is much scarier to face controlled emotion than spontaneously exploding emotion.
I have a better idea lets dance in the woods.
That's the spirit! ^^
Holy crap.

It's like the alpha male monkey.
If no one cares who you really are then why do you care if they care ?

Ok, that has no real answer. Let's party.
Ah, validation.

I wish they made pills for that. Or, I wish I could make my own pills, so at least I'd be dependant on myself.
"This above all: to thine own self be true"

You know I think that Shakespeare got it wrong. Allow me to rephrase.

"This above all: love thine self"

The best advice a father ever gave a son in my imagination.