Forum Representation of INFJ Type


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4w5- 469
Does this forum seem representative of the INFJ type to you?

I only know myself, so I am curious for a wider INFJ perspective. I tend to prefer a deeper, more exploratory experience. To me, this environment has seemed tilted toward quick banter exchange, emphasizing linguistic and argumentative cleverness over deeper explorations of perspective.

Since visiting here, I have experienced a sense of resonance with other INFJ expression that to me has felt a confirmation of type, but in terms of the overall mood, I have wondered if it is a place generally representative of the most natural expression of INFJs.

Is your sense people would get an accurate impression of the INFJ type by observing the conversation here? Is there a particular variation of INFJ expression that dominates or do you feel the presentation here well represents the INFJ archetype?
Does this forum seem representative of the INFJ type to you?

I only know myself, so I am curious for a wider INFJ perspective. I tend to prefer a deeper, more exploratory experience. To me, this environment has seemed tilted toward quick banter exchange, emphasizing linguistic and argumentative cleverness over deeper explorations of perspective.

Since visiting here, I have experienced a sense of resonance with other INFJ expression that to me has felt a confirmation of type, but in terms of the overall mood, I have wondered if it is a place generally representative of the most natural expression of INFJs.

Is your sense people would get an accurate impression of the INFJ type by observing the conversation here? Is there a particular variation of INFJ expression that dominates or do you feel the presentation here well represents the INFJ archetype?

I have seen an uncanny similarity of my own personality in the other INFJs here. In fact, the most interesting part is being able to see how my various stages of development are echoed in other INFJs at equivalent ages.

I value the opinions and perspectives of the other non-INFJs, but their presence makes the overall forum more of an open to the public INFJ convention than a homogeneous community. Therefore, I don't think this will ever be a fully INFJ arena. I'm not sure that we need one though. These forums are doing well enough.

It would be unrealistic to set up a forum (or even a section of this forum) where only confirmed INFJs can post, but the public could view to get a better sense of how we interact with one another, but I'd be interested to see it.
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i can understand where you are coming from, tovlo.

though an individual type itself according to the MBTI, i believe the INFJ type encompasses a wide spectrum of qualities of that all of the types have, but which may be more prominently expressed in certain people than others. so in a way, it's likened to the whole of MBTI functions, all which are inherent in each of the 16 types, but form certain combinations that are jointly more preferred by each type.

i feel that the overall mood here does resonate with your description of it. i'm not sure how to more wholly describe it. i think i tend towards the more introverted side of INFJs and spend more time reflecting and pondering than actively expressing my opinions and engaging in friendly banter. i'm not sure how others see me, but i wouldn't be surprised if my words seemed more detached or reserved than the overall feel of the forum.

i believe that most of us here are genuinely concerned and well meaning, but i've noticed those who are so openly friendly and able to reach out and merge with others on a continual basis naturally. i truly appreciate them. i just find my communication approach is quite a bit different than that and i only hope it is received well because i do not seem as openly social or approachable.
I think it's the ENTPs' fault!
I think this forum does a good job of representing INFJ's. While there are alot of joke and nonsense threads, that doesn't give us a bad rep. We do have a silly carefree side to us. The other types here help drag that out of us and make it shown to the world. It also makes us use our Fe in a more clear way.

There are plenty of deep thinking threads here that definitely give a good representation to our deeper side, and it gives us a way to express and explain it.
It's interesting to see the more mature and emotionally controlled and insightful members vs. those who are working on developing themselves to that point.
One thing I've noticed about this forum is how open and free of drama it is; it's like a safe-haven. There are some potholes here and there, but generally speaking, I feel comfortable expressing myself, my fears and hopes and likenesses and differences, without being socially ostracized for it.

It's thoughtful here. It provokes the imagination, subjectively and objectively, and it promotes the search for self and understanding. I'd have to say that this is very much an INFJ environment.

Furthermore, I agree with the previous statements that a lot of different sub-types and stages of development are here as well. That's nice because there's always a sense that at least ONE person gets you, usually more. I don't really get that many other places, especially irl, and I think many INFJs feel the same.

In other words...yes.
I value the opinions and perspectives of the other non-INFJs, but their presence makes the overall forum more of an open to the public INFJ convention than a homogeneous community.

Yeah, I think that hints at what I'm wondering. I'm not in favor of a homogeneous forum, rather I'm trying to gain a wider perspective on whether the INFJ presentation here is representative of the general communication style of the type, or perhaps representative of a portion of people who type INFJ adapting to a particular environment.

Based on the responses so far, I'm still not sure. I'm noting responses that might support the idea that certain kinds of INFJ voices are not being well represented and perhaps many of those that are represented are presenting a face responsive to their environment.

rainrise said:
i think i tend towards the more introverted side of INFJs and spend more time reflecting and pondering than actively expressing my opinions and engaging in friendly banter. i'm not sure how others see me, but i wouldn't be surprised if my words seemed more detached or reserved than the overall feel of the forum.

IndigoSensor said:
We do have a silly carefree side to us. The other types here help drag that out of us and make it shown to the world. It also makes us use our Fe in a more clear way.
There are plenty of deep thinking threads here that definitely give a good representation to our deeper side, and it gives us a way to express and explain it.

I'm a rather infrequent visitor here, so it's likely I've missed many of these threads that meet this need in you.

What I was trying to describe is an openness and vulnerability of self expressed and then met in turn with returned openness and vulnerability, ideally resulting in a greater understanding of self and our world.

Does that match what you are thinking of when you speak of "deep thinking" threads?
I'm a rather infrequent visitor here, so it's likely I've missed many of these threads that meet this need in you.

What I was trying to describe is an openness and vulnerability of self expressed and then met in turn with returned openness and vulnerability, ideally resulting in a greater understanding of self and our world.

Does that match what you are thinking of when you speak of "deep thinking" threads?

Hmm...Tovlo, I think it can depend on what you're looking for. The majority on the board, INFJ or otherwise, are young-ish. Not to slam anyone for his or her youth, but the depth levels change depending on age, too. Some answers will be silly and some will be deep - and some folks have gone through many things in a short time (and some have the maturity level to look back and say, "aha! That's what that meant...").

Personally, I like the mixtures of ages, perspectives, and ad hocs running around the forum. Sometimes I impart knowledge and sometimes I just listen to folks who are far, far more mature than I was at their age. If you want specific threads on vulnerability and growth, you can look at some of the topics and find the answers. It's usually not where the topics start, but where they start splitting...I've noticed that many of the longer threads do have depth.

Otherwise, why not create deep threads and invite others to join? If you're looking for something specific, then it might be time to create that specific thing so others can "go deep," as it were.
Otherwise, why not create deep threads and invite others to join? If you're looking for something specific, then it might be time to create that specific thing so others can "go deep," as it were.

Conversation happens among people. Yes, one must engage, but there must be those willing to engage in return.

To answer your suggestion, I have made sporadic attempts to initiate conversations in the style I value with little return engagement. I suspect this is because the way I tend to engage is not generally valued in this environment. If this is so, I respect it would simply be the nature of the forum and would reflect the natures of the people who populate it.

What I'm trying to discern is if this is simply because of the social mix of particular INFJ's (and other types) who are part of this forum, or if it is a more general representation of INFJ communication preference.

I'm not asking the question to change anything here. I am only hoping to gain information and understand better the type and my relationship to it.
Conversation happens among people. Yes, one must engage, but there must be those willing to engage in return.

To answer your suggestion, I have made sporadic attempts to initiate conversations in the style I value with little return engagement. I suspect this is because the way I tend to engage is not generally valued in this environment. If this is so, I respect it would simply be the nature of the forum and would reflect the natures of the people who populate it.

What I'm trying to discern is if this is simply because of the social mix of particular INFJ's (and other types) who are part of this forum, or if it is a more general representation of INFJ communication preference.

I'm not asking the question to change anything here. I am only hoping to gain information and understand better the type and my relationship to it.

I understand where you are coming from. I have started very few threads here and the ones I have started went nowhere. So now I post in my blog knowing that if you are there your wanting to read what it is I am saying. I think we all want validity to what we are saying. Or else why say anything at all? I am tired of arguing with people about things that really don't matter to me so I don't. I play ignorant. It's my possum move...
On a personal level I am way deeper than I show here and I will hold a conversation. I like the energy between two people conversing about things that really excite them! It's the passion of living that makes life fun for me. And trying to stay connected to the world is where my head is at right now. So I also understand your earlier posts. I am wanting to tap into humanity and I hope there will be a time when humanity starts to listen...
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Conversation happens among people. Yes, one must engage, but there must be those willing to engage in return.

To answer your suggestion, I have made sporadic attempts to initiate conversations in the style I value with little return engagement. I suspect this is because the way I tend to engage is not generally valued in this environment. If this is so, I respect it would simply be the nature of the forum and would reflect the natures of the people who populate it.

What I'm trying to discern is if this is simply because of the social mix of particular INFJ's (and other types) who are part of this forum, or if it is a more general representation of INFJ communication preference.

I'm not asking the question to change anything here. I am only hoping to gain information and understand better the type and my relationship to it.


I guess it could be a question of dynamics, or perhaps the style is different here than perhaps it is on other forums. I've been part of various forums and each has its own style, even when the types are pretty much the same. This could mean, though, that if you want a specific answer you might have to ask that question another way in order to get a different response. I don't think it's the fault of the board - I don't think it's anyone's fault, actually. It could be a matter of communication. But to answer your question, I don't know if this forum is indicative of all INFJ-type forums because I haven't been part of a lot of them. I know I like this one more than the others - perhaps because it's drama-free and more light-hearted. That's why I'm here. Sometimes I'll pose a question, but often I'll discover my answer was already posted elsewhere.

Usually (and this is me) if I can't gel with a forum's dynamics I either change the way I'm relating to it, or I leave it.

But maybe I should ask this: What are you looking for? What questions did you ask - and are you looking for answers, or more dialogue? I'm sure we could start deeper conversations on the board, but there's no guarantee that they won't get derailed - lol! That's the nature of this forum, I think.

Anyway - please know that I'm not arguing or debating with what you're saying. I'm intrigued, actually. If this is an area where I can help, I'd like to try.
So I have a few ideas that I suspect might be related...

So, it might be a good time to refernce the fact that apparently other INFJ forums have failed in the past. The idea that the source suggested is that INFJs are basically responders, and that a format that has been met with some sucess is the "mailing list" format that apparently taps into that "responder"-impulse that INFJs have... Plus, there really are a lot of mistyped people, and I don't mean the problem of INFP/INFJ, I mean more intellectual sensors at some angsty phase or another, and that isn't even accounting for the fact that likely a meaningful percentage of the genuine introverted NFs labeled as INFJ are INFPs. I was a loud example of this for a bit. I'm an INFP.

The thought I've mentioned in the past to try to come to terms with that is the way that INFJs reach out and sort of grab onto someone, or rather their reluctance to do so, may not be rewarding enough for fellow INFJs basically hoping to be doted over as well. So, that may not seem related, but, I don't think you are the only one suspicious of the strength of reaction to topics with a little more of that meaty intuition feeling. Plus, I suppose people who have been around a lot have a more casual perspective on it, and know how much work some depth-diving threads can represent, in spite of the rewarding "depth".
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I understand where you are coming from. I have started very few threads here and the ones I have started went nowhere. So now I post in my blog knowing that if you are there your wanting to read what it is I am saying. I think we all want validity to what we are saying. Or else why say anything at all? I am tired of arguing with people about things that really don't matter to me so I don't. I play ignorant. It's my possum move...
On a personal level I am way deeper than I show here and I will hold a conversation. I like the energy between two people conversing about things that really excite them! It's the passion of living that makes life fun for me. And trying to stay connected to the world is where my head is at right now. So I also understand your earlier posts. I am wanting to tap into humanity and I hope there will be a time when humanity starts to listen...

So many of your lines echoed thoughts from my internal world and I smiled in the receiving of it. At least for me it does feel kind of pointless to speak to no one and so I will tend to close up without affirmation that I'm being received. I don't know if that's typical or not, but I sensed you understood that experience. I'm glad that posting in your blog meets your need for expression and being received.

I also feel alive in the energy of people conversing about things that are close to their soul. I love when that energy opens up and allows the interaction to change everyone involved.

Thank you for sharing your experience of what you value in communication.

Perhaps a re-wording of what I'm looking for would help here.

What do those of you who type as INFJ value in communication?
But maybe I should ask this: What are you looking for? What questions did you ask - and are you looking for answers, or more dialogue? I'm sure we could start deeper conversations on the board, but there's no guarantee that they won't get derailed - lol! That's the nature of this forum, I think.

Anyway - please know that I'm not arguing or debating with what you're saying. I'm intrigued, actually. If this is an area where I can help, I'd like to try.

Thanks for trying to help, arbygil. I think maybe the best help you could offer would be sharing what you value in communication. You've hinted at it in some of your responses so far, but the fact that you are here and a fairly regular contributor tells me that some communication need is being met for you in this format. I'm curious to know more about what that is. I'm also curious if there are communication needs that are not met here and where those needs are met.
So many of your lines echoed thoughts from my internal world and I smiled in the receiving of it. At least for me it does feel kind of pointless to speak to no one and so I will tend to close up without affirmation that I'm being received. I don't know if that's typical or not, but I sensed you understood that experience. I'm glad that posting in your blog meets your need for expression and being received.

I also feel alive in the energy of people conversing about things that are close to their soul. I love when that energy opens up and allows the interaction to change everyone involved.

Thank you for sharing your experience of what you value in communication.

Perhaps a re-wording of what I'm looking for would help here.

What do those of you who type as INFJ value in communication?

It is also hard to judge who you will get along with online. You are essentially talking to a screen. We can't hear each other and making judgments online can be very wrong in the end. You have no real world experience with the person you are interacting with. People tend to only show a facade of who they are online. Just look at user names. I think that a better online meeting would be a video chat forum. Although right now it will take some time for technology to catch up with what we want it to do. I think if people start interacting as people again things online would be very different.
And thank you for making the post that made me want to respond!
Those are good questions, and I'm not exactly sure if I can do the answers any justice. But I'll try.

For me, I think the biggest draw is the dichotomy of the personalities centered around the so-called mysterious INFJ. I already know I'm an odd duck, and even within this pond of odd ducks I'm not always going to act like the next odd duck, so I don't expect to be understood or even heard. When I am it surprises me and thrills me a little, but that's not my draw. I don't even mind if the threads I create go nowhere or if a thread derails. It's kind of interesting to see where others take them.

I can't say I'm really here for personal growth, either, and honestly this doesn't feel like the place centered on personal growth. I've been on those forums before, and honestly they bore me: They're filled with a lot of navel-gazing and self-congratulatory pats on the back (or, sound and fury signifying nothing).

INFJ Forums feels more like a family reunion. You've got the crazy aunt and drunk uncle, the kid sisters and bratty brothers, the wisened grandpas/mas and that cousin who did that thing no one talks about. It's never dull, it's never boring, and there's always something to do or see or learn. That's why I come here.

If I want an engaging conversation that's deep I might post a few things and see what comes of it. I've found, though, that if I balance the lightheartedness with the deep that I eventually get my answers.

Mainly, here's how I feel about it: I'm an INFJ. Most of my thoughts are in my head, and I'm tired of thinking about them every day. I have the answer if I've thought about it long enough, but to help that answer enter my conscious mind I ask my fellow INFJs what they think. Sometimes I'll agree, sometimes I'll disagree...but I'll always get another take on my question. But I don't expect this place to be deep all the time, and I don't expect it to be lighthearted all the time. And I've never been disappointed as far as that's concerned.

Too long didn't read: This place is unique, and there's always something to satisfy my thoughts, dreams, wishes, and talents. When I need to go deep, there are people I can trust to go deep. When I need to turn off my brain, there are people here who I enjoy bantering with. It's all in the way I've approached it, I s'pose.
You ask what we as INFJs value most in communication and of course we can each answer only individually. Except for the latest sub-forum on questions regarding mood disorders, I think I tend not to disclose--on this or any other forum--what is I value most. Those conversations I tend to reserve for the intimates in my real life. I do, however, enjoy philosophical discussions about authenticity and the search for it in my own life. I must admit that I sometimes--even often--don't join in such discussions for fear of being misundersttod or disclosing too much, if that makes sense. I have little confidence in my ability to defend any position I take and therefore, while I may read such threads, I rarely contribute to then.