The Masons as in the Freemasons? Kind of curious what that group specifically is (only read a bit here and there before, can't grasp the full concept of it).

It's a fraternal organization. If you read a Wikipedia page about it you would learn as much as I can tell you about the Freemasons. I'm not a member and members are forbidden to tell too much about it. Women cannot join, but they can join Eastern Star.
Some of the points of the Lodge are to build men into better people, build community, and support each other. At Lodge all men are equal and brothers. It honestly makes men better people. Each lodge is different, so in some areas the lodge may be more or less desirable than others. It probably works best for men who like belonging to something, community, and being part of history. Loner types and free spirits won't get as much out of it.
It's a fraternal organization. If you read a Wikipedia page about it you would learn as much as I can tell you about the Freemasons. I'm not a member and members are forbidden to tell too much about it. Women cannot join, but they can join Eastern Star.
Some of the points of the Lodge are to build men into better people, build community, and support each other. At Lodge all men are equal and brothers. It honestly makes men better people. Each lodge is different, so in some areas the lodge may be more or less desirable than others. It probably works best for men who like belonging to something, community, and being part of history. Loner types and free spirits won't get as much out of it.

Did not know they were so community centered nor about the Eastern Star. Also either seems to be going a bit into history (looking at each wiki page). Sounds cool albeit a bit centered around rituals/religion. Thanks!
Sounds cool albeit a bit centered around rituals/religion.

Yeah, you need to believe in a greater being to join. It can be any greater being. I think one of my friends pledged to Cthulhu. (His lodge is liberal about these things.) It's because you need to make promises and you can't make a promise to nothingness. I believe the only subgroup, or one of the only subgroups where you need to be Christian is the Scottish Right.
Yeah, you need to believe in a greater being to join. It can be any greater being. I think one of my friends pledged to Cthulhu. (His lodge is liberal about these things.) It's because you need to make promises and you can't make a promise to nothingness. I believe the only subgroup, or one of the only subgroups where you need to be Christian is the Scottish Right.

That's a very liberal approach, lol.
Yeah, you need to believe in a greater being to join. It can be any greater being. I think one of my friends pledged to Cthulhu. (His lodge is liberal about these things.) It's because you need to make promises and you can't make a promise to nothingness. I believe the only subgroup, or one of the only subgroups where you need to be Christian is the Scottish Right.

Why can't I make a promise to myself?
Any woman have advice on how to tell a man is good at sex before having sex with him? Would save me a lot of time, thanks

Haha! What valuable advice to learn.

I can usually tell if a man won't be good at sex: They brag. They try to be over the top with sexy and erotic one-sided conversation. They are all ego. They aren't focused on their person of interest or what that person's desires and needs are. They don't know how to touch people in gentle, soothing ways (but can be overbearing and in that person's space). Nope, bye.
Haha! What valuable advice to learn.

I can usually tell if a man won't be good at sex: They brag. They try to be over the top with sexy and erotic one-sided conversation. They are all ego. They aren't focused on their person of interest or what that person's desires and needs are. They don't know how to touch people in gentle, soothing ways (but can be overbearing and in that person's space). Nope, bye.
@slant ^^^what @Asa said
I chuckle at these guys that say "I haven't had any in like 4 months, a year, 5 years" , my reply is generally... any what, sense?
I've never wanted to have sex with anyone I haven't shared a conversation with first, so....
Interesting. Yeah I go cruising in the dating apps and find someone who seems benign and then pounce. If I don't release my sexual energy at least once a year all if it gets converted into rage and then I'm impossible to be around