Following your dreams


The Romantic Scientist
I was wondering what kind of dreams are you guys trying to pursue in life. I mean what's the reason that you wake up each morning and say "today I'm going to do this and this and be that much closer to accomplish that I came here to do." Is there such thought in any of you?

As for me, my dream is to see this world in peace and efficient, For all of us to be rational human beings and treat each other with respect and knowledgeable about all there is to know for us to be successful in any of life's endeavours. John Lennon comes to mind with his famous song "Imagine". I know there will always be conflict in the world but I also know that we are intelligent beings who can solve problems without bringing the sword into play but instead use love and rationality to solve those differences.

So tell me...why are you living? Hopefully we can use each other to lead us to the paths that we want at the end.
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My dream is to make games. It's do or die within the next two years for me, as far as that goes.
Right now, I am trying to figure out exactly what that dream is.
I LIKE this question!:m123:

I truly just asked myself this question today. Heres mine.....

I seek to further the human races mind and beliefs in ourselves and nature. sure its been discussed PLENTy of times but....humans CAN DO MORE!-I BELIEVE!

You know we make all these technological things to "easier" our lives. We constanly refuse to depend on ourselves sometimes. man this is a hard conecpt for me to explain for i have never had to tell someone else WHY I EXIST.

I seek to do the impossible.

I think that sums it up. I wanna.....learn telekinesis, i wanna fly, i wanna stop a bullet, i want to" advance" or "transcend" as a human. I dont like the lifestyle of we live just to live. i almost literally HATE it when people dont have a answer for me when you ask them WHY their alive....

ive asked some people(people i know gernally) and there answers are USUALLLY ...

" survive."

to me...that is so bull!

well....dont get me wrong i am NO ONE to criticize anothers way of life....but to me...theres no passion in that. Living to live? merely to survive? idk. i know people with this lifestyle not saying its wrong. I just personally dont like it. i used to tho.

but to answer your question....My dream is to...completely become at peace with myself and nature. I want to make or"let" myself become a force of nature.I want to fully be in contact with my intution. i want others look...we dont have to live a lfe scared...depending on guns to defend us?! U see so....i wanna b more. but financiallly, i want to become a stuntman or backup dancer. I practice breakdancing and martial arts and gymnastics. and in those ways i find myself free, free from persicution, free from gravity, in a sense,. so after all this talking i think you get the point. I want to help humans(animals too) become at more peace with themselves and nature. I kinda wish there was a word for people like me....but than again i dont wanna be labeled. and have a "name" on me.

but this passion is strong. i truly believe ....if i didnt have a passion in have no reason to live. I believe i would either be sick or truly dead. i once felt my life slipping away as had no reason to live.

but i hope this answered the question. and hope to hear more answers. i like hearing about this question and its answers....
Haha yay I love writing them and John Lennon's Imagine is absolutely FANTASTIC! "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one"
  1. Move to USA
  2. Be a psychiatrist
  3. Be an actress
  4. Get a box of business cards
Furthermore I want to make a difference, I want to help. I want to write History!! Peace !! ^^ :)
I have dreams for the world, for it to be a better place, but I'm all but ready to give up on those. I wont state them. I can't defend them. They are only dreams, and they are hopeless.

I would like to travel, to see nature's beauty all over the world. I'd also like to meet the girl of my dreams, whoever that might be. I don't even know what I really want in a girl, and I don't have any specific places I want to go at the moment.

What else? Maybe become a writer or something. Of course, that is vague too.

I have no idea really. The only things I'm sure of are the least practical.
I have dreams for the world, for it to be a better place, but I'm all but ready to give up on those. I wont state them. I can't defend them. They are only dreams, and they are hopeless.

I would like to travel, to see nature's beauty all over the world. I'd also like to meet the girl of my dreams, whoever that might be. I don't even know what I really want in a girl, and I don't have any specific places I want to go at the moment.

What else? Maybe become a writer or something. Of course, that is vague too.

I have no idea really. The only things I'm sure of are the least practical.

I love your dreams alot and I have such dreams as well. Don't think of them as hopeless because they dont have to be! :)

I think the key to contribute to the world and make it a better place is unity and people comming together, working towards the same goal. ^^

One of my dreams is to write a biography or a memoar.
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Move to USA

Why would you want to move there? They don't even have public health insurance. And it's waaaay too extroverted country for me. Being in New York makes me feel so small and insignificant.

I'm definitely not implying that you should give up on this. It just might be quite different than you imagine.
Why would you want to move there? They don't even have public health insurance. And it's waaaay too extroverted country for me. Being in New York makes me feel so small and insignificant.

I'm definitely not implying that you should give up on this. It just might be quite different than you imagine.

The thing is that I have it confirmed that its not just my imagination. I've been to several places in USA; Texas, Indiana and California. It was absolutely special and fantastic in their own ways. It is THE place for Me

I am well aware of how expensive it all is, but then again I am also aware of the opportunities and freedom that comes with it.
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I think we all want to be in different places, all wishing and hoping that a brighter future awaits on the horizon. I want to live in Japan someday but I just think we have a very idealized idea of where we want to be. I don't think it's a bad thing only that it might not be a so wonderful place as we picture it on our minds.

But we got to strive and fight for our dreams no matter if others don't agree with them. I support your decision Pristinegirl and I don't even know you but as long as you support and believe in what you want I have no voice and influence on what you think is the best for you. Thanks guys for your posts.

Live on!
I dream of being inspired to be creative again. I think I'm still in a low-grade depression although no longer in a debilitating one from last year at this time. I still can't shake a sense of being redundant and insignificant. I would like to rekindle that sense of having something of value to offer the world.

I also dream that my Sweety will get a better job and one where we can be together. I'm not the type that is comfortable living far away in a relationship. I'm not autonomous/independent in a strong way. I want to be with my buddy and help him achieve his goals. Then I'd like to get some of mine back and work on those as well.
I dream of being inspired to be creative again.

I want to be with my buddy and help him achieve his goals. Then I'd like to get some of mine back and work on those as well.

I hope to see you do just that....very commendable goals to place your buddy first. Wish there were more like you in the world!
I dream to maintain my focus or to find the life-long tools that will assist me in 'getting the job done'.

I have dreams of cozy cuddles with SOs, owning my own apartment, getting through college. I don't put as much value on these as I do on the former or the dreams I have for my friends and family to find their happiness.
I think we all want to be in different places, all wishing and hoping that a brighter future awaits on the horizon. I want to live in Japan someday but I just think we have a very idealized idea of where we want to be. I don't think it's a bad thing only that it might not be a so wonderful place as we picture it on our minds.

But we got to strive and fight for our dreams no matter if others don't agree with them. I support your decision Pristinegirl and I don't even know you but as long as you support and believe in what you want I have no voice and influence on what you think is the best for you. Thanks guys for your posts.

Live on!

Thank you so much for the support :) we may not know each other but better late than Never :mf: I am well aware of all the flaws but personally I feel that the pros are stronger than the cons. You know, take the good with the bad and smile when you're sad ^^

There is no doubt about that idealized image haha, I certainly imagine all american boys will be prince's and hold my hand if I'm sad. Of course that is not the case, however neither does it mean that it Can't be :D :love:

I really hope you go to Japan someday I have heard it is an amazing and inspirational place.