Personally, I'm an INFJ, but this applies to anyone. What is the most confusing type you've encountered, one on one? What puzzled you? I'll go first.
There is this guy that I work with. He is an absolute puzzle, yet I'm attracted to him. He's shy, but I'm sure it's only when I'm around, and when I ask a specific question, if it's the slightest bit controversial, he reply with an, "I don't know" or some qualifying answer. At times, he'll be more open, and then suddenly he'll snap shut. Can anyone decode his type? That would make my job a lot easier. Also, would a relationship of any kind be beneficial? Or are our types too different?
There is this guy that I work with. He is an absolute puzzle, yet I'm attracted to him. He's shy, but I'm sure it's only when I'm around, and when I ask a specific question, if it's the slightest bit controversial, he reply with an, "I don't know" or some qualifying answer. At times, he'll be more open, and then suddenly he'll snap shut. Can anyone decode his type? That would make my job a lot easier. Also, would a relationship of any kind be beneficial? Or are our types too different?