Do you have trouble reading when you wake up?

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I have trouble reading when I first wake up. I can see the words, but I have trouble comprehending the intention of the sentences, following the sentences, and generally just kinda stare at the words without getting anything out of them... the words just don't 'stick' in my head... until I get more awake. Strangely though, I can write before I can read... like right now. (No claim that I can write well in this state)

I also have the same problem with verbal communication. People can talk to me and I hear what they are saying, but it doesn't 'stick'. However, unlike written communication, I cannot verbalize before I can effectively listen. It's the opposite.

I cannot do math of any kind until well after my communication centers are online.

I don't think my emotional centers are especially active, other than to motivate me into motion. I'm emotionally very blank at this point. However, it seems like my emotions are closer to the surface than my ability to reason, they're just not 'on'. For example, something that would make me angry when I am fully awake will often just cause me to pause blankly while in my waking up state. However, at some point in the waking up process they will come online before my ability to reason, and I can be overly emotional in those moments before my reason has the capacity to talk me out of acting like a caveman.

It usually takes me forcing myself to engage myself in order to fully wake up faster than say 10-15 minutes (like typing this post is finally waking me up).

Do any of you share this 'freshly awake' state? I'm curious if it's related to function preference.

Edit: As proof of this phenomenon, when I tried to read what I wrote to proof my work, I still had a little trouble reading.
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I have trouble reading when I first wake up. I can see the words, but I have trouble comprehending the intention of the sentences, following the sentences, and generally just kinda stare at the words without getting anything out of them... until I get more awake. Strangely though, I can write before I can read... like right now. (No claim that I can write well in this state)

I also have the same problem with verbal communication. People can talk to me and I hear what they are saying, but it doesn't 'stick'. However, unlike written communication, I cannot verbalize before I can effectively listen. It's the opposite.

I cannot do math of any kind until well after my communication centers are online.

I don't think my emotional centers are especially active, other than to motivate me into motion. I'm emotionally very blank at this point. However, it seems like my emotions are closer to the surface than my ability to reason, they're just not 'on'. For example, something that would make me angry when I am fully awake will often just cause me to pause blankly while in my waking up state.

It usually takes me forcing myself to engage myself in order to fully wake up faster than say 10-15 minutes (like typing this post is finally waking me up).

Do any of you share this 'freshly awake' state? I'm curious if it's related to function preference.

This is pretty much me in a nutshell. I have to take a fe w hours to be fully functional. Or else I may not be able to the task asked of me.
I have trouble reading when I first wake up. I can see the words, but I have trouble comprehending the intention of the sentences, following the sentences, and generally just kinda stare at the words without getting anything out of them... the words just don't 'stick' in my head... until I get more awake. Strangely though, I can write before I can read... like right now. (No claim that I can write well in this state)

I also have the same problem with verbal communication. People can talk to me and I hear what they are saying, but it doesn't 'stick'. However, unlike written communication, I cannot verbalize before I can effectively listen. It's the opposite.

I cannot do math of any kind until well after my communication centers are online.

I don't think my emotional centers are especially active, other than to motivate me into motion. I'm emotionally very blank at this point. However, it seems like my emotions are closer to the surface than my ability to reason, they're just not 'on'. For example, something that would make me angry when I am fully awake will often just cause me to pause blankly while in my waking up state. However, at some point in the waking up process they will come online before my ability to reason, and I can be overly emotional in those moments before my reason has the capacity to talk me out of acting like a caveman.

It usually takes me forcing myself to engage myself in order to fully wake up faster than say 10-15 minutes (like typing this post is finally waking me up).

Do any of you share this 'freshly awake' state? I'm curious if it's related to function preference.

Edit: As proof of this phenomenon, when I tried to read what I wrote to proof my work, I still had a little trouble reading.

Quite the opposite actually, I do most of the things you have listed intentionally to wake up. For example, the first thing I do when I wake up at 6:30 is to read off of my labtop since it is typical on my bed before I go to sleep. This keeps me from falling asleep and it also helps me keep up with the news. When I actually get a good amount of sleep (Light sleeper with insomnia) I can see a bit of what you're talking about in myself but typically I'm already up.
Quite the opposite actually, I do most of the things you have listed intentionally to wake up. For example, the first thing I do when I wake up at 6:30 is to read off of my labtop since it is typical on my bed before I go to sleep. This keeps me from falling asleep and it also helps me keep up with the news. When I actually get a good amount of sleep (Light sleeper with insomnia) I can see a bit of what you're talking about in myself but typically I'm already up.

Are you saying that if you didn't have a system to combat these things, you would do as I described?

Hehe, and also what you're describing is what I do to combat this issue in myself. First thing I do is turn on my computer and check my mail to try to force myself to wake up. I suppose our focus is different because of Fe (I want to see if anyone needs me for anything) vs Te (you want to see if you need to recalibrate how you understand everything in the world relates).
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Are you saying that if you didn't have a system to combat these things, you would do as I described?
Hehe, and also what you're describing is what I do to combat this issue in myself. First thing I do is turn on my computer and check my mail to try to force myself to wake up. I suppose our focus is different because of Fe (I want to see if anyone needs me for anything) vs Te (you want to see if you need to recalibrate how you understand everything in the world relates).

Interesting, I never thought about 'how' I wake up and how it is affected by my MBTI.
Interesting, I never thought about 'how' I wake up and how it is affected by my MBTI.

This might be the pattern for Ni dominant people. We start in the state described, then as we wake up we add the next function, and so on until all our functions are online. I've read something that implied this once, and wanted to see if this is the case.

(As well as calibrate my own type. I'm going through one of those self questioning phases again, because...)

On the other hand, it might be the case that this is an overall N dominant trait, which could apply to Ni as well as Ne. I'd love to have more Ni dominant people chime in, as well as some Ne dominants - especially ENFPs.
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Yea I am pretty much like an automaton when I first wake up. I meditate first thing to combat this. If I don't meditate I try to engage my feelings in some way, as that seems easier then trying to work on some equation or project.

My gf (intj) seems to like doing things when she wakes up. She plans out things and problem solves the second her eyes open, which I simply cannot do. Neither of us talks at first, which is nice.
I have trouble verbalizing anything when I wake up. If someone asks me a question after I woke up it seems that it takes me forever to come up with an answer. I can read, and I usually do, to wake up faster, but I'm not up for talking from about an hour to two hours after waking up depending on distractions (like too much questions or someone breaking up my wake up routine) which seems to slow down my waking up.
Yea I am pretty much like an automaton when I first wake up. I meditate first thing to combat this. If I don't meditate I try to engage my feelings in some way, as that seems easier then trying to work on some equation or project.

Interesting. My first concern is whether or not anyone I care about tried to contact me when I was asleep, unless I know someone is depending on me to do something - at which point I'm on it like an automaton. Or... there is something I'm enthusiastic about doing.

If my feelings are not engaged, it takes me a long time to wake up - like hours.

Neither of us talks at first, which is nice.

Now that's harmony right there.
I have trouble verbalizing anything when I wake up. If someone asks me a question after I woke up it seems that it takes me forever to come up with an answer. I can read, and I usually do, to wake up faster, but I'm not up for talking from about an hour to two hours after waking up depending on distractions (like too much questions or someone breaking up my wake up routine) which seems to slow down my waking up.

I can have trouble with all sorts as soon as I get up. It's not just reading specific.

Sometimes I swear the only muscle that works in the morning is my penis.
Yea I am pretty much like an automaton when I first wake up. I meditate first thing to combat this. If I don't meditate I try to engage my feelings in some way, as that seems easier then trying to work on some equation or project.

My gf (intj) seems to like doing things when she wakes up. She plans out things and problem solves the second her eyes open, which I simply cannot do. Neither of us talks at first, which is nice.

Interesting, I tend to do that night before and modify it the day of. Generally, by the time I wake up, I know how long I should stay in bed (and what I should read in the morning, sometimes it's facebook, sometimes its the news and weather, sometimes it's or something I was reading the night before), what time I should begin cooking breakfast, what I am eating for breakfast, when I should stop eating breakfast, when I should take a shower, and last by not least, what time should I leave the house to go to school. I have to admit that this is precise and amazingly exact, I'm no more than two minutes off EVER. Unless I'm sick which throws a wrench into my plans.
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I can read when I wake up, but if it is content heavy I have a hard time focusing on it. How tired I am does have an effect but my mood effects this much more then anything. If I am mentally worn out forget it I just can not will myself to read anything, or learn anything for that matter.
Interesting, I tend to do that night before and modify it the day of. Generally, by the time I wake up, I know how long I should stay in bed (and what I should read in the morning, sometimes it's facebook, sometimes its the news and weather, sometimes it's or something I was reading the night before), what time I should begin cooking breakfast, what I am eating for breakfast, when I should stop eating breakfast, when I should take a shower, and last by not least, what time should I leave the house to go to school. I have to admit that this precise is amazingly exact, I'm no more than two minutes off EVER. Unless I'm sick which throws a wrench into my plans.

Yea she's pretty much like that. She plans out most things in advance. She had all of her course work plotted out for the whole semester the day after she got her syllabus. She reads news online in the morning and does very specific things, whereas I do whatever feels good.
I am fully awake and fully functional the instant I wake up. I am at optimal form from 8:00 to 8:15 a.m.....then it is a slow decent 'til bedtime.
If I wake up on my own, or with an alarm clock I can be pretty incoherent in my thoughts, words, visual accuity, etc.

However, if I have been woken up by a phone call concerning an urgent matter, I'll snap into focus instantly. Funnily, when I wake up on holidays, I'll wake up smiling and strangely cheerful (odd - I'll get embarrased about it, even though I am alone).
The only thing I can do when I first wake up is my fire safety drill, everything else will require 30 minutes for me to boot up and a cup of coffee.