Do you follow the crowd?

How often do you follow the crowd?

  • Always

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Usually

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Occasionally

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • Never

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • What crowd?

    Votes: 12 31.6%

  • Total voters


Why or why not?

Poll will be added . . .
I follow the crowd more often than I want to. Why? I think because I don't like the idea of being left alone. As in, if I don't follow I am on my own. It mostly happens when friends or collegues or wathever group I 'belong' to makes a descision or plans, I always try to influence the descision but mostly I have to give in and follow as a sheep. Or I can descide not to go with them but than I'm even more a outcast so I give in... and I hate that!

On other thinks I don't follow so much. I don't take over ideas just because a popular person thinks that way. I will mostly consider the idea and if I don't like it ! stand by my values. Or when someone is bullyed, someone who has not the power to stand up for himself, I will defend him even if that makes me an outcast.

I think I can summurize this by saying that I will follow if that is in the interest of the group or me belonging to the group, but when my values are affected, I will stand up and fight :fencing:
I stopped following the crowd many years ago. I assume there is a crowd...I prefer to ignore the whole concept and just focus on individual people.
Sometimes I do, sometimes I dont. The reasons are as varied as the circumstances.
What is the definition of a crowd? Is it society with laws and principles or just trends based on our media?

Or is it just the people in your immediate vicinity? If that is the case, is this in reference to changing yourself to align with their opinions of the world, or is it simply overlooking small things to get along?

A lot of the time I go with the flow. I don't speak up a lot unless it is something I feel really strongly about. If it means trying to keep up with trends or to feel like you need the latest stuff to fit in, then no.

If it means adjusting your behavior based on who you are around, then yes. But I never say something that isn't "me," nor do I let people believe I am something that I am not. However, I can't always guarantee things are that way.

If it means following a crowd that is running away in a panic or screaming to lynch someone, then hell no.

It is all relative.
Always. There is never a time that I don't do what everyone else tells me to do. That's why I want to move to China.
Always. There is never a time that I don't do what everyone else tells me to do. That's why I want to move to China.

Quiet down and go bake me a cake.
why do you always post just before me??? :D it is a conspiracy :fear:

What is the definition of a crowd? Is it society with laws and principles or just trends based on our media?

Or is it just the people in your immediate vicinity? If that is the case, is this in reference to changing yourself to align with their opinions of the world, or is it simply overlooking small things to get along?

A lot of the time I go with the flow. I don't speak up a lot unless it is something I feel really strongly about. If it means trying to keep up with trends or to feel like you need the latest stuff to fit in, then no.

If it means adjusting your behavior based on who you are around, then yes. But I never say something that isn't "me," nor do I let people believe I am something that I am not. However, I can't always guarantee things are that way.

If it means following a crowd that is running away in a panic or screaming to lynch someone, then hell no.

It is all relative.

those are good questions
I think I do it the same way as you do!
I only follow the crowd when I become part of the crowd and "am" the crowd, so to speak. This applies both literally and existentially.
All of us follow the crowd in some way, whatever that crowd may be - but I definitely go the other way when I don't like the direction the crowd is going.
Crowd? Other people? Where?

In all truth, it's absurd to claim that you DON'T follow the crowd, because you wouldn't even be able to speak and think, without them. Your whole perceptions about the world are entirely manipulated by the monkeys before you; and even your rebellions are manipulated. ^^ All underground and counter-culture movements are still popular culture, and that's how they got to you. Unless you make something entirely in your head, in which case it doesn't even matter.

You can be presented with A.
You can rebel: not A!
Meanwhile, there are also B and C, but you wouldn't even know.
I mean - negation of what is offered is not freedom. And choice is an illusion, when you simply don't know.
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I hate it when people "don't follow the crowd" or instantly hate the latest trends because they're popular. Not following the crowd doesn't make you better or different.
I think for myself, but if I happen to decide to follow the crowd, well then I'm going to follow the crowd. I don't make waves just for making waves sake, but I will if I have to.
I usually make it a point to not be with the crowd.
I don't know what I'm in a chat room with 2352352624 people right now...:m133:
I hate it when people "don't follow the crowd" or instantly hate the latest trends because they're popular.

Yep. The fact that something is popular doesn't make it evil. It really depends on why you're following the crowd whether or not it's a bad thing.
Crowd? Other people? Where?

In all truth, it's absurd to claim that you DON'T follow the crowd, because you wouldn't even be able to speak and think, without them. Your whole perceptions about the world are entirely manipulated by the monkeys before you; and even your rebellions are manipulated. ^^ All underground and counter-culture movements are still popular culture, and that's how they got to you. Unless you make something entirely in your head, in which case it doesn't even matter.

You can be presented with A.
You can rebel: not A!
Meanwhile, there are also B and C, but you wouldn't even know.
I mean - negation of what is offered is not freedom. And choice is an illusion, when you simply don't know.

hmm, interesting.
I rarely follow the crowd. Instead I sit up on a nearby mountain and watch which way they go. It's not always the wrong direction, but I like to get a view of it before I make up my mind. In many cases the direction of the crowd isn't particularly relevance once I get situated and comfy alone on the mountain.
What crowd? I have my own bubble where I stay!

Anyways, I think someone have already pointed this out. There's a lot of crowds out there. If I am not in one, I am bound to be another. What I think of my own original ideas/moral/hobbies/whatever-you-can-think-of is probably someone's else's. (There is no such thing as originality anymore.)

BUT if we don't connect it to someone else, then we could go rogue. :m179: