Do you believe in fate?


The Romantic Scientist
The thread on free will left me wondering of fate itself. So if our life is already written, would we really have free will? I just don't like the idea of me not controlling my own actions but at the same time to believe in fate gives me confort that I may not be responsible of what I do since it was already written for such event to happen.

What do you guys think?
No, but I do believe in luck.

Luck = opportunity + hard work.

Sometimes things happen for a reason... usually to teach us things we desperately need to learn. I think that's different than fate, though.
Not particularly, no. I don't believe everything is in your control, but I don't believe everything is out of your control, either.
Absolutely, I can't see how free will would be able to exist in a cause-and-effect environment/world whereas everything else is under constant cause-and-effect.

I believe strongly in determinism.
Absolutely, I can't see how free will would be able to exist in a cause-and-effect environment/world whereas everything else is under constant cause-and-effect.

I believe strongly in determinism.

I believe in divine intervention.

Let say that you did pray for self improvment. Maybe a chain of prior occurences then leads you to self improvement.

Is their divine intervention? or is it just determinism? or did the divine
creator create things so it happened as so? For their are many life changing cases.

Maybe the fact that everything relates to each other as a whole and not individual occurances with no effect on each other is in itself a prove of a sort of "single entity".
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Fate and Free Will coexist!
the general understanding of these two terms ,i find, is too "strict".
fate and free-will are not opposites but they are elements that keep your life going.
If we say that free-will is the choices you make then fate is the choices that other people make concerning you , your life, or the ones that affect you in a direct way.
that means that fate (or destiny for that matter), is nothing but the free-will of others who around you.

when people say "you can control your fate", they are right, because you cna control how to react or respond to the choices others (your family, yor girlfriend, your teacher, etc.) make. And when people say "you can't change Fate" they're also right, because you can't change how others make their decisions and go about their lives, even if it affects you in a way.

Fate is not absolute, and so isn't Free-Will

They're merely parts of a web called Life, and the result of our interaction with each other.
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I don't believe in fate, but hell what do I know? It doesn't matter in the end. I'll die having done what ever it is I 'think' I wanted to do, regardless if it was my fate or not.
I very much believe in fate. However, I don't believe that every single thing is governed by fate.
Life is one giant mish-match of what you want to make it, and what everyone else wants to make it. Life goes where you take it, just as long as you're willing to barge through the rest of the traffic to get there.

tl;dr answer: No, I don't.
Fate and Free Will does co-exist; there is always uncertainty however probability still exists.
I believe in clean unbiased chance! and lots of hard work to give yourself the best opportunity to achieve your goals, but alas nothing is guaranteed.
No, I don't really believe in fate. There are a lot of things that happen in life that you have no control over, but I'm reluctant to call it fate.