Pixie In Repose
Regular Poster
I was in my group counseling class last night and my professor started talking about "J" versus "P" personalities. He said that very strong "J"s feel that their way of doing things is the right way and look down on others who do things differently. Now, keep in my mind my professor is definitely a "P". He said that "P"s are "fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants" kind of people and "J"s are planners. Well, I'm a "J" but not particularly a strong one. I don't feel that I exactly look down at people although I do become annoyed if I feel their behavior is unhelpful or harmful to others. Yes, I suppose I get more than "annoyed" sometimes, but I'm trying to be more diplomatic as I'm getting older. What do you guys and gals think about this? Is there any truth to his sentiment?