Describe your Community


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
You don't have to tell us exactly where you live, but from your point of view, what is your community like?
Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?
Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?
Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?
What are the dominant political and religious groups?
Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?
Are there good services available?
How involved are people in your community?
How many people do you know in your community?
Is your community safe?
And anything else you can think to describe what its like to live in your community.
Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?
Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?
Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?
What are the dominant political and religious groups?
Labour, Country Liberals (part of coalition)
Anglican, Catholic, Buddist
Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?
Working class/Poor
Are there good services available?
How involved are people in your community?
Not very.
How many people do you know in your community?
About 4.
Is your community safe?
view, what is your community like?
Very outdoorsy, middle sized. College town. Has a very "homey" feel to it. People claim that people here are snooty, but I do not think so at all. Then again, I grew up in new jersey. I find people very chill, liberal, and down to earth. It is very cold and snow! LOTS of skiiers of course! :D

Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?
Most are nice, there are some mean ones being the hick-mentality cowboys mostly. Good handful are indifferent too.

Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?

Everyone appears to be very healthy. I have not seen any obease people ever.

Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?

What are the dominant political and religious groups?
Lots of christans. For every conservative, there is a liberal.

Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?
There is each class here, as well as the "college class".

Are there good services available?
From what I have herd yes.

How involved are people in your community?
People are either very involved, or very apathetic. No grey area.

How many people do you know in your community?
I know my college friends.

Is your community safe?

Very much so

And anything else you can think to describe what its like to live in your community.
It is a college town, a skiing town, a rural town waring subburban clothes.
You don't have to tell us exactly where you live, but from your point of view, what is your community like?

Moved to a new suburb in January and it feels more like a community than all of previous places I've lived excepting my childhood house. I'm always on the fringe of that though and don't get actively involved.

Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?

People are pretty nice, some are nosey but I find often the two go together, as in they are nice cause they want to know what's going on. I'll wave and get waved at by neighbours even though I've only spoken to one or two.

Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?

Nothing stands out.

Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?

Suburban, about 5-10 minutes from the city centre.

What are the dominant political and religious groups?

There are none. It's pretty multi-cultural, lots of Greeks, Italians and Sudanese, everyone has their own religious preferences, Australia is nowhere near as religious as America appears to be, I'm sure many of my neighbours would be non-religious or non-practicing. Politically, it's a marginal seat.

Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?

My suburb is divided into two, there's the middle to upper class section that's pretty well off and housing trust places which are low income or unemployed, I live in the middle to upper income part.

Are there good services available?


How involved are people in your community?

Community watch newsletters are delivered monthly/bi-monthly, from reading them it seems people are fairly involved.

How many people do you know in your community?

None other than to wave at.

Is your community safe?

I feel safe although there are criminals living in the neighbourhood, especially in the housing trust area, one of my copper mates lives in the same suburb, apparently it's not so great but I've never had any problems... I do have some pretty heavy duty looking gates and fence that would look like I'm trying to keep a vicious dog in though :D

And anything else you can think to describe what its like to live in your community.

It's pretty, there are trees everywhere and its right next to the Torrens river which has walking/riding trails along it, there are always ducks at the end of my street which are the absolute cutest things to watch when the ducklings waddle after their mother down the street. It's basically just a really nice place to live, it also helps that I only have to travel 10-15 minutes through scenic back streets to get to work.
Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?


Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?


Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?

Mostly rural

What are the dominant political and religious groups?

Pretty secular

Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?

Middle class with a bit of wealthy

Are there good services available?

Not really

How involved are people in your community?

I'm not too sure, I'm not. :D

How many people do you know in your community?

Not heaps, mostly family

Is your community safe?

Usually, it has it's moments though, prone to break ins.

And anything else you can think to describe what its like to live in your community.

Very pretty, especially in Autumn but year round it's nice, very green.
Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?

Oh there's a whole range. People here are pretty friendly. You're likely to get a "how's it goin'" or a "g'day mate" as you walk down the street.

Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?

Some are healthy, quite a few are obese, and many are sick...our health system isn't great.

Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?


What are the dominant political and religious groups?

Liberal and Labor.
Catholic and Anglican.

Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?

Middle class

Are there good services available?

Ermmmm could be better. Some services are very good though.

How involved are people in your community?

Many are quite involved. Others, not so much. It depends.

How many people do you know in your community?

Immediate family
Majority of my high school
Many from other high schools...particularly the Catholic ones
People involved with St Vincent de Paul/Edmund Rice Camps
People from work
People from my parish
Other friends who are not in any of the above categories.

Is your community safe?

Safe enough

And anything else you can think to describe what its like to live in your community.

It's Rugby League obsessed! Seriously, where are the AFL supporters? Apart from people who are racist and narrow minded...most are nice, good people. I enjoy living here at the present but it's not somewhere I see myself for more than five years from now.
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[FONT=&quot]Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?

[FONT=&quot]Semi-nice in that “I’m interested in who you are but not enough to make a big effort” way.

Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?

A combo. You’ll find anorexic folks, bulimic folks, health nuts, exercise fanatics, the extremely obese, and everyone in between.[/FONT]
Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?

[FONT=&quot]It’s a college town, but it has an extremely bohemian feel around the campuses. In the outer lying areas, however, it’s a mix between extremely blue collar/suburban decay and urban renewal. The wealthy yuppies have invaded, and they’re planting their roots here. Unfortunately.[/FONT]
What are the dominant political and religious groups?

[FONT=&quot]Dominant? Christian. But politically it’s a mix. If the students actually cared to vote, it would be politically Liberal. But since we’re a predominantly transfer/commuter school…it’s Conservative.[/FONT]
Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?

[FONT=&quot]See above. [/FONT]
Are there good services available?

[FONT=&quot]Sure, depending on where you go.[/FONT]
How involved are people in your community?

[FONT=&quot]I think they want to be more involved, but most aren’t. We have a fantastic health food community and yoga centers abound, and our Christian communities are usually more concerned with others than themselves…but nothing really gets going.[/FONT]
How many people do you know in your community?

[FONT=&quot]A few. I’ve branched out some but not as much as I’ve liked to.[/FONT]
Is your community safe?

[FONT=&quot]Mostly. I think people can still keep their doors open at night depending on where they live, but again — college town. When students get poor, they start trollin’ for things to steal and they can do crazy things when intoxicated. :p[/FONT]
And anything else you can think to describe what it's like to live in your community.[/FONT]

It needs more trees and green areas. I love the bohemian side of things, but I wish people wouldn’t mess with making things “Better.” We need people willing to invest in the Mom and Pop stores around here. And we need more co-ops. Further north, you can still buy raw milk and you’ll see the odd animal farm (llamas and donkeys, emus, ostrich, etc) but it’s beginning to change.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The good news is, a rallying cry came forth when one of the biggest urban renewal people decided to build a giant CVS on the street (while tearing down some classic buildings). Unfortunately, the students got mad and ended up burning down one of the shops that closed. There’s an ugly lot in the middle now. No one has done anything with it, and the urban renewal guy is in court because supposedly he obtained the property illegally.[/FONT]
Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?
Eh...they're somewhere between indifferent and nice. I live in an apartment complex.

Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?
Average, I'd say.

Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?

What are the dominant political and religious groups?
Hahaha...the whole state is republican.

Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?
Wealthy middle class. We live in a very posh neighborhood. A benefit of having an older boyfriend is being able to live in these nice areas...for free! (hahaha)

Are there good services available?
Eh...I dunno what you mean by services, but I'll go ahead and say yes.

How involved are people in your community?
Pretty involved. Very safe. Typical posh surburbia style.

How many people do you know in your community?
Not very many since I just moved here in June.

Is your community safe?
Very. We're on a golf course with million dollar houses across the way--a constable patrols the area in my apartment complex.

And anything else you can think to describe what its like to live in your community.
Typical golfing community. Professional singles, or middle class young familes.
I live in a big city. I don't feel any sense of community at all here. My neighborhood is very nice, and affluent, and my immediate neighbors are all lovely and friendly, though. It's racially & politically diverse, but I feel out of place in the religious climate.

I did feel a sense of community in my last (small) town, where grocery store clerks, all my neighbors, all the teachers & staff at my son's school and even the local government knew me on sight and greeted me warmly. It was (is) one of the most affluent towns in one of the most affluent counties int he United States. Very quaint, very picturesque. VERY safe. There was some property crime there (mainly mischief, though it was upsetting just the same), and virtually no violent crime. It was mixed religiously and politically, but absolutely not racially, which is one of the reasons I was so willing to leave. Virtually no racial diversity, and almost no social diversity (we were one of the "poorest" families). For me, those were serious flaws in raising a child there.

While I gained some of the things I thought were lacking in our previous Post Card village, I've also lost a LOT. I never feel safe here, there's a lot of crime. It's been very hard for my son to make friends, which I think has a religious component. As a result, I would probably respond more negatively to all the questions than this area probably deserves.

I'd like to find someplace, some day, in the middle between these two extremes.
I will place this thread on a back burner to answer later. As you all know I recently moved to Vegas and am *trying* to give to all a fair shake before I pass judgement.
You don't have to tell us exactly where you live, but from your point of view, what is your community like?

I live in a town which is about 15 miles away from 'Europes Oil Capital' or so they call it. There is about 15,000 people live here now and its set to rise as they keep building bland houses that all look the same as each another on the outskirts. I live in the part of town that's called the 'auld toon', or old town where the buildings are old and have some character to them. The harbour is about 5 mins walk away and used to be full of fishing boats, but is increasingly full of pleasure boats.

Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?

Yes, I'd say if you collapsed on the street somebody would be there to help you in seconds. Some parts of the town are still close-knit, so a little gossipy! There is still a sense of community in the older areas.

Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?

Generally healthy I'd say. There are quite a lot of old people.

Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?

rural-suburban? I'd say it's a commuter town.

What are the dominant political and religious groups?

Christian, but I wouldn't say dominantly so. There are a lot of churches, although none of the younger generation go to them. The town is too small to have any organised Buddhist group or anything. Politically the place would be mixed, with the majority voting Labour, then Liberal Democrat and then Conservative (at least I think it turned out that way after the last election).

Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?

Middle-class to working class in general. Lots of good wellpaid jobs with the offshore oil, so you get a lot of people coming up from England to work here.

Are there good services available?

One supermarket and a busy town centre, the locally owned shops are slowly being taken over by the bigger national ones. It is possible to get most things here, but there is more choice in the city.

How involved are people in your community?

There are local groups that are involved.

How many people do you know in your community?

Quite a lot as I grew up here.

Is your community safe?

Yes, I walk the dog in the middle of the night if I can't sleep.

And anything else you can think to describe what its like to live in your community.

If you are young and don't like the one nightclub, you are pretty much screwed! There's a big drinking culture here as the pubs stay open 'till 1am and the club 3am.

Thanks for this thread satya, Ive enjoyed thinking about!
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You don't have to tell us exactly where you live, but from your point of view, what is your community like?
Quiet, leafy, beautiful houses, very much a village atmosphere.

Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?
People are quite polite and respectful. The local shopkeepers are pretty friendly, I know most of them by site and some by name.

Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?
Most are pretty healthy.

Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?

What are the dominant political and religious groups?
It's a very safe conservative political seat. Local politicians are very involved in politics and often feature in the media.

The majority of residents could be broadly classed as Christian, either Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian or Uniting. I would hazard a guess that the vast majority were not actively involved in their religion.

Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?
Most people who live here could be described as living comfortably.

Are there good services available?

How involved are people in your community?
Fairly involved. We have an annual village fair that gets a big turn out. There are a number of schools in the area that seem to have a lot of parent involvement.

How many people do you know in your community?
A few. Some I might stop and talk with, others I might just wave at and smile.

Is your community safe?
Yes, I feel pretty safe here.

And anything else you can think to describe what its like to live in your community.
Nothing else that comes to mind. I love living here.
What is your community like?
Boring middle-class, with lots of people who own cars with alloy wheels, turbo-chargers, body kits, etc.

Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?
They keep to themselves, like me... except one fucking bitch across the street.

Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?
Lots of slightly chubby individuals - very few obese people.

Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?

What are the dominant political and religious groups?
Politically? Difficult to say.
Lots of Catholics and recently - hindus.

Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?
Some very wealthy people 'living down', the rest are working class.

Are there good services available?

How involved are people in your community?
People are involved in their own groups: sport, etc. There are no community-wide activities.

How many people do you know in your community?
About 5 households - but I try to keep to myself. My next door neighbour is also very reclusive - I like talking to him every now and then.

Is your community safe?
Aparently there is some crime, but I feel completely safe.

And anything else you can think to describe what its like to live in your community.
It's the kind of place where people still walk to the shop and will nod their head as they pass you.
You don't have to tell us exactly where you live, but from your point of view, what is your community like?
Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?

They are all of those things. I have found, though, that most of the people in my "town" are a bit more thoughtful and considerate than those in the surrounding towns. However, we are being invaded by people that want to be like those from the surrounding areas...I don't like them.
Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?
All of the above.
Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?

It's kinda' a mix of all those. It's considered a suburb, but is filled with factories, ethnic-oriented neighborhoods, etc like an urban area. It's got a rural feel to it, though. It's not up it's own ass like a lot of urban areas. Many of the people that live here either grew up here and didn't leave b/c they can't afford to or they moved here b/c everywhere else is too expensive. I'm here b/c I grew up here and I love it's mentality.
What are the dominant political and religious groups?
There isn't dominants in those areas. This is one of the most mixed cities you'd ever find. There are poor people, fairly wealthy people (compared to the rest of us, anyway), blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners, Africans, South Americans. Whatever you can think of, we have them in fairly large numbers. With that many cultures, we have many different religions. I live within 1 mile of 2 Catholic, 2 Baptist, 1 Methodist churches, a Jewish synagogue, a Buddist temple, a Muslim temple(?), and another Buddist compound.
Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?
All of the above, but mostly working-class and poor. It's a mostly blue-collar town and was founded as such. There are nicer areas that have just sprung up the last 20 years and there are ghettos (my brother and aunt lived in one, so I know what I'm talking about).
Are there good services available?
There are a ton of small automotive repair shops if that's what you mean. :o)
How involved are people in your community?
I'm not sure. Probably not much at all. They're too busy working their asses off to keep a roof over their families' heads.
How many people do you know in your community?
More than I'm aware of. Lots of people I grew up with are still here. But, it's very big and has a huge population, so I can't know the majority.
Is your community safe?
hehe Depends on your definition. I feel safer here, because it's always been "home" to me. Can I go out after dark and walk around? No. Can I leave a door or car unlocked for longer than a couple of minutes without worrying that someone will break in? No. Do I have crackheads and drug dealers around? Yes. Our cops are "vigillant", but mostly to harrass you black and Hispanic men.
And anything else you can think to describe what its like to live in your community.
Special and humbling. I grew up not seeing color or economic class, which I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. And it's not a place (except for the new area) where people feel they are better if they have more things and more money.