[FONT="]Are the people nice, mean, indifferent, etc.?
[/FONT][FONT="]Semi-nice in that “I’m interested in who you are but not enough to make a big effort” way.
Are they healthy, obese, sickly, etc?
A combo. You’ll find anorexic folks, bulimic folks, health nuts, exercise fanatics, the extremely obese, and everyone in between.[/FONT]
Is it rural, urban, suburban, etc?
[/FONT][FONT="]It’s a college town, but it has an extremely bohemian feel around the campuses. In the outer lying areas, however, it’s a mix between extremely blue collar/suburban decay and urban renewal. The wealthy yuppies have invaded, and they’re planting their roots here. Unfortunately.[/FONT]
What are the dominant political and religious groups?
[/FONT][FONT="]Dominant? Christian. But politically it’s a mix. If the students actually cared to vote, it would be politically Liberal. But since we’re a predominantly transfer/commuter school…it’s Conservative.[/FONT]
Is it wealthy, middle class, working class, poor, etc?
[/FONT][FONT="]See above. [/FONT]
Are there good services available?
[/FONT][FONT="]Sure, depending on where you go.[/FONT]
How involved are people in your community?
[/FONT][FONT="]I think they want to be more involved, but most aren’t. We have a fantastic health food community and yoga centers abound, and our Christian communities are usually more concerned with others than themselves…but nothing really gets going.[/FONT]
How many people do you know in your community?
[/FONT][FONT="]A few. I’ve branched out some but not as much as I’ve liked to.[/FONT]
Is your community safe?
[/FONT][FONT="]Mostly. I think people can still keep their doors open at night depending on where they live, but again — college town. When students get poor, they start trollin’ for things to steal and they can do crazy things when intoxicated.

And anything else you can think to describe what it's like to live in your community.[/FONT][FONT="]
It needs more trees and green areas. I love the bohemian side of things, but I wish people wouldn’t mess with making things “Better.” We need people willing to invest in the Mom and Pop stores around here. And we need more co-ops. Further north, you can still buy raw milk and you’ll see the odd animal farm (llamas and donkeys, emus, ostrich, etc) but it’s beginning to change.[/FONT]
[FONT="]The good news is, a rallying cry came forth when one of the biggest urban renewal people decided to build a giant CVS on the street (while tearing down some classic buildings). Unfortunately, the students got mad and ended up burning down one of the shops that closed. There’s an ugly lot in the middle now. No one has done anything with it, and the urban renewal guy is in court because supposedly he obtained the property illegally.[/FONT]