Create Your Perfect Mate


Regular Poster
What if a machine which could produce your so called perfect mate existed? You could push some buttons, pick what he looked like and voila! He/She is alive.

Anyway, the game goes like this:

Write what you want your perfect man or woman would look like, hair colour, eye colour, height, body shape, etc. You can add what kind of profession they have, traits, etc etc. Have fun with it.

Note: You don't have to be single to contribute. It's just a game.

I thought it would be interesting to see what INFJ's and other MBTI types found attractive mentally and physically.

Please try to use your imagination...
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This might take a while, I'll do it tomorrow.
ditto....this will take some serious thought....
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120gb of memory, too.
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Holy Shit!
I typed in "Shai Gar Perfect Woman" into google and someone had... appropriated my design from a few years ago.

163 - 170cm
Slim but Fit

50 - 80kg. The weight to adjust with musclemass, not Fat.

A very deep and dark brown or auburn.
Very long, down to the small of her back or knees (knees is preferable).
Straight hair, but a few slight curls are acceptable

Slight tan, not too dark, about the colour of apparently what is called Honey Bronze
Very few to no freckles

The shape is to be asymmetrical curved teardrops.
The size's i will allow range from, Large B to a medium C
Nipples should protrude no more than a centimeter and a half when aroused.
The Areola shouldn't be too large, I'm not a fan of the pancake type, the perfect radius is 3 cm.
All natural, I hate fake.

Colour should be a deep translucent dark green.

All natural, I hate fake.
As long as they aren't naturally as thin as paper I don't care.
With regards to lipstick deep red and burgundy are very nice.

Body Hair:
I am not attracted to mammoths, mammoths are hairy, I don't like hair, if I liked hair I would marry feminist.
Pubic hair is nice, but only in small amounts.
Make it either a small strip a centimeter wide going down 5 cm.
The Hair should at least be an inch above the clit.
I don't like hair in my mouth.

I will add more, or update later on.
I'm not sure really, I'm not really fussed about looks to be honest. I suppose I am attracted more to these kind of people:

Basic appearance:
I am quite inclined to asian men (Not middle eastern. Asian. Like, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, thai etcetc) though some westerners I like too.
Bit of muscle, not alot though, just a little bit but it's not vital.
He has to take pride in his appearance. Cleanliness, please! I can not stress that enough. (I know i'm a little bit of a clean freak.)

Medium hair. I hate short hair but I despise long hair on men. A little past the ear is about right. I'm not keen on body hair really. I'm not fussed about a little bit of chest hair or whatever, but .. it kinda grosses me out.
Clean shaven is preferrable. I only tend to like goaties (but trimmed down ones. Like, 5 o'clock shadow kind of thing.)

I'm not too fussed about facial features. As I mentioned before, I like the way Asian men look.young, clean with deeply coloured eyes. Kinda like Gackt and Ruki :D
As you can see, I suppose the slight femininity of asian men I find attractive. I like men who are able to express themselves without having to put on the "manly fisade".

Body structure:
Again, not bothered about this. I'd prefer him to be taller than me, even if it's just by an inch which isn't hard since i'm quite small. Gentle hands, strong but not so he'd break me if he hugged me. xD

As long as they have a nice personality I don't mind. Someone who can make me laugh, is kind and considerate towards other people and probably a little outgoing to make up for my lack of it. I like the musical type, artistic. Trustworthy and reliable.

Though, I go with what the Dalai Llama said: "To distrust someone is to make them untrustworthy."

He can do whatever he wants, i'm not bothered as long as he's happy with it. I don't care about how much money he makes, or how long he's away. Just as long as he likes it and is happy.

I suppose that's it. My taste in men is a little weird.. D: I'll add stuff if I think of anything.
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Looks are something I really don't care about, either I'm attracted or I'm not but the influencing factor is their personality.

Fit is good, active is better.

Hair is good, shortish is better, colour is irrelevant.

Taller than me is good, I'm a short ass so it's not hard.

Body shape is irrelevant but really skinny guys aren't for me.

Profession is irrelevant so long as they have ambition.

Personality counts as almost everything for me.
Those Leprechauns were freaken nasty! I make one little comment about stealing their gold and they make it sound like I killed their mother! :rant:

-Eyes: Silver/Blue; I prefer that the eyes are a mixture of the colors.
-Nose: Sharp & Small. I have a great disliking for noses that are too wide, and/or tend to disappear into the face instead of cutting off like a sharp one.
-Eyes: Don't really care but eyes like my own, elf-like, would be cool.
-Lips: Plump lips, but all natural. I don't want to be kissing botox but the actual girl.
-Dimples: High, kind-of stick out but not to much to through you off the face's beauty.
-Head Shape: Round-ish; I like cute small heads :)

-Color: Randomize as long as it doesn't include purple or pink.
-Length: Lower Back; I love long hair!
-Style: Emo/Scene; I just have a thing for this type of hairstyle
-Bang: Yes Please

Arms & Hands;
-Arms; Shortish arms that seem to be long. If that makes sense?
-Hands; Small hands with long fingers

-Breasts: A - Small D; Though anything all natural will do. I want the breasts to be perky, and with a slight swish to them.
-Nipples: Dark, Medium, but can deal with either size.
-Milk: Got it?
-Stomach: Not Flabby. I don't want her to be stick thin because I'm not for that look, but I don't want her to be fat. I always imagined Jessica rabbit would be good for this area.
-Belly Button: Yes, Pierced.

Lower Body;
Legs: Long Legs
Hips: 36
Feet: N/A; Don't Care
Vagina: Tan-ish with a bit of pink. I dislike hair but wouldn't mind a landing strip. I believe that's what their called now-a-days.

Scars: Depends on how she got them. I like scars because they have stories behind them.
Tattoos: Yes :)
Piercings: Yes :)
Body hair (Arm Pits, Legs, ETC): No D:
Height: 5'0 - 5'5
Skin Tone: Spanish Tan/ Honey Glazed

That is the appearance I'll make the personality in a bit. Getting tired now.
Thin, medium short, Blonde hair with pale skin. Sharp-ish facial features with cat like eyes, that stand out from her face and a small nose. Her skin goes patchy, bright red when she gets hot or flustered. Brown eyes. Lips that don't move much when she speaks.
Slim body, with a nice ass that get hugged by her jeans. 5'8 height and small boobs that don't sag.

Open, accepting, honest and nice. Understands complex issues and feelings. Has a bitter, resentful side that she only feels comfortable expressing with me. Appreciates art- good taste in books, movies and music. Cries when watching films and likes to debate about everything.

Something creative, that has a bit of idealism to it. Something she feels that allows her to help other people.

Wait, I just described this girl I like...
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Appearance wise I'm usually attracted to the casual, bohemian, laid-back men with burning, lively, deep eyes. There's something about eyes and the smile. I don't have anything general about this though, like stated, there's either chemistry or there's not. Confidence with their own sexuality? But yeah definately someone taller - body type wise as long as healthy. Mostly it's the charisma that radiates through everything.

Personality wise... People who laugh with me, or make me laugh while, easy-going, adventorous, complex, deep, funny, independent and not clingy, affectionate, original, weird, cool, iconoclast, unusual, playful, fast (mental), can keep up with all tangents and offer, too interesting ones...

But for a mate? I doubt many could deal with my independence, intensity and eccentricities.
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THIS is my dream guy. :D

Brown eyes - almost black
dark hair
kind smile
nice hands - to make me feel safe
strong enough to open jars for me (it takes me FOREVER to open lids so this is a MUST)
Height doesn't matter but I'm 5 '7.5" (almost 5'10 in heels) so he needs to be cool with that
Brave enough to kill crickets and other yucky bugs- he can scream and run around on his tip toes after it's dead, but he just needs to be brave enough to KILL it
protective (so if there's a psycho chasing me he'll beat the hell out of him)
has emotional issues
likes to cuddle
Will go to Mexico with me visit children in orphanages
gives me my space to "process" things.
A certain ENFJ I know, only straight plz

And I'm sorry Shai, but it looks like I'm not your perfect woman after all

I actually found a girl who was more than just the physical description. she embodied the very ideals of the entire unpublished thing... she's in ohio, an INTJ.
I don't know about finding a 'perfect' mate, but I do have some traits that I look for when I'm with someone:


I value a man who is family-oriented, loyal, and who is driven. He doesn't back down from a challenge, and tries to stay positive, no matter the circumstances. Intellect, quick wit and a sense of humor are one, two, and three on my list of intellectual-compatibility. If he can make me laugh and if he can keep up with my banter, we can definitely have some fun together too.

I don't really have a preference for eye or hair color. It's really how everything blends together that matters to me. I do note, however, that I tend to be attracted to slightly sharper features.

I would prefer a fit mate. I myself put huge emphasis on my fitness, and it would be nice to have someone who's a gymrat too. I also prefer a medium to large frame. I'm a Lucy Lawless type of gal. I would look out of sorts with a Joxer type.

I'm a rather tall girl (175cm) and I do like to wear heels; I would prefer a man who is my equal or who surpasses me in height (or someone who isn't insecure about being the shorter straw).
THIS is my dream guy. :D

Brown eyes - almost black
dark hair
kind smile
nice hands - to make me feel safe
strong enough to open jars for me (it takes me FOREVER to open lids so this is a MUST)
Height doesn't matter but I'm 5 '7.5" (almost 5'10 in heels) so he needs to be cool with that
Brave enough to kill crickets and other yucky bugs- he can scream and run around on his tip toes after it's dead, but he just needs to be brave enough to KILL it
protective (so if there's a psycho chasing me he'll beat the hell out of him)
has emotional issues
likes to cuddle
Will go to Mexico with me visit children in orphanages
gives me my space to "process" things.

I have emotional issues galore! I'll also beat up psycho's, kill bugs and open jars!