(Concerning cell phones) Is it rude.... | INFJ Forum

(Concerning cell phones) Is it rude....


Si master race.
Feb 17, 2009
... to text and whatnot on your cell phone while someone else is talking to you? How about in class?

I was at the SHRM Regional Conference a few weeks ago and the speaker thought it was necessary for us to be using Twitter and FB (and that it was bizarre that we weren't!) while he was talking and asked why we were focusing on him only.

Yes. It is rude, rude, rude, rude, rude, rude, rude,....
to play with your toys while other people are talking to you
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I usually interpret as a lack of interest in the ongoing conversation. So, yes, rude.
hmmm. Ive had an experience like this. A friend of mine invited me to their house once, and she was going on for weeks about how excited she was to spend time with me, to chat and what not. Then when I got there, she talked for about 10 minutes and she just spent the rest of the time texting. At one point later that evening she went "Oh, put a film on my laptop if you want!" and then continued to text. Not a word from her until I left.
I found this very rude. Simply because she spent weeks going on and on about how excited she was to spend time with me, then she completely blanked me when it came round to it.

But meh xD I was only angry about it for a short space of time, then brushed it off my shoulders. I dont bother with people that dont want to bother with me. ^^
Yes, in fact I said yes when I read the title of this thread before entering.
i hate it when people text in class.
makes them look like such dumbasses. especially their lame attempts at hiding the fact that they are texting.
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i hate it when people text in class.
makes them look like such dumbasses. especially their lame attempts at hiding the fact that they are texting.
ikr what dumbass losers i hate those kinds of people they're so lame it's all like hey i'm cooler than you because i have someone to talk to better than what i'm doing now psh whatev chode
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i hate it when people text in class.
makes them look like such dumbasses. especially their lame attempts at hiding the fact that they are texting.
It is really funny to watch though, when people lean back reallllly far, long glance to their left, long glance to their right, and keep one hand under their desk the entire time, only glancing up from their crotch every once in a while. So obvious xD

I find it kinda rude if it's a constant thing.
I think it's definitely rude to do when in direct conversation with someone.

In class, there's a catch imo. First off, yes it is disrespectful, but no more disrespectful than zoning out or drawing in a notebook etc if it is done quietly. It becomes obnoxious to me when you can clearly hear the sound of someone hitting the keys, sliding the keyboard open/closed, or hear the phone vibrating.

In class, you paid to be there. It's up to you if you want to get distracted and not get your money's worth. Just don't distract the people around you.

And yes, trying to be all stealthy about it usually results in nothing more than making oneself even more conspicuous.
I'd consider it rude, especially if someone was trying to share their knowledge with you and you were only giving him/her half your attention. it can also be distracting for the people around you who might not want to hear you tapping away on your phone or whatever.
Extremely rude. And not just on cell phones
or when texting. Prepare for rant in...

While I have no issues with the idea of people multitasking,
I do believe that full attention should be on the person with
whom one is conversing, or at least as much as possible.
Sometimes there are exceptions which cannot be helped
because of time constraints, but it still should be avoided.

I am constantly trying to explain to my husband that I need
him to at least pause the video game when I need to communicate
something to him. I'm not a pushy nag, and there are times I won't
see him for the entire day even though we are in the same house.
I respect his space. But on the rare occasions I do invade
the man cave, I need to know that I am heard. When he invades my space,
even just to say something not crucial at the moment,
I put aside what I am doing and give him my attention.
Consideration for another person's thoughts and feelings is important.

My best gf will talk to me on the phone while watching TV and reading
the paper or a magazine. Drives me crazy. I focus my whole attention on
someone when they're speaking, so they know I'm listening to them.
When I'm speaking in turn, I don't like feeling as though talking to me
is a task one must accomplish and be done with as quickly as possible.

... to text and whatnot on your cell phone while someone else is talking to you? How about in class?

I was at the SHRM Regional Conference a few weeks ago and the speaker thought it was necessary for us to be using Twitter and FB (and that it was bizarre that we weren't!) while he was talking and asked why we were focusing on him only.


Yes. dont have time for a further answer but bug me later and ill explain
Yes. If you're talking directly to someone it is very rude.

Not a fan of obsessive texting in a class, but one or two per class is ok.
Yes while your talking to someone don't text someone else.

Also about in class as long as someone isn't nosy or its not bugging others then I'm don't care. There wasting their education that's up to them not me. Just don't distract me or be loud and were fine.
I've hung up on people that text while I'm talking to them.

"oh hang on a second I need to text this person back"
"oh ok" *click*

It's not just rude, it's deplorable behavior.
This is actually one of my biggest pet peeves D:, lol. I mean I'm fine with a "we'll meet you at such and such" or just checking it, but when people are having like text conversations while you're talking to them I just want to turn around and walk off in the opposite direction.
... to text and whatnot on your cell phone while someone else is talking to you? How about in class?

I was at the SHRM Regional Conference a few weeks ago and the speaker thought it was necessary for us to be using Twitter and FB (and that it was bizarre that we weren't!) while he was talking and asked why we were focusing on him only.


In one on one or small group situations: super rude
In small interactive classes: rude
At work/during a meeting: rude
In large classes or lectures: not a big deal IF the phone is touch screen. People are delusional if they think texting on a key pad phone isn't distracting. People can hear that clicking 3 rows away and its annoying as crap.

In college, I think silently texting/whatever-ing on my touch screen phone is not a big deal. I'm paying for the class, not distracting anyone else, and if I miss out on information: my loss. I think its strange when professors take it personally and I've been chewed out for even checking the time on my phone. In high school, yeah definitely call them on it. Work? For sure. But in college during a lecture I'm paying for? Nah. Honestly it probably wouldn't have bothered me that much to be called out if I wasn't also one of the 2 students in the class that actively participate and contribute. After that, it did feel personal and I stopped participating because of the way he handled it was by trying to humiliate me. Not just a 'pay attention,' it was 2 minutes on how shallow I am for texting, as if I was texting about hair or something. If I want to check the time or let my roommate know that maintenance is coming by so she doesn't get walked in on naked during a class that I'm paying for without distracting anyone else, that's my business. As soon as it distracts someone else that's paying to be there, definitely disrespectful and becomes their business.
I think it's disrespectful to teachers but it doesn't bug me when people do it.. only when they complain when they have their phones confiscated.

It doesn't bother me when my peers do it when we're talking. It's basically the standard behaviour now among my generation. I do it too sometimes, if we aren't in deep conversation, or if I'm close to the people.
... to text and whatnot on your cell phone while someone else is talking to you?


Not so much in class, but I still don't do it. I have this friend who always texts while we're talking. She isn't interested in the conversation nor does she have anything good to say when she's present in the conversation. I actually don't know why I call her my friend. She's more of an acquaintance who happens to be in 1/3 of all my classes and lives in a dorm down the hall from my friends.