Cigarettes and reverse peer pressure.

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Shai Gar

I smoke Cigars. I'm not addicted, and only buy when I can afford them, which is rarely. I'd probably be able to afford shit cigars on a regular basis, but I smoke Cubans.

Whenever a smoker complains or says something about my smoking cigars I turn to him and call him either a pansy or a woman. Throwing in the fact that Cigarette means "Womans Cigar" in french. and then I berate them for even smoking in the first place if all they want to do is be a wimp about it. That's when I blow a huge amount into their faces. Apparently Cigar Smoke stinks. I think it stinks beautifully.

Non-Smokers - 1
Cigarette Smokers - 0

I can't stand cigarette smokers. They're offensive, they throw their butts everywhere, blow it into non smokers faces and generally act obnoxious when what they're doing is smoking a womans cigar and thinking they're tough.

It's my way.

My apologies to women and effeminate men, I don't mean to imply you're anything like smokers.
Yep, I live in one of the few bastions for smokers in Australia. They smoke everywhere.
I have been booted for smoking a Cigar in a club once. They said it stunk. I told them the ciggs stink to me so they should kick the smokers out! I lost I got booted. Good for you Shai! lol :m175:
I smoke cigarettes. I allways step away from non-smokers when I do, and I don't smoke much at all unless I'm around other smokers (social smoking habits.)

I don't smoke 'cuse I think I'm "bad-ass" or anything... I smoke because it helps me control my emotions, wakes me ass up in the morning/keeps me up when I need to be, and helps with boredem. Mostly though, I just like to smoke, it's a habit that though rather nasty, I enjoy to do.

I'll keep smoking away from everyone that doesn't and enjoy my own thing, all you non-smokers keep your damn comments to yourself and we can live together. (otherwise I'm putting the damn ciggarette out on your forehead)

I'm gonna go smoke now
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I smoke and I love doing it. I however (like Ortorin said) avoid smoking around people who don't smoke, and I make sure I trash my butts. I can't stand it when people throw their butts anywhere. I don't smoke to be tough, I smoke because my body craves nicotine.
Cigars aren't lady-like, but if I ever get a chance, I will take one, thankyouvermuch. I'll stop at the glass of cognac and stroking a fluffy white cat. James Bond might show up.

In all seriousness, the only cigarettes I ever partake in nowadays are the ones with the 'special' kind of tabacco rolled up into 'em before passing it to the person next to me. That, and when I'm too drunk to care about smoke in my face anyway.

If you smoke, smoke. I don't care. The lung and throat cancer are right on the box. There shouldn't be any surprises. Just take that crap outside, and don't expect affection from me until you air out.
I quit "woman's cigars" (aka nicotine delivery systems) cold turkey 4 weeks ago! w00t!

The big test is gonna come in a couple weeks when I go to Japan. Talk about smoker's culture... sheesh!
The big test is gonna come in a couple weeks when I go to Japan. Talk about smoker's culture... sheesh!

Not as bad as Europe, my friend. Whenever I'm visiting my aunts, they are the embodiment of Patty and Thelma. And when the whole family gathers, yeesh. Big brother and I sit by the balcony with the door open and everyone shouts the conversation at us. It's a wonder we can see anyone in that living room.
My dear, I feel your pain. But having been to both Europe and Japan several times, I have to say, from personal experience, Japan gets crazy with the smoking. Crazy.
My dear, I feel your pain. But having been to both Europe and Japan several times, I have to say, from personal experience, Japan gets crazy with the smoking. Crazy.

I'm contemplating teaching English there on my next summer (last one ever too!) Now you're telling me I'm risking black lungs too.
It's worth the risk. For sure. :D
I have been booted for smoking a Cigar in a club once. They said it stunk. I told them the ciggs stink to me so they should kick the smokers out! I lost I got booted. Good for you Shai! lol :m175:

I only go into one club up here, and they sell the cigars at the counter.
I used to smaoke shit cigars (Hamlet). I enjoyed it for a time.
I used to smaoke shit cigars (Hamlet). I enjoyed it for a time.
you mean the MILD cigar?
so funny:D

I don't smoke, tried it of course but felt utterly polluted. Then again I sometimes sniff it and find it a rather homely aroma, especially when mixed with beer and it wafts about ones nostrils.
If I smoked I'd smoke cigars because of the novelty factor and also they are probably more natural than all the chemicals packed in ordinary fags. Excuse the Englishism Americans.
It's true though. Cigars are healthier for you than fags. Cigars are rolled up dried tobacco leaf, whereas fags are full of chemicals.
It's true though. Cigars are healthier for you than fags. Cigars are rolled up dried tobacco leaf, whereas fags are full of chemicals.

and yet they both cause cancer
I become entirely too stressed out and self-concious about my cigarette stench or if I'm forced to butt out anywhere but a trash can or ash tray so I'm better off quitting. Which I have... but then if a friend offers a cig then I'll accept one or five, depending on how long we visit. This sometimes triggers buying a pack the next day or it might not. All depends. Vicious cycle but I refuse to feel guilty, for goodness sake. I won't be smoking this summer because of work and the money-drainage aspect bugs me a lot.

Who cares, to each their own, yadda yadda.