Child addict aged 5


Well-known member

How is this possible? Why are younger and younger people becomming addicts?
I'll take a wild guess in the dark: Parents?
Heh. Marijuana isn't a drug addiction problem. She's cutting it with tobacco is her problem.

Better than getting drunk. But yep, up here in the Northern Territory we've got some shit we need to fix, through getting rid of the social programs.
And why isn't anyone paying attention to it?! Its not hard to miss. IT IS nothing but Child Abuse and Child negection!!

Actually with all the aboriginals abusing their families and everyone else, it is kinda hard to miss a poor white family unless their kids join one of the "gangs". Most of the time the police are busy with aboriginal domestic abuse calls.
Actually with all the aboriginals abusing their families and everyone else, it is kinda hard to miss a poor white family unless their kids join one of the "gangs". Most of the time the police are busy with aboriginal domestic abuse calls.

That is crazy. Why is such attention only directed to aboriginals? Where are the social services?

Heh. Marijuana isn't a drug addiction problem. She's cutting it with tobacco is her problem.

Actually the article rather implied that she behaves like an addict. Although she apparently lying on the floor and screaming could be considered withdrawal...

Better than getting drunk. But yep, up here in the Northern Territory we've got some shit we need to fix, through getting rid of the social programs.

Its absolutely not better than getting drunk. MJ will destroy her memory and cognitive functions and most likely stop her from developing normally.
GETTING RID OF the social programs? - Ionic as the social services is just what she needs!!!!!
I guess its silly to ask what these parents were smoking.

But seriously. This sort of shit pisses me off. Give the kid a chance. There are enough children with developmental difficulties as there is.
Hm...sounds like there are plenty of job opportunities for me in Australia.

Once I get my Masters, I'll have to consider emigrating as a skilled worker.
Who takes pictures of this? Haven't we all learned from Michael Phelps. And why is the 13 year old smoking with the five year old? Ha.. this world is so fucked up. Next we'll see like a toddler tweaking or something similarly absurd.

Oh. Um. Wow.

I just read the story... Nearly all of that is fucked up reporting. Noone in the territory could help but laugh at the inaccuracies. Obviously the reporter did not come to Darwin.

Anyway, with regards to the actual meat of the story...

Actually the article rather implied that she behaves like an addict. Although she apparently lying on the floor and screaming could be considered withdrawal...
Or, acting as a five year old who isn't getting what she wants...
Or, acting as a five year old who is going through cigarette withdrawals, because chances are, she also smokes cigarettes.

Its absolutely not better than getting drunk. MJ will destroy her memory and cognitive functions and most likely stop her from developing normally.
You don't know much about marijuana do you? It doesn't do that shit. That's just retarded propaganda.

There have been no conclusive scientific testing done on the substance with regards to peoples minds or potential.
Besides the fact that you can't test for potential anyway, the half arsed tests that have been done tend to use people who've also used other drugs. It's the other drugs that do these things to you. This isn't even taking into account that most people "cut" the weed with "spin" (tobacco) to make it go further and give you the headspin. Tobacco is a dangerous drug, especially as it's normally from a rolly pack, or a broken cigarette, thus containing copious amounts of nicotine.

GETTING RID OF the social programs? - Ironic as the social services is just what she needs!!!!!
No. Most of the social programs in the northern territory are aimed at helping the aboriginal communities. They siphon money away from social services that help REAL Australians, be they european, vietnamese, indonesian, somalian, rwandan or malay.

The social services that exist for real Australians just throw money at problems hoping they'll go away.

I still can't believe that moron social service person said "I've worked with addicts all my life and I've never seen a drug addicted 5-year-old." Obviously the person hasn't worked with drug addicts for very long or they'd know that heroin addicts who use when they're pregnant stand a good chance of passing on the addiction through the womb to their unborn child and very often the child, if born at all, ends up addicted.

Or, acting as a five year old who isn't getting what she wants...
Or, acting as a five year old who is going through cigarette withdrawals, because chances are, she also smokes cigarettes.

Yes could very well be but it could also be that since she is 5 years old she cannot handle marijuana and is experiencing some kind of withdrawal :)

You don't know much about marijuana do you? It doesn't do that shit. That's just retarded propaganda.

There have been no conclusive scientific testing done on the substance with regards to peoples minds or potential.
Besides the fact that you can't test for potential anyway, the half arsed tests that have been done tend to use people who've also used other drugs. It's the other drugs that do these things to you. This isn't even taking into account that most people "cut" the weed with "spin" (tobacco) to make it go further and give you the headspin. Tobacco is a dangerous drug, especially as it's normally from a rolly pack, or a broken cigarette, thus containing copious amounts of nicotine.

That is something to definetly take into account. I honestly havent really thought about that possibility myself. But nonetheless it is shown that people who smoke regular tobacco on a daily basis still can be psychologically addicted as they may crave their next high. But lets not go into the marijuana controversy!

No. Most of the social programs in the northern territory are aimed at helping the aboriginal communities. They siphon money away from social services that help REAL Australians, be they european, vietnamese, indonesian, somalian, rwandan or malay.

The social services that exist for real Australians just throw money at problems hoping they'll go away.

Oh my, that is so sad. How come that they prioritize the aboriginals problems though? and Waste their money like that.
Because they'd be accused of being racist otherwise. And that looks bad at the voting polls.
Hah. "Real Australians." I don't see how it's a waste of money trying to help people who are having a rather difficult time coping with having been colonized.

Man. Australia's F'ed up.

Well, if they're writing an article about this child hopefully there's awareness of the situation and she will be taken away and maybe given a chance to not grow up to become a crack head. Interesting that there was absolutely no mention of the parents in the article at all, not even an acknowledgement that they feed her the stuff or are neglectful or dead. She's five. Where the hell else is she gettin it.

Pot's not addictive, but I don't think anyone would argue that it's ok for a five year old to be smoking it. Regardless, she's developing a nasty attachment to a controlled substance that is only going to lead to harder stuff. And do you know for sure that MJ doesn't affect development of a five year old brain?
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Real Australians are Australians who have to pay tax or else go to gaol.
Real Australians are Australians who have to obey the law or else go to gaol.
Real Australians are Australians who have to keep social commitments or else pay consequences.
Real Australians are Australians who do not get special treatment because they're aboriginal.
Real Australians are Australians who, if they default on a loan lose their collateral without being able to tell the govt to give it back.

Real Australians are Australians who're either Born here, or received Citizenship, regardless of race, and can say that they are all the above.

But you just give back all the land that we've given to them as "Native Title" to your Native Americans.


Think your government would give that amount of land back directly to the Native Americans? Think they'd give it back every time they default on a loan and the bank takes it as collateral?

No? Yeah. You don't know much about the "Aboriginal Plight" here in Australia.