[INFJ] - Challange for you and myself. THE SON OF MAN | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

[INFJ] Challange for you and myself. THE SON OF MAN

have you ever read Robinson Crusoe? the idea of standardised spelling and grammar is kind of a new thing. and of course it is unlikely that Jesus would have written and spelled the way that we do now. at least, i dont think that it has previously been considered as a meaningful measurement in authenticating His Divinity.

True. I didn't mean to imply he was the historical Jesus else I'd have asked why is he speaking English at all rather than Aramaic or a similiar Semitic language?
I'd also expect Jesus to have better spelling and use more capitalization and punctuation.

"lel i r jeesus cn u gais halp me save teh wrld plox ;p ecks dee"

I normally never bring up grammar or spelling as I'm prone to mistakes the faster I reply (hence less time to review and edit), but it does beg the question: If one cannot be bothered with or is careless of all the smaller details, then what qualifies them to accomplish such a great task?

I suppose that that would be a miracle in itself.
I normally never bring up grammar or spelling as I'm prone to mistakes the faster I reply (hence less time to review and edit), but it does beg the question: If one cannot be bothered with or is careless of all the smaller details, then what qualifies them to accomplish such a great task?

I suppose that that would be a miracle in itself.

Normally I wouldn't either because it is usually petty. Yet at the same time if one is saying something of earth changing significance I think it is important to at least show effort in writing.

e.g. if a genius scientist posted that they found a cure for cancer but they typed like that, I would have a hard time believing them.
yeah, i guess my idea that the historical Jesus could potentially have been illiterate is kind of a little bit silly. well, regardless of his linguistic credibility, it looks a bit like the contemporary candidate may have passed on the challenge.
I think that a lot of people may feel the same way about themselves and feel they have the same sort of character as Jesus Christ. It does not mean they are a re-incarnation of him though.

can i ask you a question.

what would it take for someone to prove to YOU that its possible, that they are the son of man.?
without performing dynamo magic tricks.? miracles?

i dont really mind either way if i am or am not.
its not a personal issue really, i have no emotional attachment to weather i am or am not.
its just a knowing on the inside.
a series of coincidences,
just lots of things,

but really its like, a theory.

i suppose i couldnt explain it fully properly unless i was talking to you/guys, in person.

but please understand that
i am not lacking any knowledge here.

i know plenty of people have felt they have the same character traits as him.
and i believe we are, like him at heart.

but i believe i have a very specific set of skills and knowledges, circumstances and oppertunity's
which as you could imagine.

GOD may have required to some extent, to manifest a person whom could save the world.
i think saving the world means changing the people.

but like i said its nothing personal.
Normally I wouldn't either because it is usually petty. Yet at the same time if one is saying something of earth changing significance I think it is important to at least show effort in writing.

e.g. if a genius scientist posted that they found a cure for cancer but they typed like that, I would have a hard time believing them.

and yet. what if he actually had cured cancer.....
then you would have posted you public disbelief in a man who did what you never could have...
because he didnt spell correctly....

christ spoke in a language, u would make fun off...
dressed in clothes appearing as a person you would ignore..
lives in a place you probably wouldnt viset..
helped people you dont care about..
for reasons you dont believe in...

but you didnt believe him...
because he said lol, instead of laugh out loud...
because he was more efficient in communicating...rather then...less...
because he assumed you were people who understood... rather than the pharasee's who never could..

Good poem?..

jesus was an INFJ...
you think details... or systems that details follow....??

dont post about me.

communicate with me..
dont post about me.

communicate with me..

you started this thread asking for challenges. dogman posted some challenges for you, and you ignored them. then i posted asking you why you had not responded to his challenges, and you ignored me too. then, after ignoring people who communicated with you, you found fault with people for not communicating with you. why would anyone think that you are Jesus, when you ask for something and then ignore the people who give it to you, and find fault with people for not communicating with you when you have not communicated with others? how can you expect anyone to believe that Jesus would behave in the ways that you have behaved?
If you are not hurting others or yourself by believing this about yourself than go for it! There's nothing wrong with dreaming and loving yourself. I personally stopped believing in religion in itself but that's my own path and I think its beautiful our beliefs no matter what they are (as long as they are good to others)

I do have a spiritual belief and at one time I was religious. In all reality I think that every person on this world is special, this is why we exist, we each contribute to this world in our own unique ways, each a part of a big picture of universality.
can i ask you a question.

what would it take for someone to prove to YOU that its possible, that they are the son of man.?
without performing dynamo magic tricks.? miracles?

i dont really mind either way if i am or am not.
its not a personal issue really, i have no emotional attachment to weather i am or am not.
its just a knowing on the inside.
a series of coincidences,
just lots of things,

but really its like, a theory.

i suppose i couldnt explain it fully properly unless i was talking to you/guys, in person.

but please understand that
i am not lacking any knowledge here.

i know plenty of people have felt they have the same character traits as him.
and i believe we are, like him at heart.

but i believe i have a very specific set of skills and knowledges, circumstances and oppertunity's
which as you could imagine.

GOD may have required to some extent, to manifest a person whom could save the world.
i think saving the world means changing the people.

but like i said its nothing personal.

The son of Man? Well I suppose if you came out of a vagina or were extracted from a human being at birth you'd be the son of man and woman. As for the son of God, since I am an atheist I don't think there is anything that anyone could say to me at any time that would make me believe they are reincarnation of Jesus Christ or they are the second christ, etc.

I will tell you that I believe all human beings through all space and time have arrived on Earth from the same source. We are all part of the same universe and each of us is uniquely qualified to benefit the world and the people around us. Some of us are conscious of that and many of us are not. I would say I could get on board with a Christ Consciousness but I would not say that I could believe in one single person who is a cut above all the rest who is the Lord and Saviour.

I believe there are many people who possess a certain level of skill and talent in many areas that can be used to raise up the people around them. I would not call them Christ.
Interesting. I have a cousin who believes he is Christ but has an interesting take on it. Someone closer to me who occasionally feels like Christ. One day all the people who think they are Christ are going to have to battle it out....
I cant prove you arent Christ any more than you can prove I am not the anticantichrist. So... what are we going to do about that? Hey I wonder if that extends all the way to our atoms. Like if we come together we kind of explode and cancel each other out?

In short no you are not Chirst or the second coming. In fact some people believe Christ hasnt even been on this planet yet so there has nit even been a first coming as of yet. Christ is a story of a person written of 2000 years before the bible in ancient sumarian texts. In other words its a plagerized story rewritten to fit them times.

I understand believe it or not feeling like you think Christ might feel because you are effected on what seems like a personal level from all the pain and suffering you see and feel in the world but.... yeah just a made up story. You are living in a fantasy and not even a good one at that.

Uh oh.... so if you were a Christ..one of many spoken about. How is god doing these days. Because youve been dead and hanging out with it for a while. Whats death been like? Hanging out with all those virgin angels...um they have to be you know because theres no reason for reproductive organs in a nonphysical world. But ah yeah...describe your last ummm 2015 years please.
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I'd also expect Jesus to have better spelling and use more capitalization and punctuation.

"lel i r jeesus cn u gais halp me save teh wrld plox ;p ecks dee"

If you can walk on water you would think you could just kind of stare at a computer and get it to say what you want along with perfect spelling and grammar. But maybe I dont understand like always.
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Acts 2:1-6

1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.
2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

5 Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.
6 When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken.
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I'm curious as to your thoughts regarding the claims of the numerous other individuals throughout history that have made similar claims of being a messiah and the subsequent rise of the term 'messiah complex'.


“There are numerous ‘Jesus Christs’ running about the world, none of whom probably agrees that any of the others are sane and truthful.”

What you do is more important than who or what you are. Putting identity before actions is vanity and is also often a sign of fraudulence.
I almost got sucked into this yesterday.

It's about as useless for us to challenge his reasoning as it is for him to make his claims here in the first place. Hopefully his idealism will come to some positive fruition for people around him.

As far as the discussion, you could almost title this thread God'lair

Edit: Oh yeah, and one of the main reasons that this "game" can't be won is that there's nothing that can be said which can't be utilized to serve his claim as long as he keeps his rationale vague. If you believe, then you are like a devout disciple, and rightly so [/sarcasm]. If you doubt, then you are like a Pharisee. Jesus encountered both kinds of people, therefore his claim is reinforced either way.
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What is this thread about, anyway? As an infj, you may have this profound need to protect, serve, save, counsel, and so on. Can a person's personality and brain type greatly influence their goals and desires? Their calling?
Have you guys heard the new Miley Cyrus album? It's surprisingly good! Here's one of the better ones:


... Oh, Jesus stuff? I bet he'd be down to jam to this.