Best Phrases that People Use to Dump You


The Romantic Scientist
So what hilarious phrases have you used or heard others use to dump their significant others?

Here's my favorite:

"You treat me really nice but I need someone who doesn't treat me that way". WTF!

"It's not you, it's me"

or this one

"We should become friends":m146:

I love people and their stupid excuses
"I'm after someone who isn't a cunt."
"Paedophile jokes just aren't funny, they're fucking immature, we're through." - I had a good giggle when she said that.
"I just found your youtube channel."
"Paedophile jokes just aren't funny, they're fucking immature, we're through." - I had a good giggle when she said that.
That's an awesome unintended pun. XD
I always get some form of "Oh you're really nice, but I think of you more as a friend". Seriously, if you're not interested, just say "sorry, I'm not interested". I will respect that.
I always get some form of "Oh you're really nice, but I think of you more as a friend". Seriously, if you're not interested, just say "sorry, I'm not interested". I will respect that.

I had something along those lines once, but I was waiting for two years to use my response, "I think of you more as a public cum dumpster, let's go along those lines."
A girl I'm totally gone off on once told me, "just because we get along so well, have so many of the same interests, and are a lot of like, doesn't mean we should be together."

i'm still frustrated on that one
Not from personal experience, but nevertheless a good one:

(After he forgot the girl's birthday)

"You see, I'm too busy to be in a serious relationship right now" :suspicious:
Yup, the video which effected the dumping, was my cat fur coats one. She was also the girl who dumped me for the paedophilia jokes. The final dumping was done by me because I got fed up with her being all over the place, I prefer stability in a partner. Damned ENFPs.
It wasn't a dumping, but a denial of anything that could happen relationship wise, and it was "I need someone who's more outgoing, and you're just too much like a friend to me."
I got dumped for having boogers on my sleeve. I forget the specific phraseology.
One girl told me on the phone, "wasn't a year and a half enough?"

Then she went to invite me over to watch her favorite TV show. I immediately hung up.

Hey, some men are "so gross". At least we don't have periods.
I wasn't being serious. And I'm going to make it my life's work to normalize periods in male company. I'll start by going to cocktail bars in a giant vagina suit including a giant tampon, and chasing after men whilst squirting them with fake blood.
Get a grip!
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