Awkward or smooth?


So, I was thinking :m083: . . .

When you are interested or attracted to someone, are you usually awkward or smooth? Or both? Are you more or less awkward/smooth if you are mildly or very interested in someone?

Are you more or less awkward/smooth once you get to know them or when your relationship is closer?
Depends. Does losing a contact lens, then coming back from the bathroom and drinking your date's coffee by accident count as smooth or awkward? Cause it worked.
I'm just generally awkward, all around, but occasionally I'll pull off feats so smooth, that silk starts taking notes.

True story.

Nah, for me it depends on the person. And the sort of day I'm having. I find I'm less of a bumbling idiot when I actually take the time to look good or when something especially fantastic had happened to me that day. I can talk up a storm with just about anyone, regardless of whether I'm attracted to them or not. It becomes less about "me" and how I'm coming across and more about "them..." and that's when things take on a good, easy flow.

When I'm feeling like my usual, cynical, pessimistic self or something has happened to reinforce those feelings, my entire mood shifts and suddenly, I'm just plain awkward around everybody (though considerably less awkward around friends and family; but that's what they call "comfort zone").

I guess what I'm trying to say is that confidence and all the little things that affect my confidence, is more of key factor than anything else when I'm dating or approaching opposite sex.

As for awkwardness around people in general... it always disappears once I feel comfortable with the person.

I hope that answered the question.
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Both. I am an extremely verbal person, so I will be very quiet. Until I have a reason to talk about something (which is not hard to find), and then I will talk until my mouth falls off. I often will tell the person that I am sorry for talking so much and that I am not intending to prevent them from getting a word in edgewise. This is mostly a protection mechanism because I feel terribly akward with slience.
Both. I am an extremely verbal person, so I will be very quiet. Until I have a reason to talk about something (which is not hard to find), and then I will talk until my mouth falls off. I often will tell the person that I am sorry for talking so much and that I am not intending to prevent them from getting a word in edgewise. This is mostly a protection mechanism because I feel terribly akward with slience.


however if were talking like how do you talk to someone your "interested" in, completely and totaly silent. I can never find to a good way to start or hold a conversation.
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I'm usually a smooth talker, with a healthy dose of awkwardness mixed in. Once I get to know someone better, I become usually more and more awkward. However, it's an awkward that I feel comfortable in. People I've known for a long time sometimes comment on how awkward I can be when I'm with people I know, and how weird it is to see me with someone I've just met, and be completely smooth.
I'm awkward in general, when I like someone I tend to get more awkward. Fun fun. :P
if i dont care, i am blunt/smooth. If it is illi, or skoffin or someone else i care a lot about, i am awkward. Very very awkward.
It's pretty weird. If I like you a lot and I don't know you well, I'm smooth. I'll turn the charm up to 11. if I'm comfortable with you and I like you, i'm endearingly awkward. It seems kind of backwards, but I'm kind of socially backwards when it comes to certain things. luckily i don't like most people so I seem cooler than I actually am.
I'm usually a smooth talker, with a healthy dose of awkwardness mixed in. Once I get to know someone better, I become usually more and more awkward. However, it's an awkward that I feel comfortable in. People I've known for a long time sometimes comment on how awkward I can be when I'm with people I know, and how weird it is to see me with someone I've just met, and be completely smooth.

This. :)

I'm always awkward and can be very smooth in my awkwardness. And if I get the sense that the other person is nervous then I'm even smoother, that's just how I operate. I think that here my instinct to nurture kicks in, I've noticed that whenever someone is nervous with me I tend to be more relaxed and it is as if I'm trying to ease them with my behavior.
It's pretty weird. If I like you a lot and I don't know you well, I'm smooth. I'll turn the charm up to 11. if I'm comfortable with you and I like you, i'm endearingly awkward. It seems kind of backwards, but I'm kind of socially backwards when it comes to certain things. luckily i don't like most people so I seem cooler than I actually am.

i can be pretty smooth up until the actually telling them i like them part, then i'm AKWARD:m169:
I'm definitely awkward when I don't know the person very well. Awkward as in, I don't say very much and go ver reserved, so people don't really realise I'm awkward- I just look stern and scary!

But if I know the woman very well and I feel comfortable, even on a date, I think I'm pretty smooth! I just keep talking, and as long as I know she's interested in what I'm saying, I will keep just talking about things, making jokes etc. That fills the silence. But my smoothness is based on how much I know her. Which, in traditional dating, is hard because you go on a date to get to know someone. In my experience, we were very good friends before so it was much easier. I couldn't imagine going on a date with someone I barely knew... :eek:!
I was extremely awkward until I hit my 27th year. Then I had a lot of different girlfriends for four years (some I really liked, others not so much but I no longer froze up around them) until I met my wife. I knew the first time I met her she was special and deserved extra special treatment. ( I was super smooth, she liked that about me)
I'd have to say both as well.

When I meet someone that I don't know well, I'm really quiet and just start observing. It's really awkward and I despise the feeling. I start acting quite reserved, and only really starts talking once I start feeling comfortable around someone or there's a certain topic that piques my interest.

However, if I knew that person well, I start talking a mile a minute. It's like it almost never ends; I can entertain basically the other person and myself.

With that said, this doesn't mean that I can't be awkward with the people I'm close to. I can be, but I don't really consider it awkward. The silence is fine as long as it doesn't last too long. If it does, I'd feel the need to fill it up to make it less awkward for the other person.
I'm quite smooth with those I have no interest in...quite the opposite when I am interested. I am fantastic at making friends. Pathetic at advancing beyond that.
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