Avoiding Intuition


The Romantic Scientist
Lately I've been avoiding using any analysis on people and situations and thinking deeply just to experiment and it's been serving me quite well, though I have to try really hard to stop thinking in the future and abstractly since it's my natural mode of being. But I've noticed that being in the present moment is so much fun and relaxing since it allows your intuition to do its work on its own and when I go back to use it, I notice that some pieces of the puzzle in my life have been resolved without even me thinking about it.

Have any of you guys tried to do this before? If so, have you noticed any differences in yourselves?
You're right. It's freeing just to be, and not to question. It also allows me to realize how much energy reading or analyzing others takes. It can be draining.
Yes, I very much agree. There are seasons to things in life, and what seems right in one might need a tweak in another. However, I think giving our intuition freedom in the now might be a way of allowing it to work at it's strongest in that we are not confining it, and we are allowing it to work on many levels to engage in life's daily surprises.
I've noticed that being in the present moment is so much fun and relaxing since it allows your intuition to do its work on its own and when I go back to use it, I notice that some pieces of the puzzle in my life have been resolved without even me thinking about it.
Absolutely agree, and this has happened to me many times too. It seems the brain is capable to even solve complex tasks in "background" mode, while resting with some routine work. I'm not into meditation, but from everything I know about it, similar sensor activities can be good for very intuitive people to refresh and improve intuition.
You're right. It's freeing just to be, and not to question. It also allows me to realize how much energy reading or analyzing others takes. It can be draining.

Yeah, definitely. Letting things take their own course is quite liberating but breaking the habit of preparing for the future and thinking ahead is really hard to do. One method I found quite effective is to watch your mind think, and once you do so, the same mind will shut up and stay blank.

Yes, I very much agree. There are seasons to things in life, and what seems right in one might need a tweak in another. However, I think giving our intuition freedom in the now might be a way of allowing it to work at it's strongest in that we are not confining it, and we are allowing it to work on many levels to engage in life's daily surprises.

Yeah, quite true. I think intuition is just about that, letting it be. INFJ's though live their day with using their intuition almost constantly which proves to be a very hard condition to begin with.

Absolutely agree, and this has happened to me many times too. It seems the brain is capable to even solve complex tasks in "background" mode, while resting with some routine work. I'm not into meditation, but from everything I know about it, similar sensor activities can be good for very intuitive people to refresh and improve intuition.

Playing chess definitely helps me with that. It keeps my mind focused and concentrated and avoids going on tangents thinking about other "things". You're absolutely right about keeping your mind busy with sensor activities, though some of them are more fun then others.I like meditation and it's an excellent tool to use to keep your mind from thinking too much but instead to focus on "nothingness", which doesn't make quite sense to most but for those who know what I'm talking about know what it feels like.
My intuition goes in overdrive sometimes. I was just having a conversation about how hard it is to charge people when I work on their computers. My mind goes NUTS!

What if I charged them too much? I didn't charge them for 2 hours of work, but I can't tell them that. I don't want them to feel bad. But now what if they don't realize the extra work I put in??? They probably won't understand what I had to fix and maybe they will think I didn't do a good enough job. What if they have an unrelated problem and they think it is my fault? Will I charge them if they have an unrelated problem? What if they think i am lying to them? Why am I so damn concerned? What is wrong with me???

And the only thing the person said to me was "Thank you SOOO much!" and handed me the money...

I don't like intuition. :P
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My intuition goes in overdrive sometimes. I was just having a conversation about how hard it is to charge people when I work on their computers. My mind goes NUTS!

What if I charged them too much? I didn't charge them for 2 hours of work, but I can't tell them that. I don't want them to feel bad. But now what if they don't realize the extra work I put in??? They probably won't understand what I had to fix and maybe they will think I didn't do a good enough job. What if they have an unrelated problem and they think it is my fault? Will I charge them if they have an unrelated problem? What if they think i am lying to them? Why am I so damn concerned? What is wrong with me???

And the only thing the person said to me was "Thank you SOOO much and handed me the money...

I don't like intuition. :P

LOL, yeah I agree. Intuition in that aspect can be an avalache of negative "what if's".
Lately I've been avoiding using any analysis on people and situations and thinking deeply just to experiment and it's been serving me quite well, though I have to try really hard to stop thinking in the future and abstractly since it's my natural mode of being. But I've noticed that being in the present moment is so much fun and relaxing since it allows your intuition to do its work on its own and when I go back to use it, I notice that some pieces of the puzzle in my life have been resolved without even me thinking about it.

Have any of you guys tried to do this before? If so, have you noticed any differences in yourselves?

I dont See How this is avioding intution.

BUT- i do agree with the post. When i let go....its like im a diffeent person. Idk i supose since my actions are so controlled in my life since i try to be MISTAKE FREE...idk let\ting go is so damn scary but so great....

yea...like i said..when i let go...im a different person. I think the energy just flows better that way. more true
Lately I've been avoiding using any analysis on people and situations and thinking deeply just to experiment and it's been serving me quite well, though I have to try really hard to stop thinking in the future and abstractly since it's my natural mode of being. But I've noticed that being in the present moment is so much fun and relaxing since it allows your intuition to do its work on its own and when I go back to use it, I notice that some pieces of the puzzle in my life have been resolved without even me thinking about it.

Have any of you guys tried to do this before? If so, have you noticed any differences in yourselves?

heh, your 'intuition' is telling to stop avoiding your analysis of people...:D a.k.a ANALYSE!!!
i think it kinda works for me too :) :) i mean like i worry:m097: too much and all and like NeverAmI I think like that too and all i get is a simple thank you (although i appreciate the thank you very much and me helping people and doing things to make them happy), i often forget about myself.. like if i have to answer my homework and then this friend asks help from me.. like how to do a certain number, i end up not doing my homework and helping others do theirs... i mean it's a good thing to do i don't want to be selfish but it's just sad how i can do much for others and little for myself

and i kinda feel super :m168:carefree and a bit wild when i don't analyse people.. and only now i realize that i take on others emotions too much that i don't have emotions left for myself :( :( :( :(

anyways....:m163: i'm gonna try not to think too much of the future!! :) :)
The trick is to relegate the conscious mind from pole position,
and let knowing take its place.
Thinking is hard work.
Knowing is effortless.

But that is not why thinking is the tool of second choice:
Mind manufactures it from information it aggregates and judges.
Knowing gets it direct.

In martial arts, thinking can get you killed.
It simply takes too long.
Knowing will let you react immediately to intent.

People often ask what it is that makes me appear so positive.
The answer is: I don't think.
I save that for later reflection and problem-solving.

Words don't explain this well.
But the phenomenon is real, and attainable.
Dare to see things differently.
Telling my brain to stop thinking is impossible. It can not be done. the times where I have truly not relied on my intution, and just went with things, stressed me out to the nth degree. In particular when I returned to it.

What I found, is that a middle ground works best. More of viewing our intution, and trusting it. Intution by its very nature is extremely hard to process. It can be done, but the cost of it is draining after time, in particular if one becomes manic, or depressed. INFJ's and INTJ's feel that we have to process our intuition and find a reason for it. In particular if one's judging score is on the higher end.

Really, a true way to do this cant be explained. The best way I can describe it is by aligning marbles on a ramp. you dont know if they will fall to early, or if they are in the right order. You just keep going, and doing what you feel you need to do. Then out of nowhere, the row of marbles look right, and you can push them all at the same time. It all flows and works out. There is no way to describe how finding this common ground with intution. Everyone has their own method, and they just know it once they find it.

That in itself bothers me. I'd very much like to be able to describe how it all works and plays out with how intiution should work best. Ever my need to explain everything (I still am not gonna give up). Disregarding intuition is not the answer, nor is overusing it. It is about finding the middle ground, and knowing when it just feels right.
Intution by its very nature is extremely hard to process.

Maybe you are not really talking about intuition.
For me it is immediate and clear.
It takes no effort.
But I call it knowing.

It is entirely possible to turn off the mind.
But it takes a lot of work.

That is why so few people ever undertake it.
Getting intuition is easy. It is hard to actually process. What I mean is, being able to take a knowing, and fully explain it in a way anyone can understand. I have a strong drive to do this. Having an intuitive knowing (mostly relating to an internal emotion or feeling), stops there usually. You just get nondescript signs that make sense to only you.

Say you get an intuitive knowing, about an action or motion someone is going to preform. Or you know how they are going to feel after doing something. Someone could ask you "well, how do you know this?". If you haven't processed it, then it is hard to explain. You are stuck saying "Well, I just know. I can't explain it, I just can see it.". For me that is no longer good enough. When I get an intuitive knowing, I instinctivly begin to ask 'why'. I think about the lines of informaation that lead me to that intuitive feeling. It is interesting that the lines that get you there are often instantenous, but are exceedingly long. It makes it easier for me to relate to people, they understand who I am more.

Why put effort into this? It allows me to communicate with people in a way they can understand. It gives me piece of mind to actually know where my intuition comes from. Of course I fall short at times for processing some intuitive thoughts, but it can show up months later. It leads to alot of insight as well.
Getting intuition is easy. It is hard to actually process. What I mean is, being able to take a knowing, and fully explain it in a way anyone can understand.

Yes this is the exact same thing that happens to me, most of my knowledge is immediate, I quickly grasp and understand different ideas, I have an extreme hard time communicating this idea to others however, its like I magically got it or something and it makes sense to me.
I've gotten really good at keeping my intuition happily subconscious, where it can do its thing without stressing me out in the process. Sometimes it surfaces and makes my mind turn, but often I don't even notice it. That's kind of how it's always been, actually -- even when I discovered I used intuition, I didn't really actively seek to recognize it. I kind of just knew and accepted that it was.

The plus side is, I've gotten better at explaining it, too. When it just kind of is, you come to a conclusion, but it's smooth enough that you can take a few minutes to "think" about it -- in other words, where other people would need time to think to find the answer, you'd need time to think of its origins, and it usually takes about the same amount of time.
What I mean is, being able to take a knowing, and fully explain it in a way anyone can understand. I have a strong drive to do this.

Here it is. I understand now.
You are misusing your own natural intuition.
Misunderstanding its purpose, might be a better way to put it...

Intuition is a tool for you - not for others to understand.
What they do with theirs, if they have any, is up to them.
But yours is yours.

Nothing needs explaining.
Intuition shows you the path to take. You take it.
It shows you what to say. You say it.
You are trying to make people understand why you are you.
Instead of showing them who you are.

This is what I describe as the difference between being something, and giving the appearance of something.

There really is a huge difference.

Am I OK? versus: See? I am OK.

Crow's eye view. Takes practice. And possibly wings :)
Here it is. I understand now.
You are misusing your own natural intuition.
Misunderstanding its purpose, might be a better way to put it...

Intuition is a tool for you - not for others to understand.
What they do with theirs, if they have any, is up to them.
But yours is yours.

Nothing needs explaining.
Intuition shows you the path to take. You take it.
It shows you what to say. You say it.
You are trying to make people understand why you are you.
Instead of showing them who you are.

This is what I describe as the difference between being something, and giving the appearance of something.

There really is a huge difference.

Am I OK? versus: See? I am OK.

Crow's eye view. Takes practice. And possibly wings :)

But doesn't our intuition seek to aid others and apply it?Our cognitive function processes are Ni afterwards followed by Fe(typically anyway), wouldn't that mean that its a natural tendency for the INFJ to seek understanding from others point of view so theycan effectively aid others? same thing applies with INTJ, their secondary function Te seeks to organize and manage/direct others. We use our intuition to get our information, our knowledge, our understandindg of an idea but then we applied it and since our secondary function is an extroverted judging one wouldn't it seek to explain an idea/concept for the well being of others whether is to manage or aid them? and without them understandindg our idea in the first place, we can be heavily misunderstood..
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The idea is to be able to aid yourself first, so you are actually able to aid others if you choose to.
Is everybody here a lifeguard mentality? I don't think so.
I see a lot of people saying: "awww man, why is it so hard!?"

Fix yourself. Train yourself. Be all you can be.
Then anything is possible.
You might even discover that after you, yourself are how you want to be,
that the idea of helping anybody else turns into loving them enough to let them help themselves.
You do your bit simply by being an example.
I've gotten really good at keeping my intuition happily subconscious, where it can do its thing without stressing me out in the process. Sometimes it surfaces and makes my mind turn, but often I don't even notice it. That's kind of how it's always been, actually -- even when I discovered I used intuition, I didn't really actively seek to recognize it. I kind of just knew and accepted that it was.

The plus side is, I've gotten better at explaining it, too. When it just kind of is, you come to a conclusion, but it's smooth enough that you can take a few minutes to "think" about it -- in other words, where other people would need time to think to find the answer, you'd need time to think of its origins, and it usually takes about the same amount of time.

Can anyone give me an example of intuition at work?

I think I am new to this.

I understand when it's concerned with people (strangers you meet for the 1st time etc.), but how about impersonal things? Or things that are material