Astrology- total myth or potential truth?


Do you 'believe' in astrology? As in, do you think the movement of celestial bodies unimaginable distances away could influence your life & your fate? Or it is all a bunch of nonsense?

I confess to reading horoscopes on a regular basis, but I don't really take them seriously. I guess they are amusing, in a similar way to personality tests like the MBTI, but with none of the credibility. Most of them are so vague that they could apply to anyone, on any day.


"Your subconscious has decided that you need to take a trip. It might be an actual physical journey to some new place you've dreamed of going, or it might just be a trip down Memory Lane. Once you're on the road, you're glad that you went along for the ride! It feels so good to get away from it all, and you know that you're overdue. Invite someone else along, and you might create memories that you can share forever."

Without knowing the specific star sign to which that horoscope applies, wouldn't you say it could apply to you? or ANYONE?

On the other hand, astrology has a very long history and some devoted followers, much like religion - if it has survived all these years and has not been lambasted as much as actual religions, perhaps there's something to it?
I firmly believe in astrology. It is a center piece to my spiritual beliefs.
I believe in Astrology in the sense that I am a true Scorpio. The snipits you can find in the newspaper don't interest me but it was cool to find an explanation for my personality; that I'm not abnormal.
I'm sure there are "more accurate" versions of astrology than the newspaper type, but slicing people into categories based on their month of birth just seems ludicrous to me. I'm an Aries, but have never identified with any of the traits that Aries are supposed to have.

Out of mild curiosity I found this page on Aries traits and it just seems like a steaming pile of Forer Effect. I guess I'd be open to reading something a bit more... solid? What bugs me is that the link I found is one of the top google results. If there is anything worthwhile in the field it must be buried under a lot of crap.
Huh, I'm not sure if Ophiuchus describes me better than Sagittarius. I used to follow astrology a lot and even borrowed a couple of books from friends on it. I was close to teaching myself how to read those birth charts. I fell out of it though, and I was well aware of the Forer effect which did take the fun out of it for me.
eh, i choose not to read into astrology anymore than i would read into advice from a phone psychic. as you said may, general predictions that anyone could interpret as their own. i also don't believe in religion though so one may just call me a sceptic, i like to think im a realist, but who doesnt? (:
Indigo, what do you believe of the link christmas posted..does it have any validity?

that would make me another sign if true..

From a physical standpoint (the basis of it) it does, from a spiritual standpoint, I do not think it does.

From what I have observed, peoples signs regardless of this correction factor largely hold true.

I don't use the correction, very few astrologers do, and it still holds true. I can't prove this because it is just general observation, but this correction should effect when a phenomneom called "mercury retrograde" occurs, but I have not see this. The said events of this cycle still hold true.
Forer effect.

And yet, I still think there is something about grouping people according to cycles of birth time /in ~ days, months, years or similar periods/; and some of the astrology systems may have caught insights of real significance. I have ideas on how to test this better, because currently it's not even explored properly.

That said... Daily forecasts or any sort of foretelling is beyond my bs threshold. I'm only willing to consider correlation with general characters and visual features. And only if we can devise descriptive systems which are not that ambiguous as now.

It's either total nonsense /most likely/, or we are not using it properly. Means we are being inefficient at the moment, in either case.
Honestly, I used to take my sign, Virgo, very seriously in regards to my personality. Then I took the mbti and nothing could be more accurate! I do read my horoscope when I get bored at work just for shits and giggles. Fortune cookies are much funner though.
I think whoever has developed astrology probably keyed in to some natural rythems and patterns of how being born in certain seasons affects a person from birth until they are dead.

A hypothetical would go something like: children born in the fall might get less nutrition because of food scarcity and this might affect their maturation as well as parents would act a certain way due to the scarcity of food as well as cold temperatures, lack of work, etc. A modern circumstance would be children born early in the year start school early and kids born later in the year have to wait to start school which results in them being older and possibly better able to do well in school. Also keep in mind the moon and different planets gravitational pull... yadda yadda yadda

That is just a for instance. There are a whole boat load of other possibilities and I havent looked into any of them.
I think whoever has developed astrology probably keyed in to some natural rythems and patterns of how being born in certain seasons affects a person from birth until they are dead.

A hypothetical would go something like: children born in the fall might get less nutrition because of food scarcity and this might affect their maturation as well as parents would act a certain way due to the scarcity of food as well as cold temperatures, lack of work, etc. A modern circumstance would be children born early in the year start school early and kids born later in the year have to wait to start school which results in them being older and possibly better able to do well in school. Also keep in mind the moon and different planets gravitational pull... yadda yadda yadda

That is just a for instance. There are a whole boat load of other possibilities and I havent looked into any of them.
OMG simmer down there Kent Hovind.
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OMG simmer down there Kent Hovind and go back to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect 200 dollars.

I am gonna bayonet you through the cunt
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I don’t read daily horoscope but I am very interested in Astrology. I can not say at this time if it’s True or False (most likely some true and some false) most of information I requested (such as my personality profile for the day of my birth) fits almost perfectly, but daily horoscope is almost never correct.

I agree with Albert Einstein: "All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree."