If I'm in a relationship with a guy who says he's an ENFP but we all know is an ESFP, should I talk to him about getting help or just break up with him?
What's the difference between ENFP and ESFP?
If I'm in a relationship with a guy who says he's an ENFP but we all know is an ESFP, should I talk to him about getting help or just break up with him?

What if the ESFP is actually in a relationship with a person who is a mislabeled ESFJ?

Alan, how come you are so damn sexy?
Alan, how come you have no personal drive or motivation? :mcunni:
I'd ask why he thinks he's an enfp, and delve into that. The enfp shadow can come off as abrupt and insensitive sometimes - very aggressive. If you feel you've dug deep enough, and there's nothing else to gain from the relationship, you might consider openly communicating the frustration. If the frustration is expressed and not understood on the other side, you'll know the answer to both questions.
ENFPs live in a very very big big world. As far as the INFJ goes inward, I go outward. Its for this reason that we're so aware of our environment and seek to understand how it all connects to a larger system of meanings. I was fortunate to have developed a high extraverted sensing function in my life. The Se function feeds my Ne and allows me to take in more information to base my decisions on. My motivation has always been an issue. It's a constant conflict between a passive flow with all things and need to understand and grow. Really fun way to live. But most of all, I like the monkey. :mcunni:
I have a friend who is ENFP, she lives in a big big world like you said it. She is like :m200::m200::m045::m129: all the time ... it makes me ....:meye:

but whenever I go a bit deeper she becomes this ... :m119::m035:

In fact she is the complete oposite of me, I'm more confortable when I go inside and she when she goes outside. I have the feeling that going to the big big world for her is like XTC, like she is addicted to it, it is like she takes it to hide the big hurt and emptiness inside of herself. Whenever she is alone she falls in an empty well.

So my question is,

Does this sounds familiar to you?
How hard is it for an ENFP to go to the inside, to dig deeper, to discover him/herself. Do you like to do that or does that scares you or is it that you don't see the need for it??

by the way, nice to see you on the forum :becky:
I have a friend who is ENFP, she lives in a big big world like you said it. She is like :m200::m200::m045::m129: all the time ... it makes me ....:meye:

but whenever I go a bit deeper she becomes this ... :m119::m035:

In fact she is the complete oposite of me, I'm more confortable when I go inside and she when she goes outside. I have the feeling that going to the big big world for her is like XTC, like she is addicted to it, it is like she takes it to hide the big hurt and emptiness inside of herself. Whenever she is alone she falls in an empty well.

So my question is,

Does this sounds familiar to you?
How hard is it for an ENFP to go to the inside, to dig deeper, to discover him/herself. Do you like to do that or does that scares you or is it that you don't see the need for it??

by the way, nice to see you on the forum :becky:

What's funny is that yes, I definitely dig into myself and look for meaning. The difference is that rather than starting from the inside and searching, I use my Ne/Se/Fe shovel to dig down deep into myself. I need to analyze myself and my actions/intent in order to understand myself and I find I need alone time in order to accomplish this. I can get pretty down when I'm alone. I wouldn't say it's because I'm afraid of confronting who I "truly" am but because I literally thrive and feed off of the energy of those around me. Interacting with people charges my batteries. Being alone drains my batteries.
What's funny is that yes, I definitely dig into myself and look for meaning. The difference is that rather than starting from the inside and searching, I use my Ne/Se/Fe shovel to dig down deep into myself. I need to analyze myself and my actions/intent in order to understand myself and I find I need alone time in order to accomplish this. I can get pretty down when I'm alone. I wouldn't say it's because I'm afraid of confronting who I "truly" am but because I literally thrive and feed off of the energy of those around me. Interacting with people charges my batteries. Being alone drains my batteries.

Apparently this is what sets ENFP's aside from the other Extroverts.. because of the fact that they do need down/alone time. Although where we introverts.. or INFJ's especially use it to center ourselves and see it as a good thing ENFP's can tend to be or get depressed during those times. It drains your batteries so to speak and it recharges ours.. Which I can see how that would make for a good relationship because while you're alone to drain your battery, the INFj is alone recharging theirs and then they can go out together and recharge/drain together... like they're at the same spot at the same time, just doing it differently.. (that may not have made any sense)
It drains your batteries so to speak and it recharges ours.. Which I can see how that would make for a good relationship because while you're alone to drain your battery, the INFj is alone recharging theirs and then they can go out together and recharge/drain together... like they're at the same spot at the same time, just doing it differently..
Think of the alternative scenario where two E's are together, or when two I's are together. They both recharge each other instead of draining each other.
[o_q];220842 said:
Think of the alternative scenario where two E's are together, or when two I's are together. They both recharge each other instead of draining each other.

True, besides relationships aren't about MBTI.. obviously they are about individuals. I think I was just working it out in my mind at the same time I was typing it. I should really censor my fingers.. I was having a bit of a difficult time processing it at first until I read what Alan wrote. You are right though..

I read this on that page and it made me laugh a little..

Although we believe firmly that this model works very well to help in finding and maintaining healthy relationships, it is important to remember that it's just a tool. We offer guidelines to help you understand the kinds of things that you value in a relationship, rather than guidelines that you need to follow strictly. Two well-developed individuals of any type can make a relationship work. And work is a key concept here! There is no such thing as an effortless relationship. Don't use this model as an excuse to dump your relationship.