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  • I waited too freaking years and you never could call or something. I'm super worried. You just left your pet Llama at my house and last month we had to sell it for money because the feed for Llamas is just up the roof. Besides, the temporary Llama permit that you got us expired long ago and we've been hiding it in the bathroom. Look I know bathrooms naturally smell kind of funky but that Llama did some serious damage to our tiling and we're going to have to get it all replaced. I'm holding you responsible for it and I am writing up the bill. Right now the estimators say that it's going to be around 12k to rebuild the bathroom and if you don't respond to my emails I am going to have to petition the courts for your arrest and mandate that you attend the next court session. I don't wanna do that Alan because you're our buddy....the whole family loves you....but you leave us no choice. Hope you're okay and please call me back. -Bethany
    It was nice to hear you play in chat today. I hope I get the chance to do it again sometime. :)
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