Are all men pigs? Or are women secret swines as well?


Community Member
In society, men are viewed as disgusting, as perverted. Women fret wearing tight clothes for fear of oglers ad creepers. But what about men? Do they ever look in the mirror before they walk out the door, and say, "Hmm, these pants are quite revealing. Better change so the women don't stare..."---Should they??? Every woman has seen a man in their life, whether it be on TV, or in person, that they look at and think that they're attractive. Is that not the same as men silently thinking, "I wanna tap that" If an attractive woman walks down the street and a man in a car goes by and honks, its considered rude. Reversed, would men be offended? Would the same offense still be conidered degradation? Playboy magazines are frowned upon in society because its just a bunch of provocative photos of scantily clad women. Has anyone opened up a fashion magazine of any kind in the last few years? Nearly every gucci and prada advertisement has a man in just his boxers. Even for watches!!! Aren't women viewing the same degrading images? I am by no means saying that men should continue reading and saying the things that they do, just because women do too. I just think that women should think about it next time they flip through their redbook or Instyle, and instead of having a pokerface, just be more aware.
Females are better at disgusing such impulses.

Also, Males tend to fantasize about the actual act of mating whereas a female would fantasize about what the children are going to look like. They are two seperate mindsets.
Females are better at disgusing such impulses.

Also, Males tend to fantasize about the actual act of mating whereas a female would fantasize about what the children are going to look like. They are two seperate mindsets.

In most cases, I would agree. But I'm sure that there are some females who are a little less modest, and at that point in time arent thinking about "what the children will look like". Women have innate instincts too, and while we are supposed to bare children, in the modern world everything revolves around sex and the media, and our innate behaviors are altering from "reproduce" to "SEX SEX SEX"
Even when I see someone I find incredibly physically attractive (which is like...hardly ever) I don't fantasize about doing them or anything. My mind doesn't go anywhere near that territory. Mostly I just go "hey she's really cute" and find that person pleasing to look at and fantasize about getting to know her.

Course I'm a lesbian so yanno... YMMV.
I have a tendency to be a female swine on occasion. Not that I feel good about it or anything..
i'm not piggish about anything... i tend to look twice in the mirror before going out, i treat females with respect and dignity, and i love yard and field work...

however, i have seen the media and the sex portrayed in it, and i don't agree with it... so i hardly watch the media...
Of course it's overgeneralization - I've known some women who considered men pigs (usually they are not very pleasant to interact with) and a lot more who didn't. As for myself I believe that some men can indeed be pigs as well as women. But pigs have feelings too :D

As for the other questions, they are too wide to answer here. I've read some excellent books on the topic lately - can recommend some. A really short summary would be that in our society girls unconsciously learn to fear their sexuality, while boys are afraid of their masculinity.
That was meant as a generalization.

I understood that it was meant as a generalization, but my point is that in society today, that generalization is more diffiicult to apply.
i'm not piggish about anything... i tend to look twice in the mirror before going out, i treat females with respect and dignity, and i love yard and field work...

however, i have seen the media and the sex portrayed in it, and i don't agree with it... so i hardly watch the media...

Bravo!!! I applaude you! :D
I don't care if women check me out or fantasize about me. I know some do anyway.

I have been sexually harassed before, and that was extremely embarrassing. I don't want that, but looking and thinking are fine.

As for this thread topic in general, sex really is overused in advertising and overrated. I think women and men behave the way they do because they are conditioned to do so. There are women who are pigs and men who aren't in addition to the people who fit the generalizations. But if we really want to change any of this, we need to control the media.
I don't care if women check me out or fantasize about me. I know some do anyway.

I have been sexually harassed before, and that was extremely embarrassing. I don't want that, but looking and thinking are fine.

As for this thread topic in general, sex really is overused in advertising and overrated. I think women and men behave the way they do because they are conditioned to do so. There are women who are pigs and men who aren't in addition to the people who fit the generalizations. But if we really want to change any of this, we need to control the media.

I am in 100% agreeance. Thank you.
I am in 100% agreeance. Thank you.

Yeah, but the second we start to censor anything, they'll call us fascists. I'd say that anything can be put into text (anything, including profanity), but the restrictions should be placed on images presenting things such as unrealistic body type.
I see men and women's stereotypes as must methods which are found to be effective for coping with their social situations. Men are taught by society to be assertive with their wishes regardless of other considerations -- and women in general are taught that its more acceptable to be passive (in relationships) and manipulative. It really is a combination of hormones and social conditioning.

Also I think that the whole 'getting offended' over being honked at thing is just a way for some women to fend off someone who isnt rubbing them the right way. Of course its a design in the social system in which men are taught to put themselves out there to the point where good looking women must deal with being hit on several times a day.

I guess its all just natural when you look at it that way.
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Even when I see someone I find incredibly physically attractive (which is like...hardly ever) I don't fantasize about doing them or anything. My mind doesn't go anywhere near that territory. Mostly I just go "hey she's really cute" and find that person pleasing to look at and fantasize about getting to know her.

Course I'm a lesbian so yanno... YMMV.

i do that too.

my initial attraction is platonic and aesthetically interested more than sexual/carnal
Hmm...i'm another person who agrees with the non-carnal attitude. I tend to be attracted to the sweet, kind, gentlemanly, intelligent type. Yes, in other words, platonic.

As a result, it really does turn me off when I walk down the street, and I get looks. Actually, it makes me laugh. I think it's kind of oddly hilarious and ridiculous. (hahaha, ok, it's making me chuckle even more as I type this out) But on the long run, it DOES make me feel self conscious. I hate it. I wish I could walk around without feeling vulnerable.
ain't that a bit... totalitaristic? Afterall media just spins on the stuff that sells.
You're right.
If you have a problem with the media, stop buying the crap you see on tv and hear on the radio. Advertisers will lose profits and revenue to churn out the junk they market through sexism and otherwise "piggishness."

For example, those flipping men's Axe deodorants.The Axe marketing is most blatantly sexist.
It's not just that the media writes/produces what sells, it's also that they -create- what sells. Mass media in the US is owned by all of like, five companies, total. If something does not fit into the particular image they'd like to create and convince people is worth consuming, then they won't broadcast/publish it.