Anyone here a extreme lover-of-Jesus?

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What's that mean, like you're super devoted christian?

I'm a lapsed baptist.
A nonpracticing Christian basically, I don't go to church to often anymore.

And yes I have accepted christ as my personal savior.

I'm glad I did, I've never felt alone in my life, even though in actuality I am quite alone in this world.

*Also thread moved*
A nonpracticing Christian basically, I don't go to church to often anymore.

And yes I have accepted christ as my personal savior.

I'm glad I did, I've never felt alone in my life, even though in actuality I am quite alone in this world.

*Also thread moved*

Awesome. You dont need a church to be a Christian. You should witness though.
No, church is a greek word for community. A building is just a building. A Cathedral is a little different, because it houses a Cathedra, which is "Bishops Seat".

I've been touched by jesus, in a way that noone has touched me for almost 4 months now :) I really ought to lower my standards a bit.
I love him as much as I can any man who lived 2,000 years ago.

He had some pretty cool teachings though.
Ya know, topics like this make me a bit uncomfortable. At least in the way this was phrased. Almost like there is about to be a judgement made based on how one answers.
To be fair though. Niccolo Machiavelli had better teachings.

How does that go? "The greatest moral good is a virtuous and stable state, and actions to protect the country are therefore justified even if they are cruel." Sounds oddly like the modern Religious Right Christians. How many wars shall we engage in and how many people shall we torture to rid ourselves of terrorists? Of course, that is exactly what Jesus would do.
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Ya know, topics like this make me a bit uncomfortable. At least in the way this was phrased. Almost like there is about to be a judgement made based on how one answers.


And I do understand the Irony of saying that.
I am; looking for brothers or sisters. :whistle:

I am a bible-believing Christian, if that's part of what you mean! Extreme, though? Hmmmm . . . I'm not sure about that part. I've had some interesting discussions here, anyhow!

Machiavelli merely made observations based on practices held by the Medici. Machiavelli himself was a wonderful and brilliant man. The Medici were also brilliant . . but I will never admire them.
No, but jesus am I an extreme lover!
"close thread admins"?

I'm sorry if you were offended by fellow posters, however this isn't a christian forum, it's an INFJ forum. Some, if not most of the members here are indeed christian, but how you posed the original statement could easily be deemed offensive by those who are not as... evangelistic as yourself.

Here are a few good forums if you'd really like to talk about Christianity as you are currently without receiving offense.

Although there's no reason you can't continue talking in the same manner, but just keep in mind that certain members here get very militant about their beliefs and attack each other constantly (on in the appropriate threads) in that manner. Anyways I'm off for a ride on my scooter, have fun here. I'm not a Muslim, I'm a lapsed satanist who is in the middle of forming his own cult.
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This topic had very slight derail, but nothing worth moderative action, and trust me, I love using my moderative abilities at the slightest excuse. But this really doesn't warrent a thread splitting, and it certainly doesn't warrent a thread lock. But it is your thread and if you want it locked or deleted or whatever I'll ablige, though I person like to refrain from deleting threads, it's like deleting an important peice of history from a forum.
I basically renounced any fading belief I had in a higher power at the age of 11. I was pretty depressed for a long time and I found that making an empty acceptance to a being I didn't believe in didn't really help matters.

I'm much better off now, though.

Good for you guys for believing in something. Just make sure that it remains personal and that you don't make it your mission to "save" others. Many Christians I've met don't realize that others may not share their definition of salvation.
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