An ideal society


Well-known member
9w8 sp/sx
What is your vision of an ideal society, or what kind of world do you want to live in?
How would it function? What might make it possible?
What influences your vision of an ideal society?
What changes in our society and civilization do you think need to be brought about?

(Wasn't sure whether to post this in Imagination or Humanities section.)
My ideal society would be a society which valued education in all its aspects (psychological and spiritual, as well as technical and political).

So, we would be raised and trained to see life as a huge learning ground where we progress through its challenges to become more cultivated and grounded.

Work would not be geared towards the cultivation of wealth and money, but would allow us to explore our interests while also allowing us to contribute our talents for the greater good.

I don't think this would mean some type of government regulated economy; it just means we, individually, would have a different relationship to money -- seeing it more as a means than as an end.

Love, respect, and compassion would be more valued because everyone faces challenges in life, and the best way to overcome challenges are through those three things.

So our approach to crime would be different -- we would treat the motivations for why people turn to crime instead of locking people up in jails. We would measure the health of our society by the people in its prisons -- the more prisoners, the more society is failing. (by this metric we are currently a very failed society)

Our approach to technology would be different -- we would stress research which truly made human lives easier and more leisurely, instead of the current approach, which is geared towards the development of products that will be sold in the market (consumer gadgets, weapons, etc.), or else geared to science for science sake (cloning, unregulated bio-technologies)

We would value our time more because we would see life as a journey that one day would have to end; so we would treat Death as a teacher, and not something to be feared.

Because we would cherish learning and life experience, we would start to combat fear in all its aspects.

We would really value liberty and freedom, because we would see those things as necessary components of education. Freedom means the freedom to make mistakes, the freedom to get hurt, the freedom to make a bad decision, the freedom to be rash and unsensible even -- you can never grow and learn if you always stay perfect. So, we would honor mistakes as well.

In terms of getting to such a society - well, I guess that would require some consciousness raising. I am ready for such a place, but it's not a place only one person can want. I think there would have to come a point where a lot of people awakened to how harmful and toxic our current society is and wanted to make a real and lasting change.
I think people would just die in a utopia. (ever seen Wall-E?)

We as humans need an adversary to fight. Whether that is the elements, moral principles, or actual beings.

So in my ideal world we would fight monsters instead of each other.
I think I already live in an ideal society.
I don't really see how I could improve on this.
(Other than by just keeping on being me)
- but that's not really improving anything.

If perfection resides within the wellsprings
of the heart, why not just enjoy the waters?
I don't really wanna change society.
I'm just happy being me.
I think I already live in an ideal society.
I don't really see how I could improve on this.
(Other than by just keeping on being me)
- but that's not really improving anything.

If perfection resides within the wellsprings
of the heart, why not just enjoy the waters?
I don't really wanna change society.
I'm just happy being me.

Can I have some of whatever you're smoking? LOL.
I second King of Spades. Very nice. However, radical change like that is very unlikely unfortunately, at least in most societies. Something like that could be implemented by a secluded society of people that are all raised to discover those things as norms. If you have ever seen the village or read the lost horizon describing Shangri-La, then you can see how these things are possible but usually require seclusion and/or a small group or founders.
+1 for monster world


I'm completely for that.
Can I have some of whatever you're smoking? LOL.

Sure. C'mon baby! Let's do the twist! - just like this! *twists* :smile:

ps It's not my fault. A bunch of Goddess girls got together and asked me to do this.

Around and around and around, again, let's do the twist.

Love them Goddess girls, you know.... they know how to twist.
I know what you mean, don't let yourself be put down though. If you think sad - you will be sad. Think big and you will GO big!

Thanks. Yeah, I try, and sometimes it works, but the harder I try, the worse things get.

So now I'm taking my "J" trait down a bit and learning to loosen up a bit.

Life goes easier if you swim with and not against the current.
Thanks. Yeah, I try, and sometimes it works, but the harder I try, the worse things get.

So now I'm taking my "J" trait down a bit and learning to loosen up a bit.

Life goes easier if you swim with and not against the current.

Oh that is so correct. Also the harder you try the worse it gets can be true. Although maybe you need to find the core problem and then start to solve it. Like in my case it comes exteriously from people, from my surroundings, so I try to not acknowledge the things that usually gets me and 'go easy' on what would usually hurt me. It doesnt happen over a day or two. Patience my friend.
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I know what you mean, don't let yourself be put down though. If you think sad - you will be sad. Think big and you will GO big!

Listen to her man. Go Darkstar go! go man, go. Do it. ps Pristine, I've no idea on earth how you grok these song inferences of mine, but I sure ain't complaining! I usually just do that when I am hearing a song while I am posting.
Listen to her man. Go Darkstar go! go man, go. Do it. ps Pristine, I've no idea on earth how you grok these song inferences of mine, but I sure ain't complaining! I usually just do that when I am hearing a song while I am posting.

Hahah I'm actually a huge retro fan of the good old days. Its a pitty that I missed them xD