

Passing through
Some of the threads have spoken of casual drug use and alcohol use, but I'm curious: Would any of you say you are addicted to anything or have struggled with addictions? It doesn't necessarily have to be drugs or alcohol or sex. It could be carrots, for all I know. But if you did have something you struggled with (or struggle with) and it began consuming your life, how did you overcome it? What methods did you employ?
Caffeine and nicotine are my only chemical addictions.

Conservatives would argue that I am "Addicted" to marijuana.

I still haven't broken the smoking of cigarettes or drinking pop. Really, the worst thing about a chemical addiction is the NEED for it. You can't function without it. I hate that.

Weed... Well, all I have to do is stay away from my group of friends for a little while, which I have been doing. I've been staying at home, picking up the bass, working out, etc. Just anything to fill my time that would be normally used to smoke a few fatties with my buddies. It blows that I have to ostracize myself but I'm willing to do that for my own good.

Plus, I blew way too much money on weed, alcohol and cigarettes. I need to cut dat shit out and buckle down right nao.
For me caffeine was a huge problem. I often can't sleep and am quite sick of it. I went for sleep testing and found there is no physical reason for it, so I am making changes. The first and most important is getting rid of the Mountain Dew that is permanently attatched and is an extension of my right hand. I started with a switch from caffinated Mountain Dew to non caffinated Mountain Dew. Now I drink non cafinated tea or water. The whole process took about 6 months.

Would love to ditch my addiction to nicotine but as of yet... a big NOTHING.

My family would say, and I might agree that I am also addicted to video games, more specifically WOW. It depends on any given moment as to whether I agree with them or not. It has been a few months since I have played regularly. I just decided to fill my life with projects to complete. That keeps me away from the game.
I have an addiction to the internet, and my ipod. If I were to lose either, I would go through true withdraw symtoms, and would be legitmitly depressed. (serious)
Caffeine and nicotine are my only chemical addictions.
Me too. Especially nicotine. I smoke 3 packs a day and my friends call me "Cancer".

Used to smoke weed when I was a teenager, but I stopped about 2 years ago. I didn't enjoy it any more.
Istead, my other addiction is chocolate.
I'm addicted to judgements and making generalizations.
I also require constant stimulation in the form of stories, memories, or anything in the written/verbal format that is similar to a narrative.
My worst addiction lies in liquids. I always have a waterbottle at hand. Always.

And lately I've had an addiction to staying up late and waking up way late...which is bad for my schoolwork.

Oh. and not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm wayy addicted to that.
:thumb: I'm so proud.
Would any of you say you are addicted to anything or have struggled with addictions?

Ummm... maybe? Where's the line between addiction and extremely ingrained habit?

But if you did have something you struggled with (or struggle with) and it began consuming your life, how did you overcome it?

Haven't gotten that far yet.

[Lots of typing of things and then lots of deleting of them.]

Yeah, it's complicated. I haven't been able to sort through all the twists, turns, and loose ends myself.
I probably spend more time on internet forums than I should, and I'm addicted to my mp3 player. In fact I'm doing both right now...

Oh, and I used to be a txtaholic.

I remember reading somewhere that INFJs are often happily obsessed with one or two hobbies, and people find this weird. Does anybody think that INFJ obsession could be mistaken for an addiction?
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Does anybody think that INFJ obsession could be mistaken for an addiction?

Hmmm maybe. I think anyone who has an obsession with anything that other people don't find so interesting could be thought of that way.

I am addicted to caffeine. I've tried giving it up a few times because I think it isn't that good but I never manage to!

I am addicted to Muse (the band) at the moment too! Well, maybe that is more of an obsession. I really like their music.
I don't think I have any 'addictions', per se...

Though I do like coffee...

Well... okay, maybe I love coffee... :md:

Deep roasted yummy coffee.... yup, coffee...:m122:

cups o' coffee... lots o' coffee... lots o' cups o' coffee...:m035:
coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee :m015: coffee coffee coffee coffee :m015: coffee coffee coffee coffee...:m180:


...but it doesn't affect me much, though :m027:

...much :meye:

[...hmmm this could be emo-monkey abuse]
I think you're also addicted to monkeys, EloquentBohemian.:m131:
ElequentBohemian, you have described in monkeys exactly my relationship with coffee also!

Why are you sad Nemo? Do you need coffee too?
Browsing forums only.

I don't get addicted to anything... I'm far too lazy.
Why are you sad Nemo? Do you need coffee too?

I'm not a fan of coffee. I could do with some Demon energy drink though... lots of Demon.:m200:

I've just been feeling very melancholy over the past few weeks. :(
I think you're also addicted to monkeys, EloquentBohemian.:m131:
Shhhh! monkey addiction is not really what one would call an addiction, per se...

it's more of a...:m076:


something else.:m083:

I was smoking for the last two years, but I just quit and it was very easy. I think I smoked more out of stress or boredom then anything else. Social settings and driving.

I drink coffee when I go out or if I remember to make it at home.

I think purple is maybe an addiction because I have some purple things.

I don't really know.

Maybe relationships because everytime I say I'm going to be single I end up with a boyfriend. My longest run at being single has been three months?