A State of Constant Love


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I realized tonight that what I want most in the world is a state of constant love, where I feel and give love, constantly. I'm not talking about any particular act of love, but the simple state of it. I realized that my goal in life is to be in this constant state with another person, and use that as my strength and comfort to share this state of love with everyone else that I can. For me, this is what I'd call having a soulmate - knowing and constantly feeling that state of complete and unconditional love and loyalty with one another.

And not having it has become painful for me.
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I often wonder if I will ever be able to quit wishing I had the right words to say, and instead could just simply have them.. These words you've written are so... *frustration* .. in my own way, I know what you mean. I feel like to a certain degree I do live my life this way, but almost to a fault. It's my own little perfect dream world that you've described here, but I am a failing perfectionist, who doesn't live in a world of perfection. I wonder why we, I, long for something that may not exist instead of just being okay with what is here.. With me. I mean, I am okay with me, and I believe there are those who love me, who I feel to a certain degree connected with, but yet there is this longing for a love that I feel capable of, and want returned to me. But I just don't see it anywhere in sight, or know if that's even really possible besides in my dreams or imagination.. and yes.. the thought of it is tiring and painful.. I'm sorry that all I can offer you is my own understanding...

I will hope for you. May you find the love that you're longing... :hug: And please don't be discouraged in giving the love that you're capable of...
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Oh, so these are the words about love which makes sense to you huh? :m182:
Now it is our time to judge it :m179:
And these are good words, actually :m173:

I think walking in love is something of a journey...at least that's how I see it. It is a journey because it is transformative in nature. Transforming the way we see others, scaling the impacts we have on others (encourage the good), building via our strengths (so we can give without fear), letting go of false assumptions (for clarity of vision)....all these are a process that take time. I think our sense of destiny, of seeking our highest good, is the propellant on this journey.

I don't have a partner, nor have I for a long time. In spite of this, I decided at some point that, darn it, I was a loving person regardless of how ellusive romance might be. I decided to live out of my loving self. Naturally one has to be wise about doing this, but even so, I find I am undiminished by living in love...quite the opposite.

There is the saying "I walk in Beauty" that is attributed to the Navajo peoples. I think this sums things up nicely.
The problem with "Soul Mates" is that they are subject to idealization..
Call me cynical.. but no 2 people can connect 100%

If the love is based on an ideal rather than reality, 2 very lovely people are likely to be very hurt at some point.
Because 2 people that close are going to hurt each other. and crushed ideals are like death.

This is why I prefer the term "Best Friend"
It encompasses all the longings of the OP, but puts less pressure on things being perfect
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it is a most desirable state, the state of constant love. I think it is my desire too. But I don't agree that I need a partner to achief this state. Like Randomsomeone said. I think in the contrary. I think it needs to come from yourself. Right now I'm in a state of constant love (for this period :w:) and it I don't have a partner. It comes from within me. And there are moments that I don't feel this love. Like today we had a meeting at work about the lay offs and I felt the sadnes of the group. But when I'm alone again and back to baseline, the love is back again. I think I'm in this state now because I have never accepted myself as much as I do right now. I love myself and this allows me to love the people around me, without discrimination. :becky: And it is great!
I realized tonight that what I want most in the world is a state of constant love, where I feel and give love, constantly. I'm not talking about any particular act of love, but the simple state of it.

For me, this is what I'd call having a soulmate - knowing and constantly feeling that state of complete and unconditional love and loyalty with one another.

Yup. I think that sums up the experience quite nicely.
I came to realise this is what I want most more then anything around a month and a half ago. I totally understand.
Dear Von Hase, if you can go more ahead of it, you will feel like this:

You are happy with your love. You are happy with or without her because you have belief that you are always with her. Always.... Even if you meet her after many decades you will recognize her soul and will begin to continue your love which can never die.
I'm almost inclined to believe that the only way to accomplish anything close to a constant state of love is to ward off romantic love, and devote your life to nondiscriminating, unconditional love for everyone.

I have to agree with this, and I want it real bad right now. I also believe that as long as I crave it, ironically, I will not be able to get it. I'm just too busy craving.
Wow, yes Von I understand this as well and find it to be very important..I also wish I could have unconditional love with someone, an eternal soul mate who I can bond with for the rest of my life.

:hug: to you.
Has anyone ever met a stranger that felt familiar ?

There's also something else other than soulmate
They call it soul connection ...
I realized tonight that what I want most in the world is a state of constant love, where I feel and give love, constantly. I'm not talking about any particular act of love, but the simple state of it. I realized that my goal in life is to be in this constant state with another person, and use that as my strength and comfort to share this state of love with everyone else that I can. For me, this is what I'd call having a soulmate - knowing and constantly feeling that state of complete and unconditional love and loyalty with one another.

And not having it has become painful for me.

I want this too and I understand completely.
I thought I found that kind of love with a few people actually, but eventually (like all of my relationships to date) it fizzled out, got boring. Wasn't true love I guess.
It is most difficult saying something to you, VH, regarding this. I hope to one day be able to do half your wishes: giving that you said. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Our needs are real, though. I do feel that focusing on the outward giving will fill the inward receiving beyond measure. Please do not think I do not understand, though, what you mean. Good night.
Ahh, it's really sad, even batteries run low at some point....and humans die...I guess...i guess you're screwed buddy.