A good deed that goes unrecognized | INFJ Forum

A good deed that goes unrecognized


Oct 25, 2010
Years ago I was having a conversation with someone. It was basically about doing something that would help lots of people, but doing so completely anonymously, and how I was fine with that.
She was kind of outraged like "why would you want to do that?" I was really shocked by her reaction. I guess the people are a lot more "what's in it for me?" than I ever realized.

So, I ask you. If you had the opportunity/ability to do a tremendous good deed. I'm talking world peace, end world hunger, cure cancer...that kind of thing. But the catch is; you can't tell a soul that you were responsible. You would receive absolutely no recognition, no fame, no fortune. Your only reward is the knowledge that you did something great. Would you do it?
Well, I would hope so! I mean, I guess it depends to a degree on what the action would be (if it would take my entire life, I can't very well live off of something no one knows I'm doing.) But in terms of acclaim? Heck, yeah, I'd do it anyway.
I would definitely do it. Especially if it is for a greater good that would help millions of people.
sure, as long as no one was harmed.
Yeah, some level of self sacrifice would be involved.

So, lets add that your basic needs would be care for but you would have to give your time, energy things like that.
But it's more about is recognition your sole motivation for doing good?
Oh I should add you won't get guaranteed a spot in heaven either. No rewards in this life or the next.
I really think a lot of people believe recognition is the sole motivation for doing good. We seem to live in a society where the majority of people believe in doing good works solely to receive eternal rewards. It makes me jaded about the basic nature of mankind. Which I want to believe is good. But the longer I live the more cause for doubt there is.

However, it's refreshing to see so many yeses in this thread already.
You guys are awesome! :)
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This sounds a lot like my life already
Yeah, some level of self sacrifice would be involved.

So, lets add that your basic needs would be care for but you would have to give your time, energy things like that.
But it's more about is recognition your sole motivation for doing good?
Oh I should add you won't get guaranteed a spot in heaven either. No rewards in this life or the next.
I really think a lot of people believe recognition is the sole motivation for doing good. We seem to live in a society where the majority of people believe in doing good works solely to receive eternal rewards. It makes me jaded about the basic nature of mankind. Which I want to believe is good. But the longer I live the more cause for doubt there is.

However, it's refreshing to see so many yeses in this thread already.
You guys are awesome! :)

still heartbeat
I would absolutely do it. Why wouldn't I? If I had the opportunity to do something like that and not have to be bombarded with the media or people coming at me about it, I'd do it instantly.
I think, but am not certain, it to be classical for an infj to quietly help from behind the lines.

It may be the only way "they" would ever listen to us or allow us to help.
Thats actually the way I prefer it. I don't like a lot of praise and acclaim.

So, in a heartbeat.
I feel like that would be the best way to spend your life, by helping people and making a big difference in the end. If given the opportunity, I think that not doing it would weigh heavier on me, wondering how many lives I could have changed would eat at me.
Well it depends, like most things in life. I am in the process of doing a good deed but it is going to hell in a handbasket. It depends on if the people you are trying to do the good deed for really want what you are offering. I don't require aclaim but a little bit of cooperation would be nice.
I'll do good deeds as long as somebody else does not take the credit. I don't mind at all being unknown, and actually it seems simpler that way but when somebody takes undue credit it really pisses me off.
Years ago I was having a conversation with someone. It was basically about doing something that would help lots of people, but doing so completely anonymously, and how I was fine with that.
She was kind of outraged like "why would you want to do that?" I was really shocked by her reaction. I guess the people are a lot more "what's in it for me?" than I ever realized.

So, I ask you. If you had the opportunity/ability to do a tremendous good deed. I'm talking world peace, end world hunger, cure cancer...that kind of thing. But the catch is; you can't tell a soul that you were responsible. You would receive absolutely no recognition, no fame, no fortune. Your only reward is the knowledge that you did something great. Would you do it?

I rather thing most INFJ would prefer it your way; they get to feel good about having done good without being burned to a cinder by unwanted attention. And, frankly, given an INFJs innate need for authenticity, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the avoiding of the limelight is, in part, due to wanting to make sure thats not why they did the deed in the first place.