A day in the life of YOU


So, what's a typical day in the life of YOU?
(you asked)
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details, details, details . . . . :m052:

i really don't think details are necessary given my prior description.

but if you must.

Wake up (gott a hate that)
quiet time
eat breakfast (sometimes)
go to classes
eat lunch
hang out and do whatever group decides on doing
spend time by myself (essentially waste time thinking)
eat dinner
work out
chill on the computer, listen to music, etc.

6:30 am- wake up, shower, dress, facial reconstruction surgery(better know as facial and oral care)

6:55 am- walk to work, proceed to cut grass, pick up garbage and knock down wasp nests for the next hour and a half.

8:30 am- punch out for the morning, go home and get redressed and reshowered for class, eat/infjforum/sit in shower for 45 mins enjoying hot water.

9:30 am- go to the fist class of the day(western civ, finite mathematics, intro to hebrew ),

11:00am to 12:00pm- generally consists of a combination of class/lunch/chapel/sleep

1:00pm- go back to work till 5:30 or 6 on Tuesdays and Wednesday

2:30- speech from the pulpit on Thursday

the rest of the time is divided up between the forum, sleeping, and socializing
*Wake up between 6am and 2pm
*Read a little with some (a lot) of coffee
*Run errands or go to class
*Eat lunch
*Read some more or go to class
*Relax with friends for rest of evening or go to work
*Save the world
Well now that we are in school mode...

5:50 AM: Wake up for school
6:00 AM: Eat Breakfast / Get ready for school
7:20 AM-2:20 PM: School/ Talk to Friends/ Lunch
2:50 PM- Usually end up taking a long nap which lasts between 2-4 hours
7:00 PM- Dinner
7:20 PM-10 PM- Procrastinate/ Music and jumping/ Internet browsing researching random stuff/ INFJ forums
Much later on at night- Homework/ Study
Sleeping time: Between 12 AM and 4 AM.
6:30-7 - wake-up / get ready for work

7-7:30 - Have coffee - some computer time

745-8:00- Get on the highway for work

9:00-1 or 1:30 pm - work

1:30-2 pm get on the highway to head home

2-4:30 pm - chill a little / relax / online stuff

5:00 or so - get ready for work in the late evening

10:00 pm - back home / recover from the day :) veg in front of tv/computer

12-1 pm - go to bed

And the cycle begins again :D
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Mon, wed, fri:
7AM wake up, shower, shave(when needed) eat
8 make the bus to campus
9-2 classes (noon on fri)
meetings mon afternoon work wed and fri
Tue Thurs
7AM wake up, shower, shave(when needed) eat
8 make the bus to campus
Lab till whenever
7pm - Wake up
7:20pm - Shower
7:40pm - Breakfast
8pm - Work
12am - midnight chow
2am -still working...
6am - yes... still working...
8am - off work, go home
8:30am - personal computer time
9-11am - sleep time.
5:30 - 6:45 Shower, make up, dress up, tidy up
6:45 - 7:15 Make breakfast, pack lunch, clean up, dishes, laundry etc
7:00 - 7:45 Travelling to work
7:45 - 16:30 Work Work Work with some online time inbetween (shhh don't tell)
16:30 - 18:00 Travelling home and getting groceries
18:00 - 19:00 Making dinner whilst packing away laundry and playing with my cat
19:00 - 21:00 Either chilling infront of the TV, or on my laptop, or reading, or writing poetry, or now recently playing playstation
21:00 - 22:00 More chilling infront of the TV whilst sometimes passing out on the couch lol
8-9am: wake up
9-10am: eat breakfast, have tea and an ice lolly, read.
10-12pm: either: continue to read/play games, or: go on laptop, maybe write.
12-1pm: lunch-ish time.
2: get ready to go out and do something.
2:30-3:30/4pm: do something that involves walking around town, maybe meet friends.
4pm: come home
5pm: dinner
6pm: quiet time watching anime in room.
rest of the evening: mixture of reading, writing, snacking, watching BSG or FMA.
about 10-10:30pm: bedtime.

But soon I'll hopefully be going to work and getting up at 6:30am and going to bed at about 9:30pm XD
wake up and shower.
every few days shave head before shower and face after.
get dressed and make sure i have wallet, keys, phone, belt, etc.
takeaway coffee from neighbourhood shops.
train to work 1 hr. or bus to school 15-30 min depending on traffic. often listening to headphones and looking out the window, sometimes reading.
work at work: shelving books, serving customers, arranging display spaces, and general cleaning. reading and classes at school.
lunch - usually noodles.
relax in evening. conversations with family, eat, watch tv, surf forums. sometimes studying and reading.

(my evenings used to be filled with traveling to visit friends for dinner or drinks. but not anymore. this quiet boring lifestyle is doing wonders for me.)

at home 1-2 days a week. usually procrastinate sleep previous night, and end up sleeping most of the morning. shower and walk to shops for coffee. clean house. laundry. study, read. surf and write on forums. idly reflect on life and aspirations. spend way too much time grooming in bathroom.

i used to get out of bed earlier and go swim laps, i miss it and trying to get motivated to do it again!
My alarm goes off at 7:50 and I usually have two snoozes. I can start work at whatever time I want though so I sometimes have many more

I get up, have a shower, iron a shirt then drive to the office. I do some paper work and come on here for a couple of hours, have some lunch then go out to see some clients or go to a event or meeting. The events could be anything from carnivals to jobsfairs to concerts.

I finish work when I feel like it unless I have something booked in which I usually do

I drive home and watch some TV, read a book or play on my PS3.

I go to bed somewhere between 11:00 and 12:00
wake up at 6 but the tv is set to turn on at 5 which always gives me interesting dreams.
Farmville and forums. Make coffee sometimes
morning run
eat breakfast
water plants
sit around, drink, go to school or do homework Mafia Wars and forums
starting anywhere from 4 - 6 pm my friends get off work so I go drink
get home anywhere from 10-2
Farmville and forums
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My alarm goes off at 7:50 and I usually have two snoozes. I can start work at whatever time I want though so I sometimes have many more

Haha for me it's:

7:00 snooze
7:09 snooze
7:18 snooze
7:27 snooze
7:30 new alarm, snooze
7:36 snooze
7:39 snooze
7:45 snooze
7:48 snooze
7:54 end of first alarm
7:57 finally get up

Believe me, it's needed.
Haha for me it's:

7:00 snooze
7:09 snooze
7:18 snooze
7:27 snooze
7:30 new alarm, snooze
7:36 snooze
7:39 snooze
7:45 snooze
7:48 snooze
7:54 end of first alarm
7:57 finally get up

Believe me, it's needed.

That's not good for you. I always feel like crap for the rest of the day when i do that.
That's not good for you. I always feel like crap for the rest of the day when i do that.

It's so wrong. During a weekend I wake up religiously at 7 with no alarm and feel fine. During a work day I would sleep right through and always feel like shit.

I also prefer work days to weekends usually so it baffles me.
Wake up.
Look at my clock.
Lay in bed and think.
Get out of bed.
Go pee, brush my teeth, check on my wrinkles.
Check my email.
Read some webcomics.
Forum; forum stuff.
Get a glass of water.
Listen to my sister; pretend I care.
Reply to the emails I feel are worthy.
Check my facebook, don't reply to anything.
Get another glass of water.
Listen to my sister yell.
Go outside. Do outside things. Determine the temperature.
Am joined by my nephew.
Play in the dirt.
Come inside, wash my hands.
Tinychat with Lee; stimulating conversations.
Continue to talk with people I haven't started ignorning yet until 1:00pm.
Devote my life to the children of other's.

So, what's a typical day in the life of YOU?


  • Toss and turn all night
  • Wake up tired (6:15-6:45 ballpark flawlessly without an alarm clock.)
  • Glance at the iPhone to see if anyone said anything interesting on facebook or twitter
  • Shower quickly
  • Dress modestly for work (I have not ever nor will I ever wear a tie.)
  • Meander out to the mini cooper and remotely command the soft-top to fold down (it's gotta be under 40 degrees and/or downpouring for me NOT to drive with the top down.) I mean, the thing is my own personal hair drier.
  • Turn right... wait at one modest length red light and then another modest length red light only to wait at a third and absurdly long red light.
  • Turn right...
  • pull a right-leaning loop up to the street above... turn right again
  • pull a weird loopy left turn through oncoming traffic, then take another left into the parking garage under the office building.
  • Unlock the doors (we're still talking 7:30am here) and go straight to the Keurig coffee machine and turn it on (needs about a minute to warm up.)
  • Refill the water reservoir since the odds are good no one else will have thought to do it
  • Turn on the iMac
  • Go back to the coffee with a K-cup of either chai tea or donut house chocolate donut-flavored coffee while waiting for the iMac to warm up
  • Head back to the iMac and sign in (my password is _______)
  • Hop back and forth between work and facebook and infjf and scotrade and deviantart and work all day (believe it or not, I get a lot more work done if I take regular brain breaks.)
  • Sit through the occasional meeting where one of the bosses brings in an indian drum he bought while in Colorado, or the other boss detailing how his son is also his 58th cousin 78 times removed (there's a chart that goes with this story)
  • Get the guy parked in front of me to come down to the garage 'round about 3:45 or 4pm so I can flee
  • Occasionally whip past the pentagon on my way to get groceries...
  • cook a meal for myself (typically consisting of creamy pesto, taco salad, chili, sweetbreads, etc.) which typically then takes 4 evenings to finish.
  • Tinker on personal projects (a blog, a novel, a game design.)
  • Chat with my crush
  • Spend about an hour in Oblivion
  • Sleep

How awesome am I!? =)
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