8.8 Earthquake in Chile.


maybe this was what was making me feel so wierd last evening, I blogged that some wierd feeling regarding the wealther (outside my window) was going on but I couldn't figure out just what. I thought it might just be some random second snow fall (the second one we would have had here, lol)...

But yea, I sensed something going on outside my window.

This is so unfortunate, and it's a real shame that Hawaii is under threat now too. I really hope the people will be ok, and be helped as quickly as possible.
this has been aweird winter here in Florida, it was really late and really cold when it got here. It's also been combined with rain and snow which is rediculous for Florida. I woder if this is a crazy time of the year for weather all over the world
I'm presently glues to the news...
Turn on your television to see Hawaii get hit w/ a tsunami.
strange Ria, rereading your post about sensing something outside but being unable to pin out what? I was outside last night too, very windy, cooling down, and the sky was darkening. I could feel something in the air, but couldn't place what... now im not trying to say that i felt the weather, which related to the Chile earthquake at all, i just remember feeling strange yesterday evening, thinking that the weather felt like a pathetic fallacy (english phrase right there) for some reason.
I watched one of the waves come in. I don't have any ill feelings about it. I think people through this event will mostly be ok. This will not be a repeat of haiti. Of course, we will lose lives over this, but people in chili are much more prepared for this sort of thing. Right now all we can do is hope and prey.

Yes, I have noticed many similar events going on lately with the planet. I have many opinions and theories on this, I just do not have the time to write them down at the moment, as it is quiet extensive. In a nutshell I can say that these sort of things are in a round about way, expected.
I watched one of the waves come in. I don't have any ill feelings about it. I think people through this event will mostly be ok. This will not be a repeat of haiti. Of course, we will lose lives over this, but people in chili are much more prepared for this sort of thing. Right now all we can do is hope and prey.

Yes, I have noticed many similar events going on lately with the planet. I have many opinions and theories on this, I just do not have the time to write them down at the moment, as it is quiet extensive. In a nutshell I can say that these sort of things are in a round about way, expected.

I know they are more prepared, still my heart can't cease to worry, the epicenter destroyed an area of the country which is the most heavily populated and there has been reported a lot of destruction in the structure, now for such a huge magnitude the death toll is rather low but is is still a large amount of deaths, now for an earthquake of such magnitude the country has been doing excellent, I just find it quite strange that 2 consecutive Earthquakes high on the Ritcher's scale affected 2 heavily populated areas. I will indeed hope and pray though, I just get very sensitive when this events happen.
death toll is at 245 currently. overall it is a larger scale then Haiti but much less impact. their infrastructure can handle it much better...
:( I pray that they all rest in peace (the dead ones)
I wonder at the patriotism of the looters, bank robbers and thieves that capitalised the morning after.

Anyways, the MMS scale was supposed to have replaced the Richter in the 70's, why does the media still issue reports with the latter?