
  1. Anomaly

    Jar of Fears

    Let's talk about fear. I'm curious if there will be any similarities amongst those here. If you were to fill in each of these jars with a particular amount based on your fears, what would your jars of fear look like? Here's a blank to fill out using whatever application you have on hand. I'll...
  2. Griffinheart

    Type 6 Not Liking Visitors

    I just realised this after my flatmate invited a bunch of people over. One of them I already knew and was already expecting, except the other I had no clue about. Usually I'm quite approachable and friendly in most circumstances, but to see someone I'm not used to seeing being inside my house...
  3. Gaze

    Introvert With High-Functioning Anxiety

    Here's an article on "15 Signs You’re an Introvert With High-Functioning Anxiety." How do you connect with some of these traits and how have you handled your anxiety? I'm asking because although I know I have anxiety, I...
  4. S

    My Greatest Fear: Love

    Hello to all. tbh this is just going to be a bit of a vent: a thought dump if you will. Basically, the greatest fear that I have identified thus far is my fear of love. I am afraid of being in a romantic relationship more than probably anything. Being a bit of a psychology nerd I find this fact...
  5. M

    [INFJ] Need your advice on INFJ career problems!

    I'm an INFJ, (24 years old, female) I studied social work and had several jobs for a short period but i'm still struggling to find what I want and can do. It's not easy in my country to find a job as a social worker so when I was searching for a job I first worked as a childcare worker, which...
  6. Impact Character

    Check Ups & Self Care for Types

    It's important to have a good relationship with yourself, and we all need some care for ourselves every now and then, so I thought to give it a shot and gather some findings in here (mostly regarding MBTI, Enneagram, Archetypes but also in general). I would like this to be a place for sharing...
  7. Sandie33

    [INFJ] INFJ Creativity & Self Care

    Hi Everyone ...putting this little booklet here in hopes that it's informative to others. I ran across a website for creatives and it was a free download. There is quite a bit of info packed into a small space. ;) ***link deleted*** Creativity can be a wellness tool for those of us who...
  8. MrSquared

    Concerning Anxiety

    As a trait of self, would you say that you're high in anxiety? Or not so much? I only ask because the longer I'm alive and the more people I interact with, the more I suspect that I am a rather anxious person by nature. Aka, if I permit myself to be left alone with certain thoughts, I'm quite...
  9. Sandie33

    [INFJ] LIFE IN AN OVERACTIVE MIND : Intuition and Mindfulness

    INFJ Mental Disorders, Health & Emotional Sensitivity I want to talk a bit about INFJs and mental health, something that seem to be a quite popular and reacquiring subject out there. Unfortunately mental health is somewhat a struggle for many INFJs and there are many misconceptions concerning...
  10. schubert4life

    Stress, Burnout, Anxiety et al. in your work

    Hi, This will be my first post to this forum after taking a test which seems to identify me with the INFJ personality type. I have struggled to find a convincing answer to dealing with stress, burnout, anxiety 'et al.' when it comes to work, so thought I would try here since it seems I face the...
  11. WadeINFJ

    Eliminated my Anxiety with this Supplement

    Both parents are suffers of extreme anxiety which neither of them decided to do anything about it. As ive gotten older my anxiety especially social anxiety has come to some pretty extreme cases. When i look back to certain stages of my life where my anxiety had peaked ive come to realize a few...
  12. Night Owl

    [INFJ] What's Your Experience of Anxiety and How do You Cope?

    There's probably a thread somewhere already on this topic, but I couldn't find one and it's poignant enough anyway to resurrect it from the grave of the forum's past. Indeed, no doubt anxiety has been a common experience throughout humanity's history, but it seems today's climate is particular...
  13. Scientia

    Science Links Anxiety to High IQs, Sentinel Intelligence, Social Anxiety Psychic Gift

    What do you think of this? Although Western medicine has radically transformed our world for the better, and given rise to some of the most remarkable...