
  1. C

    [ENFP] I have feelings for my unavailable new INFJ friend, help me

    ENFP here. I met an INFJ 2 months ago (we work together). We got on like a house on fire from the second we met, we talk about everything - philosophy, psychology, history, music, travel, MBTI lol... We share the same crazy opinions and theories about the world and other people. Things that...
  2. M

    [INFJ] Need your advice on INFJ career problems!

    I'm an INFJ, (24 years old, female) I studied social work and had several jobs for a short period but i'm still struggling to find what I want and can do. It's not easy in my country to find a job as a social worker so when I was searching for a job I first worked as a childcare worker, which...
  3. QuietBrave


    Obviously education and career choice aren't based solely on MBTI type, lol, but I am curious what subjectively your favorite/recommended college majors would be for INFJ and ENFP in particular, or for various types and functions in general. I know I could google this (have in the past) and see...
  4. L

    What's going on with him?

    This man, who is my therapist, had said something to me that made me feel uncertain about how he views me. I had told him once that I liked him as a therapist. Right after I had made that comment, he told me that he was glad that I had said that and that I’ve always been his favorite client...
  5. D

    Do you guys know what this means?

    Last week I was staring into space & i was staring at the trash can & i see the girl i liked looking at me while she was walking over to throw something in the trash can. Then later I was staring at the wall & when i look over she was Leaning her Head Against her Hand While looking at me &...
  6. Rycka

    Top 3 Dating lessons

    Hey You! Yes, YOU! Are you sitting on your chair right now? No? if so, then sit down, there's no need to read while standing up. :grinning: You're wise and probably wise beyond your years. When you look back you see life full of experience, sorrows and joy, but let me ask a quick...
  7. S

    HELP! ENFP trying to read an INFJ

    So, there is a lot to my current situation. Please hang in there with me. :) I am in my mid 30's and just moved overseas this summer to start a new job. I am at a weird place in life where I am (maybe?) coming to terms with my sexuality. I have been religious most of my life, which might be...
  8. INFJ_katy

    Too Nice?

    Has anyone ever wanted to break up with a significant other, but you're just too nice to do it? You put their happiness before yours, and you just carry this burden around with you because you'd rather feel uneasy than disrupt their lives? I've honestly been going through this kind of situation...
  9. D

    [INFJ] Some reflections on my relationship with my ESFP SO (and questions/advice?)

    Hi all... Just joined to post this. Essentially I have been looking for some general relationship advice and I thought some advice from fellow INFJs would be a good place to start... Sorry if this is long. If you want the TLDR version, basically I have broken up with my ESFP partner of 4...
  10. D

    [INFJ] Some reflections on my relationship with my ESFP SO (and questions/advice?)

    Hi all... Just joined to post this. Essentially I have been looking for some general relationship advice and I thought some advice from fellow INFJs would be a good place to start... Sorry if this is long. If you want the TLDR version, basically I have broken up with my ESFP partner of 4...