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  • sure, i don't defend it; i was just translating what my friend said about it, and my own confirmation that within the right car it doesn't even feel inappropriate - it feels as if the car works great at this speed and is in total control. but i don't even understand what's the purpose of being so much in a hurry.

    oh, okay, let it be the same format then. i wanted it to not be HIGH, (i.e. landscape, not portrait), so that my posts do not extend the page vertically. but it probably doesn't matter, because most people have large screens

    "mind the gap" is in the subway to avoid falling in the gap (space) between the waiting station and the train. However, the Englishmen have really liked the phrase itself, and even sell it on badges:

    It means "Keep in mind that there is space between us", or "stay away from me", it's an isolating, alienating phrase, very typical for the Englishmen. It is exactly the opposite of what ENFP does, we tend to run freely everywhere and hug people without asking for permission. :) So I liked how it looks on the subway ramp, and wanted to put one word "DON'T" above it, so that it becomes "don't mind the gap", meaning, "we aren't so separate", "the border between us is an illusion" etc.

    i hope that makes it more clear ;) just explained because you asked, but as i said i don't necessarily insist on this idea; i trust your own judgment to be better for the occasion, and i really like your taste/aesthetics
    I hate to say this but I am not sure. I found out recently that I won't be keeping my job so I am trying to cut all my debt. It all depends on what I find my next step is.
    I love it! Thanks for being so thoughtful - it's just perfect, thank you so much! (((HUGS!)))
    odd argument, indeed; i'm in germany currently and a friend of mine did something similar when we were driving to luxembourg once. he claimed the police won't ever charge you if you are within 20km/h above the limit, which was something like 140 in his case; anyway.. i think those super high speeds depend very much on the car. We were with rented BMW of the latest class, and it had so much power that those 140 didn't feel uncomfortable at all, i knew we could hit 200 easily; with other cars even 100 is distressing

    aah arguing about historical past usually doesn't make much sense, cause it's too inter-related; i agree with you on that one. but that still doesn't mean like looking at different viewpoints, just that it's a very complex problem --- i think there shouldn't be so much tolerance to viewpoints, because obviously each one of them is flawed, hence the right viewpoint in such cases is to be able to incorporate them into a complex analysis

    wow, very lucky with the planes then; but how do you go back - by car? mmm, the picture is not a joke, it's what they write on the floor of the london subway, and it's a cult english phrase, because of this -- i would like the negation of it. :) But actually, I like your intuition better than mine, so please feel free to use anything else, I do not insist much on this idea, it's only one of many. I wanted this avatar to be less space-taking, i.e. less height, more width; minimalistic somehow..
    heh, you got me interested about what exactly were you arguing (: i know very well what you mean, i feel similarly (to him) sometimes when arguing with T/F-dominant people who insist a lot on uncertainty, looking from all angles, and having democratic adoption of all viewpoints. Meanwhile I'm ready to be criticized, but if I'm shown what's the other right answer; I don't appreciate that much to be told that there are just many answers to different people, simultaneously. I mean, this shouldn't matter, because there should be one common truth, after all.

    I thought the planes were not flying, good that you managed. :) may now apply for your kind avatar designing, if you are still in the mood for those and would agree. Don't know how it works though. I was thinking about writing "don't mind the gap" using a crop and resize of this image:
    ENTPs can be quite disrespectful sometimes, if they see you take some idealistic belief very deeply and seriously. I don't know what I think. I contemplate the world around me. Reflect. Find patterns. Sometimes come up with a haiku, in my head. :) What about you? You got to Barca by car probably?
    I do that sometimes too, it's nobody's fault actually, rather it's that we DON'T KNOW very well our inner worlds. Even if we spend a lot of time by ourselves contemplating we still would have difficulties explaining what we have found.
    ah, that's only one side of ExFP-ness, but the other sides are less known ;)
    even ESFPs have long introspective periods, let alone ENFPs. I think the difference is that for extroverts introspection is weakness, which they do not feel comfortable explaining to others, whereas introverts are able to tell others about their introverted exploration much better, and it gets them stronger; so in the end, not much is known about the inner life of ENTJs, for example

    wow, beautiful photos :) :) :)
    Thanks so much for the postcard. You're so right - it is an elfish building! I'd love to live there. Hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead, my friend. :)
    Hope work isn't too much of a drag after your nice trip. Thank you very much for sending me a card. I'll let you know when it arrives. :)
    That is correct, as children we are what (mostly) the family environment makes us, so the popular image of the innocent kid doesn't happen on its own. So when I say this, it's probably more correct to say that's how I've been. You say you couldn't seem to make friends in high school - did you wanted? Oh, such nagging people as your co-owner are really distressful for me too. :/ It must have been pretty disturbing for you. Wow, overall you sound as you've been quite distrustful in recent time. That must be very painful from within. Don't worry, it's not really up to you. And it can change, as long as conditions change. I do it by shifting my expectations and demands to unexplored areas, undesired by others. As long as someone fights for, or possesses, things that other people desire, there will be mischief and distrust. Living in such mental state is too hurting for my character, so I prefer to avoid it, as much as I can. You will find out people do not trick you and may even be generous and helpful, if you do not stand in their way to their (temporary) goals.

    "Every time I get a boyfriend (or even close friends) I get so connected with how he wants me to be (at least how I think he wants me to be) and I loose the contact with myself. Now that I go to an empty place every evening, my place, it is easy to get back in touch. I never seem able to disconnect with that other person because I need to know his state of mind all the time" -> I can understand that part very well... It must be even tougher from your part. I've had a few relationships, but fortunately the popular male image probably allows more comfortable mental position. Women are so good, I wonder sometimes why would they want to go out with men anyway. (lol) I believe in life-long relationship with just one woman (not as dogmatic obligation or vow of mine, just that it would be something i would enjoy, i like the idea and the devotion), but not in other definitions about how family looks like, social roles etc. I believe if I find the woman with whom we are well suited, it would be probably accidental. What really bothers me about love relationships is that they seem so intertwined with the cycles of life struggle, people's jobs, wealth, social status; somehow this is not the love I imagine should be. In my mind, I see an age of true love possible when people become less and less concerned with struggling to gain such material or honorable rewards, and their whole perspective to life is changed to more freedom and less distrust. Otherwise, I feel love is more of a war than love. I wouldn't like my kids to be raised in such 'war' conditions.
    Hi Morgain! Ugh, that does not sound fun with your colleague... I guess you have to listen to your gut, huh? Believe me, I've had problems like that in the past, and all I can say is be careful. I wouldn't want you to get hurt.
    Hey! I took a break for bit - then warm weather kicked in here, so I have been gardening like a mad woman!
    Compared to any IxxP one can safely say that the corresponding ExxP doesn't have as strong core. Or rather, we lose touch with it, and need help to maintain it. INFJs are very helpful for us in this regard, because as counselors they understand other people's core even if the other people may feel lost.

    I've run through similar period(s) of cynicism, but it's ALWAYS due to external influence (like ENTJs, for some reason I've always had a lot of ENTJs as closest friends); and then each time I "find myself" and throw away this cynicism and return to innocence. I am currently as innocent as I've been as child and that feels great, so great and so true. I regret spending a second in a more misanthropic and distrustful mode. I hope it never happens to me again, but I can't be sure, because I know how easy it is for me to be pushed away from it. I'm willing to sacrifice almost anything else from my life in order to keep this innocence alive.

    Yes, NFPs are not as strong as NFJs to "fight" for their idealism, or more precisely when they fight they are more likely to end up bad, but that doesn't mean the idealism in itself is flawed. :) Also, systems like MBTI give me a lot of confidence that there are many many people out there who are capable of viewing reality similarly, and it's not odd or stupid to be an idealist.

    I'm interested in this Chinese study/belief, if you have sources for further reading, it would be great to check out. In any case, this issue would be interesting to test properly with geometric pattern models.
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